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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

College Tuition - Expensive Or Inexpensive University

By Vickie Faria

When it comes to college, most students have an idea of which one they would like to attend. Reasons for their selection may be because they know other students that attend a particular college or because they have heard good things about a particular program of study there.

Another factor that often influences a student's decision on where to attend college is the price of college tuition. Depending on a student's budget, they may choose to go to a smaller university to save on college tuition. Larger, more prestigious universities often charge much more for college tuition because more students want to attend them. Just because they charge more, this does not mean that you will automatically get a better education. True, these more expensive universities probably have specific fields of study which are known for their high standards, but for the most part, regardless of where you attend college and how much you pay in college tuition, academic achievement depends primarily on you ambition and how much effort you put in.

In addition, although the fact that you graduated from a prestigious university that charges more for college tuition may look good on a resume, what employers care most about is whether or not you have relevant work experience such as from a college internship. A college internship is where most students gain needed experience to land a competitive career. Employers will likely put more weight on what you gained from your college internship than on the name of you university.

More information on college tuition and College Works Painting in your area is just a click away.

College Internships - How Much Do They Pay?

By Vickie Faria

Work experience that is relevant to a future career is an invaluable asset for students to have. It can be very difficult to be hired for a career position without having previous experience. With this in mind, many students are left scrambling trying to find a job where they can gain the needed experience.

A college internship is one way that the majority of students are able to gain relevant work experience. When considering taking on a college internship, however, a common question that arises is how much an internship college normally pays. There is really no set way to explain how much a typical college internship pays because it varies greatly from internship to internship.

Some internship college opportunities do not pay anything, so students that decide to take on one of these should decide whether or not they can afford an unpaid college internship before taking on the opportunity. Some students that take on unpaid internships are reimbursed in other ways such as receiving free housing for the length of the internship or having their travel expenses covered if they have to travel anywhere during the internship.

Other internship opportunities however offer basically unlimited earning potential depending on the effort level of the student and commitment to the position.

Many college internship opportunities pay about the same as any other job students could work at their skill level. In any of these internship college opportunities, an understanding of the payment level should be made before taking on the position. This will help avoid any misunderstanding and miscommunications that could arise between the students and the employer.

More information on college internship opportunities and College Works Painting in your area is just a click away.

College Internship - Impressing Your Boss

By Vickie Faria

Many students work through college. They work not only to support themselves financially and to save money for the college price tag, but they also work to build references that they will need after graduating from college in order to be hired for a competitive job in their career field.

One way that many students establish references is through their college internship. A college internship is not only a great way to gain valuable work experience but also to meet influential members of your community. With this in mind, if you are taking an internship college with the hopes of building references to list of your resume, you probably will not be able to just coast through the college internship and just do the minimum amount of required work.

In order to impress your boss at your internship college, it is a good idea to go above and beyond as often as possible. When you are assigned projects by your boss, think of ways that you can really make the project shine and grab the attention of your college internship boss. It is also helpful to always show an eagerness to work. If you come to work with a smile on your face and a positive attitude, this will go a long ways in grabbing the attention of your boss and showing them that you really do care about the college internship and are grateful for the opportunity to work for their company.

At the end of your internship college, if you are confident that your boss would give you a positive reference to future employers, ask them if they are willing to let you list them as a reference. In addition, whenever you use them as a reference, be sure to send a thank you note to show your appreciation.

More information on college internship opportunities and College Works Painting in your area is just a click away.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Why Do Colleges Need to See My SAT I Scores? Aren't My Grades and SAT II Scores Enough?

By Danny McLorry

Colleges use your SAT I scores to assess your readiness to do the tough academic work of college. The SAT I does something that your high school transcript can't, namely, assess your general academic problem solving skills. Course grades are, unfortunately, far from an objective measure of your academic ability. Teachers occasionally inflate or deflate grades for reasons unrelated to intellectual ability, and there are no objective standards for grading among schools, or even among teachers in the same school. Achievement tests like the SAT IIs are more objective, but they are designed to assess subject knowledge rather than problem-solving skills. Of course, subject knowledge is critical to a good education, but it is only a part of the puzzle. Also, much subject matter can be memorized and forgotten. Knowledge is effective only when it is incorporated into a meaningful and robust way of solving problems. The SAT I, although not perfect, does a good job of measuring how well you reason under pressure, an important academic and life skill.

Doesn't the SAT I do a poor job of predicting first-year college grades? In fact, SAT I scores do correlate very well with real academic success, that is, professional success in an academic field. In many ways, this is more important to colleges than predicting grades. Some students can get good grades without showing great intellectual ability, by "playing the game" of school.The SAT I is often able to distinguish these students from the good thinkers. Rather than predicting your

grades, your SAT I scores indicate your ability to read critically, write well, solve math problems intelligently, and think under pressure. The SAT I is not designed to predict how well you'll play the college grading game.

Admissions officers understand that grades often don't reflect sheer intellect, so they don't want a test that simply predicts grades. They value SAT I scores because they assess some of the reasoning skills that make people successful in life, regardless of their grades. They also provide a way of comparing students from widely varying academic backgrounds.

College admissions officers know that high SAT I scores don't guarantee college success, but they also know that the scores indicate to some degree how ready you are to do college work.

Find more information about the SAT Test by visiting our free SAT Preparation website.

College Campuses Must Expand Satellite Offices Due to Transportation Costs

By Lance Winslow

Community Colleges have noted a sharp increase in their attendance in 2008 and this is mostly due to the economy. High School Students' parents cannot send them to a 4-year University right away, so they send they go get a 2-year degree and a job and then attempt to transfer later. Indeed, the fuel costs are also preventing folks from going to a University without living right near campus. Meaning more folks need to go to college locally. But what happens when even the community college is a far distance away?

With attendance up at the community colleges these colleges must expand. That coupled with the sluggish economy which is causing job lay-offs means more folks will need to be re-trained, however, if the classes are full more money must be pumped into the system for more instructors, teachers and professors, plus more buildings. Still, the buildings need to be scattered around to allow for all the students to get there, thus, the community colleges need more campuses.

This means that the community colleges need to do what some of the Universities are doing now and that is to put out satellite campuses in the suburbs. I remember when I attended college, I went to the community college first and it was 35 miles away, today that would be a little tougher with the price of fuel, and cause many students to re-consider, which means the community colleges are not doing their job for our society.

It's time to ramp up our community college system and that means more satellite campuses, more online options and more allotted taxpayer funds to see it to fruition. Please consider this, because if we fail to educate our next generation in this technology era we cannot sustain this civilization.

"Lance Winslow" - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Cutting Through the Confusion on Nursing Education Choices

By Jennifer Charleston

Nursing education choices can be confusing at times but after you wade through all the options you will find an education path that is right for you.

Nurse education involves both practical and theoretical study. The purpose of this education is to prepare nursing students for working in a professional medical environment. Most educational institutions will allow you to branch out into specialty nursing careers after you have gained experience in the main nursing line of work.

Nursing registration education generally takes four years of study. There are also post graduate courses you can chose to take to specialize in an area of nursing, but this can be undertaken after you have some work experience if you choose.

Most nurse education now takes place within universities. Almost every university has a nursing section so inquiring at your local school will present you with the options there. Alternatively you may also choose to study online (although practical work will still be required) or to study at a university or specialist nursing college that lies outside your residential area. Your choice of nursing education facility should take into account various factors like accessibility, cost, facilities and many other factors.

Online nursing education, as mentioned above, is gaining momentum in many countries. Because many prospective nurses still must work part time whilst completing their degree, they often do not have the time to attend university.

What are the advantages to studying nursing online?

1. You can continue working, either inside or outside the nursing industry, whilst you study. This means you will not experience financial hardship.

2. Study at your own time and in your own place, so no need to travel to college.

3. Choose how long to make your degree run for. You can get it over with quickly or study on a part time basis.

4. Choose from many different schools rather than being tied to those in your local area.

These benefits are just a few of the reasons why more and more people are taking nursing education online. With that said, nothing can replace practical hands on experience so gaining employment or volunteering part time in a hospital will compliment your studies.

A nursing career is a rewarding one so make sure your nursing education is spent learning as much as you possibly can about this most meaningful and important of careers.

Does a career as a nurse sound interesting to you? Learn everything from information about the nursing shortage to nursing career choices. It's all available at

Choosing a Nursing School Made Simple

By Jennifer Charleston

Choosing a nursing school is one of the most important decisions you will make in your career. Once you have decided to be a nurse you must choose a school that meets your needs and desired outcomes. There are a variety of factors to consider when choosing a nursing school so ensuring you choose one that matches your career goals is vital.

Some schools let you become a nurse volunteer whilst studying so if that is your preference then finding a school that has this program is imperative. You can also have the choice of either a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) course or a Registered Nurse (RN) degree. These programs will allow you to look for work after completing your course.

Other factors to consider when choosing a nursing school include:

Accreditation: You will only want to attend a nationally accredited nursing school. This states that the school meets the minimum standards and course requirements for the nursing industry. Only accredited schools are recognized by employers in the nursing industry.

- Location: Will you attend a school near home for convenience or is there a school further away that meets your needs better? If that is the case, how will you travel there?

- Size of classes: Do you prefer small personal classes or large university type lectures? Some people enjoy a small school that promotes interaction whilst other people are more passive learners. Research the class size and format of each school before applying.

- Clinical Rotation: Not all schools get a good amount of clinical rotation time. You will want your clinical placements to be varied and challenging and also to provide practical hands on experience. The only way to find this out is often to ask former or current students, or a head teacher.

- Cost: Will you attend a public or private nursing school? Private schools naturally cost more but they often have better facilities. Weigh up the pros and cons of each option before deciding.

- Exam Pass Rates: Find out what the average scores are for the past five years and if a high percentage of students are graduating. If most students are passing with good scores then the school is likely excellent.

A nursing degree is an excellent career choice and one that is highly rewarding as you are helping to make people's lives better on a daily basis. Choosing a nursing school is just the first very important step to your wonderful career working as a nurse.

Interested in knowing what the average lpn salary is? Discover this and other nursing career information at

Free College Education Exists

By Debbie Dragon

As high school seniors begin making plans to go to college, the financial reality of it all begins to set in for their parents. Sure, it's usually pretty easy for students and their parents to get approved for college loans to pay for whatever you can't pay upfront - but does anyone really want to graduate with tens of thousands (or more) in college loans? It's a rude awakening for college graduates to enter the "real world" after earning their degrees with all of that debt on their shoulders.

Since most of us don't come from families who are able to pull the cost of a college education out of their back pocket - you'll probably be interested (if not completely surprised) to discover that there are a number of colleges in the United States that offer 100% tuition-free education. In exchange for free tuition, many of the colleges expect students to work 10 or 15 hours in a job related to their field of study, but this could only be seen as an advantage! You graduate debt free, and with work experience for your resume.

Alice Lloyd College

Located in Kentucky, Alice Lloyd College offers guaranteed tuition to full time students from 108 counties. The university is a highly respected, private four year liberal arts college, offering degree programs in Education, Natural Science and Math, Social Sciences and Humanities. There are four residence halls (two for males and two for females) and students are required to live on campus unless commuting from an immediate family member's home. A variety of sports and activities round out campus life.

Berea College

Another free tuition school located in Kentucky, Berea College was founded in 1855 and currently spends more than $24,000 per student, per year, to provide each admitted student with a free education. There are more than 28 degree programs leading to bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degrees. The college offers more than 50 clubs and organizations, sports teams and on-campus facilities that make your stay comfortable. More than 50% of Berea students get to study abroad, as well.

Room and board are not included in the free tuition - and total around $6,000 per year. With additional financial aid provided by the school, many students pay nothing towards these expenses as well - or pay discounted amounts. You can apply to Berea - without an application fee, too!

All students work at least 10 hours per week on campus.

The Cooper Union

Founded in 1859 by philanthropist, Peter Cooper, The Cooper Union is one of the nations oldest colleges. It's located in New York City and offers programs in architecture, art, science and engineering fields. All enrolled students receive 100% tuition scholarships, estimated at $33,000 per year. Students attending The Cooper Union are responsible for paying room and board, miscellaneous fees and general living expenses.

There are a number of clubs and activities for students to participate in, as well as athletics.

Webb Institute

Also located in New York City, the Webb Institute is a college for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering fields of study. Tuition is free, and there are no laboratory fees, library fees or course fees. Students are expected to contribute to their room and board expenses, which average $7550 per year, as well as some other basic living expenses and drafting equipment.

Located on Long Island Sound, students tend to sail or water ski in their spare time. Students have access to the local YMCA at no charge, as well as programs in music and athletics.

College of the Ozarks

Located in Minnesota, The College of the Ozarks has been named Stone Cold Sober School by the Princeton Review for ten consecutive years. Students are not permitted alcohol or drugs on or off campus. It's largely a Christian school, offering tuition in exchange for work rather than pay. The college does not participate in federal loan programs, either, and discourages debt.

There are sports teams for both men and women. All students work 15 hours per week and two 40 hour work weeks during their stay on campus. Students must stay on campus unless they are over 21 years old or live with parents/immediate relatives, or are married.

Learn more money saving tips to help you stay within your budget at

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Internship College - How to Choose One

By Violet Williams

Many students search for job opportunities during their college years to gain enough experience to be hired for a high paying job after graduation. Although it can sometimes be tough to find a job that offers this type of experience while you are still in college, it is possible.

One way to gain the experience needed to land a good job is to complete an internship college. Many students choose to complete a college internship for this reason but sometimes it can be hard choosing which one to accept. If you are lucky enough to be offered multiple internship college opportunities, you should think through each opportunity before accepting an offer.

Every internship college opportunity will offer you a different experience, so if you have multiple offers, be sure to research each company to decide which would be the best fit for you.

Another thing to take into consideration is how much each internship college will be willing to pay you. While money is not everything, if you need to earn money during your college internship, how much each one is willing to pay could be one of the main deciding factors. In addition, some internship college opportunities are unpaid, so be sure you are clear on what each is offering before accepting an offer.

If you can, take a tour of each college internship company to get a feel for where you would be working and also for the type of people you would be working with, because these are also major factors that will determine where you would be the happiest and most successful.

More information on internship college opportunities and College Works Painting in your area is just a click away.

Is College Worth Your Time? An Insider's Observation

By Ken Nobo

Before you sink in $30,000 and 4 years for college, let me tell you 2 shocking things society don't want you to know about when it comes to success in life. Reading this article may save you four years time and tons of money, so take your time to read it carefully.

1. College trains you to become an obedient worker.

The first thing about college is that trains you to become an obedient worker. Nothing wrong with that. You go to the office, you listen to your boss, you put in the time, you get paid. How obedient. How boring.

Do you want to become a teacher lawyer or accountant? Then go to college - that's perfectly fine because we need these people! I have nothing against that. But what I hate is useless majors ... like English and History. Oh brother.

Understand that college trains you to work for somebody else ... making them rich. Have you ever thought of going into business for yourself, or learning how to make money without a job? It's not that hard - take it from me dropped out of high school - and I'm doing perfectly fine without a job.

2. College hides you from the "real world".

I know a woman who has 6 degrees and work as a secretary at a local radio station. It's a bit of an extreme example but understand that college is just really High School version 2.0

You're in class making friends and taking notes. You're not making money and working in a job like the "real adults" do in the ... real world. Also note that there are a ton of students out there who graduated but work for minimum wage in menial jobs.

To be honest with you, making money on the Internet during your spare time is easy if you know what to do. Come to my website and grab my free report, "Newbie $2500/month Income System". I'm not trying to sell you anything but rather hope you learn how to make money on the Internet so you'll never be broke again.

Grab the "Newbie $2500/month Income System" report here:

I've been making money on the Internet since 2006, and I'm a nobody. Maybe you're a nobody. Nobodys can still make money on the Internet. Maybe you just want to make $50-100 a day on the Internet. That's doable, it's not that hard if you know what to do. Click on my website to get started:

The October 2008 LSAT

By Jeffrey Weir

The October LSAT exam is almost upon us. This article will cover pre-test LSAT prep and also what to do if you receive an average or below average LSAT score.

First, you need to find an LSAT prep program that meets all of your needs. In my 10 years of experience the best programs for LSAT preperation meet the following criteria: 1) they are easy to obtain 2) they are affordable 3) they have been peer reviewed by law school admissions professionals and 4) they have a proven track record of results. There is really no reason to go out and try to chase down an obscure or hard to find program that isn't affordable and that has no demonstrabale record of success.

Second, if you're worried about how you did on the October LSAT test you are probably over thinking your situation.

It is critical to realize that law schools want you - really they are starting to have no other choice. What do I mean? Law school applications are generally way down in law schools throughout the United States following on average 3-5% per year. High tuition rates are finally turning away prospective students.

For students still in interested in attending law school this means that minimum LSAT scores and minimum GPAs (and averages) of the incoming classes of 2009-10 will be lower than what you will find published by U.S. News and World Report. Thus, this is a great time to aim high and set your target on schools that you might otherwise not be optimistic about.

Plus, prospective students should look towards leveraging their current LSAT score. The internet is full of great tips to make yourself more appealing to law schools regardless of your LSAT score. Simply do a few searches and you will find that tweaking your personal statements, and getting the perfect letter of reference can go a long, long way towards making your dreams of becoming a lawyer possible.

Jeffrey Weir is a consultant, author and law school expert. His site about the October LSAT has helped countless students prepare for the exam. For students concerned about their results, check this helpful article on October LSAT Results. If you are getting ready for the December 2008 LSAT exam more information can be found at this site December LSAT dedicated to the exam.

How to Find the Right College

By Gio Rigters

You want to attend college, but you need help choosing one. There are too many colleges available to attend. So where can you find them? Which one is the right one? And what do you need to pay attention to?

First of all there does not have to be one top college or university that fits your needs, there might be more. Many people switched from one top college to another but did not see a major difference.

This situation does not always happen, as some students transferred from a community college to a university and they liked the university so much they wished they had skipped the community college.

You can look in your area to find the right college to attend. The advantage of doing this is that you can visit and see if you like the campus. This is important because you do not want to attend a college you do not like.

Another thing you can do is look online to find colleges. It is fast, easy, and you do not have to waste gas by driving to a campus. The internet has made it really easy to get the information you need. You can also find accredited online colleges from the comfort at your home.

The whole process is quite easy: look online first and find all the options you have in your area online. Narrow it down to a couple and request their information, but don't make your choice yet.

Once you have found and reviewed the interesting ones, call to make an appointment to talk to an advisor in person; this way you speak to a representative, maybe even some students and you get to visit the college to see if you like it.

Find Your Top College Now At CollegeBasis, finding the right college to attend.

Understand What Studying Abroad Entails With These Tips

By Anne Harvester

When you hear the term studying abroad, what do you think of? The first thing should be all of the wonderful educational opportunities there will be. The chance to study abroad in Hong Kong is a once in a lifetime experience for a student of any age. It gives them a way to develop more room for improvements in the social and academic aspect of the world. Let's not also forget about the psychological development that a year abroad Japan can offer.

It makes perfect sense to study abroad in Singapore when you think about it. Where else would you get the opportunity to learn a new language and to understand what is going on around the world? Participating in a semester abroad Japan increases your job marketability as well as your cultural experiences.

However, finding a study abroad Malaysia program is not easy as you may think. Don't choose something that's not right for you. Here are some points to look for:

1. The chance to learn about and understand better a new culture - Learning the ins and outs of a different country's culture through a semester abroad Japan helps you develop a better culturally understanding of the sensitivities of others.

2. Learn more about foreign politics - Understanding foreign politics is a skill that not too many people possess. It's especially attractive for businesses that deal with foreign companies. If something needs to be done which requires an understanding of the politics of the foreign country in question, you'll be able to do so very easily in part to your study abroad in Hong Kong.

3. Immersion is the best way to learn a foreign language - Spending a large amount of time with people of a different country during your study abroad in Singapore, makes it much easier to learn the language. This is especially true compared to studying in a classroom.

4. Become more patient and flexible- By a semester abroad Japan, you learn to be patient and flexible in your approach in your own various aspects of life. Having to face unfamiliar circumstances in a country not your own forces you to.

When you study abroad in Hong Kong, you gain so many more advantages over people in your job field, not to mention a better, all around person. A year abroad Japan transforms you from an ordinary student to one that is competitive, responsible and independent. That international exposure from study abroad Malaysia causes you to adapt seamlessly to different cultures. The modern day competitive business world will be a piece of cake compared to your life.

You can see why a study abroad Singapore influences a student's all-around development, gaining an adaptive and progressive attitude.

Anne is a graduate student who spent time studying a year abroad japan majoring in international studies. Study abroad malaysia program led to her experience growing in these studies, such as the study abroad in Singapore program.

Things to Do Before Studying Abroad in Asia

By Anne Harvester

I've talked to many students who ask me if a study abroad in Hong Kong program is worth it. My answer to every one of them is an astounding yes. Even if the standard of education in your current school or university is excellent, it still can't compare to the educational experience a student will enjoy when they study abroad in Asia.

A study abroad South Korea program is a fun yet amazing experience. So many students dream of leaving the country, but a study abroad Asia program is your chance to just that. However, these programs are more than getting on an airplane and arriving.

Here are a few pieces of advice you should think about before signing up to study abroad Hong Kong:

Your visas, passports and official documentation - It doesn't matter if you are part of a study abroad Asia program or signing up for a school-sponsored exchange program, you will need a valid passport as well as specific documents mandatory for certain countries. I recommend visiting the U.S. Department of State's travel portal for a list of documents you'll need in order to study abroad in Asia. It's a good idea to apply as early as possible for a visa if you don't have one already.

Currency exchange rate - It doesn't matter where you are going to study abroad in Asia. You better know what type of cash you'll need. Look up the exchange rate for that specific country and try to get a basic understand of what their currency is worth compared to the U.S. dollar.

Stay safe - Be sure to check out the U.S. Department of State's list of travel warnings for Americans abroad. It provides information about potential threats to Americans overseas. True, you won't need to worry to much when you study abroad in Hong Kong but you still don't want to wander in or near an unsafe area. My rule of thumb is to avoid any political demonstrations while you study abroad in Asia, even if your inner activist aches.

Living arrangement - I know a study abroad Asia program takes up a lot of your free time with classes or a enjoying a fun night out on the town, but you're still going to need somewhere to sleep at night. Some schools provide residence halls, but pay attention to their rules and restrictions. In some instances, you'll be staying with a host family. Pick a dictionary and maybe learn a few of their some basic phrases and sayings before you study abroad South Korea.

Keep in touch with family - You're going to want to stay in close contact with your family and friends during your time study abroad Korea and sometimes e-mail just doesn't cut it. Talk to your school or search online for international cell phones and plans. Before you leave find out if your cellphone can be used overseas and what types of fees will be charged.

Anne is a graduate student who spent time study abroad korea majoring in international studies. Study abroad south Korea program led to her experience growing in these studies, such as the study abroad in Hong Kong program.

Pursuing an MBA Business Degree Economics Can Increase Your Marketability

By Andy West

The recent downturn in the economy has many people playing armchair quarterback over decisions made by the Federal Reserve during the last few years. These guys are supposed to be geniuses when it comes to economics, right? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize that there may have been errors in judgment regarding interest rates and home financing. Think you could do better than Bernanke or Greenspan? Don't even think about being considered for such a high ranking position until you have an MBA Business Economics Degree.

An MBA Business Economics Degree goes beyond basic economics. The person in charge of making decisions regarding one of the strongest economies in the world will be required to have knowledge and expertise in the following areas: monetary policy, advanced economic theories like macro and micro economics, international markets and foreign trading, an understanding of leading economic indicators, - just to name a few. This person would need to be able to analyze economic issues quickly and accurately, as well as be able to assess and consider alternative economic policies to help achieve stability in a tumultuous economy.

Still want to pursue your dream of chairing the Federal Reserve? Then you definitely want to start looking at schools that have serious MBA Business Economics programs. There are several institutions of higher learning that offer such a degree program. Take the time to investigate several of them and the coursework they offer to ensure that their curriculum is in line with your career goals. In addition to accounting and finance coursework, they should offer courses that cover trade and finance theory, past and current trade issues, international economic organizations and their agreements and impacts on the world economy, econometrics and statistics.

The program should also offer hands-on experiences which will allow you to experience real world obstacles and challenges in the world of business and finance. It should provide opportunities for you to work with companies that will teach about corporate mergers and acquisitions, supply chain management and product development. By the time you are finished obtaining your degree, you will have knowledge and expertise in all of these areas, along with managerial skills and a firm knowledge and understanding of business ethics and economic practices and theory.

If you decide you want to focus on a particular area of economics, look for MBA programs that offer areas of specialized interest, such as the study of poverty economics, which deals with the effect that poverty has on overall economic stability or economic crime investigation and management, which prepares graduates to deal with economic fraud and corporate crime. These types of specialized programs make an MBA graduate highly marketable.

If the Federal Reserve is not high on your priority list once you have finished obtaining the MBA business economics degree, start looking in areas such as economics research in both the government and private sectors. Most advanced degree holders will find themselves in high demand for upper management positions in both the government and private sectors, as well as with non-profit organizations. A person may also decide to pursue an academic career by becoming an Economics Professor at a university.

MBA Business economics graduates are ahead of the curve in terms of earning potential too, with starting salaries around 75,000 per year, depending on the area of study.

When all is said and done, obtaining an advanced degree can definitely help your career, especially if you really do aspire to helping set economic policy on a federal or global level. An MBA Business Economics degree will set you on the right path by giving you knowledge and expertise regarding economic practices, theories and issues that can have a great impact on a corporation's bottom line. And who knows? Maybe your expertise will eventually put you in line for Bernanke's seat as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. After all, knowledge is power.

Andy West is a writer for, your resource for everything you need to know about MBA business degree economics programs.

Get a Bachelor Degree Now to Boost Your Income

By Andy West

Many individuals think that they are just not cut out for college. And for some, this is true. The may just not be wired for the total college scene. Either they don't want to take time away from their job; they have too many family responsibilities to attend a four-year college, or numerous other reasons.

On the other hand, there are a million compelling reasons why one should get some kind of bachelor degree after graduating from high school. On average, a degree from a four-year college can enable a person to make around a million dollars more in their lifetime than if only receiving a high school diploma. This is true. Now, an online university degree might not guarantee you that kind of added income, but it's a good investment nonetheless. Earning a bachelor degree, whether you do it online or attend a brick and mortar institution, is worth every penny in terms of making you a more desirable candidate for an employer.

Earning a bachelor degree online will not guarantee a huge income increase right off the bat, but over time there is no doubt it will increase your income potential. Surveys by the U.S. Census Bureau and other reputable sources confirm that getting a bachelor degree does translate into more money over your lifetime of employment. The payback for getting this education compared to the cost outlay shows that you will definitely get your money back and then some. Education is almost always a good investment.

Now if you're one of those people who already has kids and a full-time job, the thought of spending time in a classroom, commuting to class and taking all the time necessary to finish your assignments may seem like too much to bear. More and more colleges and universities, from state schools to community colleges and other business colleges are offering the option of getting your degree online. This certainly helps the individual who has already joined the workforce and has family commitments.

The advantages of furthering your education online are almost too many to count, especially for busy working parents. For one thing, you don't have to waste any time commuting. Once you're enrolled, your only commute is to wherever you have your computer set up. And since you're at home, you can keep an eye on your kids while you're studying or completing coursework. You will not have to lay out any money for daycare, either. Getting a bachelor degree from an online college or university just makes a lot of sense. It is a convenient, cost effective way to complete your education and advance in the ranks of employment

There are a great many other reasons that online studies are a viable option for working parents. Such savings as not having to worry about buying a parking pass at your university, not having to spend money on gas to drive to school, and many times there is great savings on the coursework alone since much of it is done online. The time, expense and effort it takes to commute to a University are gone when you elect online studies.

When you come right down to it, even if you don't think you have enough time to further your education after high school, you can't afford not to pursue an online bachelor degree over time. Just think of all of the future income you'll be missing out on if you don't keep pursuing higher education. Even if you never go to a physical college or university, you'll put yourself in a much better position for both getting a job and making yourself an attractive candidate for any future promotions. offers the most informative and up to date information for people searching for an bachelor degree online.

Do College Marketing and Enrollment Services Really Improve a University's Enrollment Numbers?

By Andy West

When many of us graduated from high school 20-25 years ago, universities would send campus reps to area high schools to recruit students. We would hear from student leaders, counselors and admission representatives regarding the many reasons why a particular school was the better choice for obtaining a degree. Times have changed and so have the methods used to entice students to attend certain universities. Many universities are now turning to college marketing and enrollment services to help them meet their enrollment goals.

Why the change? The answer is technology. While a personal testimony from the mouth of a currently enrolled student or alumni may carry some weight, companies who offer college marketing and enrollment services can reach a greater amount of potential students in a much shorter time. Through the use of technology, concentrated marketing and the Internet, these companies can help target specific student demographics and direct traffic to college websites more quickly than ever before. Ultimately, this equates to a savings of both time and money for the university who is seeking to expand its student base.

What kinds of solutions do college marketing and enrollment services offer their clients? Their job is to create marketing strategies that will garner attention from college bound students and parents. These marketing techniques will vary from college to college, depending on what type of student each individual university is attempting to attract. Quality college marketing and enrollment services will tailor their services to meet a school's recruitment budget, and then employ a myriad of methods to promote the university, such as multi-media campaigns that include printed materials like brochures and magazines, interactive CDs/DVDs and online presentations. They may also generate leads by using e-mail marketing campaigns that target a specific clientele, like potential MBA candidates. Search engine marketing, which uses search engine optimization to drive internet users to college websites is a very important tool put in place by most of these services, since most college bound students are extremely computer savvy and do a great portion of their continuing education research via the internet.

Many college marketing and enrollment services work with universities by enhancing the school's website to include interactive features such as blogs, social networking, virtual advisors, student web portals and group chat options. By providing a more complete website, colleges increase the number of serious inquiries for enrollment because potential students are having more fulfilling experiences looking for answers and information online. These types of online marketing campaigns free up valuable resources that would otherwise be spent on printing and postage. It also allows enrollment and recruiting staff the freedom to focus their efforts on areas such as highly specialized recruiting that may need to be more personal in nature.

Follow-up service is a crucial part of any campaign that college marketing and enrollment services should offer. Without lead management, reporting and web diagnostics, the marketing campaign would be incomplete and a waste of valuable resources. Universities need to be able to track results to determine which aspects of the campaign work and which parts need to be readdressed; so that every effort is being made in recruitment produces maximum results. By using technology to create proprietary systems, many college marketing and enrollment services are able to customize lead management and reporting programs to fit each school's needs. This customized analysis of the school's marketing campaign saves the university staff both time and money by identifying clear areas of success. That information is valuable when determining how to appropriate budgeting and staff as the recruitment efforts go forward.

With the recent lag in the economy, many state governments are faced with having to cut education budgets due to deficits. Many universities are looking at serious budget cuts and need to maximize the results of every recruitment dollar spent. Any university looking to increase it's exposure and communication efforts with potential and returning students needs to seriously consider working with college marketing and enrollment services. These services will help universities project their unique environment, curriculum and programs to the largest possible audience, in the most cost-effective way, to ensure strong enrollment. Sounds like money well spent.

From traditional methods to online surveys, eduinteractive's college marketing and enrollment services help you better understand your prospects and position your school more effectively.

A Bachelor Degree Nursing Diploma Can Make For a Bright Future

By Andy West

Are you a caring person who likes helping others? Have you ever considered going into the medical field? If so, then perhaps you need to start thinking about earning your bachelor degree nursing diploma. Getting a nursing degree in a specialty like pediatrics, radiology, or gerontology can open up a whole galaxy of job opportunities. You don't need to be an M.D. to have a well-paying, challenging job in medicine. Medical technology is changing so fast on so many different fronts that new positions are emerging all of the time. Obtaining a bachelor degree in nursing really is a winning proposition.

While the rest of the economy is either shrinking or stagnant, there are always jobs in medicine for the people with the smarts and the technical skills to do them. Getting a diploma in any of the dozens of medical specialties can virtually guarantee that you'll find employment either in a laboratory doing chemical analysis, working in a radiology lab processing x-rays, MRIs, and other types of high-tech medical imaging, or you can get a job in a busy general practice office, or work in a specialty such as pediatrics, intensive care, home health care, medical records, medical administration, or in a busy hospital or clinic.

As America's population ages, there will only be more opportunities in virtually every field of medicine, especially in the areas of home health care and gerontology. More and more of our fellow citizens will require home health care assistance, so there will always be a need for these kinds of jobs. Getting your degree in a particular medical specialty will mean that you won't be stuck doing a lower-paying home health care job when you can be operating high-tech equipment that does sophisticated analysis of the human body's various systems. You can also continue into nursing so you can learn the intricacies of managing medical records to ensure the best possible care for your patients. Psychology remains one of the most fascinating of modern medical disciplines, and a bachelor degree in nursing can put you in the right place to learn as much as you can about the theory and treatment in a modern psychiatric or medical office office.

You may think that you're too busy with your current job and current family and personal responsibilities to tackle a nursing program or some other kind of medicine program, but you're wrong. If you do your coursework online, you can work on it when it's convenient and pursue a course of study that you tackle at your own pace. You can finish it as quickly or slowly as you please, and at the end of your course of schooling, you'll have a four-year degree that will be worth far more than you paid for it.

Right now, employment specialists all agree that getting a bachelor degree in nursing in any specialty will vastly boost your income potential. For people who feel they are too busy pursuing their own lives, earning an online education in nursing is one of the best options available. Even if you've never felt like you were college material, it only makes sense to get the training and the educational credentials that will help you succeed in the workplace of your choice. The job market is only going to get more competitive in the next year, so you need every edge that you can find to get the good jobs, whether they're in medicine or some other field. A bachelor degree in nursing can give you that edge.

Andy West is a writer for, which offers the most informative and up to date information for people searching for a Bachelor Degree nursing program online.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Is Further Education Important?

By Edward Henderson

When people ask is further education important, often they have been put off by the high cost of going to college and getting a degree. It's no secret that the cost of getting further education has increased a lot in recent years, so it is no surprise that many students question whether they can afford it. In response, I always ask them can they afford NOT to go to college.

The reason is that college graduates on average earn double the amount of money in their lives than those with just a high school education. The return on investment dwarfs any other investment you could make on wall street. There are a huge number of financial aids available for anyone who wants to go to college.

So once the price is no longer a factor, is going to college really worth it? Further education is important because of the number of opportunities that become available with a college education. It is a fact that more and more people worldwide are getting a higher education, so to stand out in the marketplace you need to have a further education beyond high school.

It's true that there are many successful people who do not have a higher education, although this is becoming more and more rare. It is a lot more difficult to get a high powered and highly paid job without a college education than it ever was before simply because there are a lot more people with a college education these days.

So "Is further education important?" It could be the most important thing you will ever do.

Going to college is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and it is vital to know as much as you can before making a decision. To learn more about why going to college can give you an advantage, please read the importance of college education

Is College Necessary For Success?

By Edward Henderson

This is one question that many potential college students ask themselves when they near the end of high school. They have been told that the most sensible thing to do is to go into higher education if they want to earn more money, but many aren't sure if it is the right thing for them.

First of all, it should be pointed out that college is not necessary for success. There have been many examples where people with just a high school education have gone onto big things, so by not going to college does not mean someone is a failure.

However, going to college is becoming more and more important. The workplace is getting more competitive by the year, and a college education makes an applicant stand out from the crowd. The numbers of people around the world who are going onto higher education is increasing.

Getting a college education opens up many opportunities that may not have been available to a student with just a high school education. On average, college graduates earn around double in their life time than high school graduates.

The answer to the question "Is college necessary for success?" is that college isn't necessary, but does make it a lot easier. Getting a college education makes someone an expert in their field, and also allows them to network with lots of people with similar interests. The most highly paid and powerful jobs often require a college education, so while getting a degree is not essential for success, it is important.

Going to college is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and it is vital to know as much as you can before making a decision. To learn more about why going to college can give you an advantage, please read why going to college is important

How to Write the Best College Education Essay - Important Steps to Help You Get Into College

By Edward Henderson

Most colleges today ask all potential applicants to write an essay to help them decide whether the pupil is suitable for the college or not. While writing a good essay won't get you a place if your grades aren't good enough, it can help you to stand out from the competition. With the number of people applying for higher education increasing all the time, you need to give yourself the best chance of beating people with similar stats to you.

So how do you write the best college education important essay? Here are some tips.

1. Always make sure you answer the question. The essays are usually only 500 words long, so it is vital you answer the question quickly and concisely. Never deviate from the point for too long or you will find yourself running out of words.

2. Don't overuse big words in an attempt to sound clever. If a word fits into the essay then by all means use it, but don't go through your essay looking at the thesaurus to find "cool" words. It will be obvious when the essay is read that you have done so.

3. Try to gain the readers attention in the first few sentences so the admissions officer will want to read on. Remember how many of these essays they will read, you need to make sure yours stands out from the crowd.

There is no certain way to write a good college education important essay, but the three points above should always be taken into consideration.

Going to college is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and it is vital to know as much as you can before making a decision. To learn more about why going to college can give you an advantage, please read the importance of college education.

Four Reasons to Go to College

By Edward Henderson

As you reach the end of your high school education, the decision whether to carry on with further education becomes an important one. Going to college has many benefits, but also comes with a huge price tag, so you need to be certain that you want to go. Here are four reasons to go to college:

1. Going to college allows you to earn more money. It is as simple as that. In fact, people with a Bachelors degree on average earn around double the amount during a lifetime than those who just have a high school education.

2. People who go to college tend to be more rounded people with better social skills. You will earn how to communicate and learn for yourself, as well as being taught by some of the finest minds in the US.

3. Going to college opens many doors to career paths that otherwise wouldn't have been open to you. A college education helps you to stand out from the crowd when gong for high paid jobs. In some cases a college degree may be the bare minimum for the best jobs.

4. Getting a college education gives you the tools to become successful in whatever path you take. The global market for workers is becoming more and more competitive, so higher education is needed for the best and most highly paid jobs.

Higher education allows you many opportunities that wouldn't be available if you only get a high school education. Don't be put off by the high price tag, invest in your own future.

Going to college is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and it is vital to know as much as you can before making a decision. To learn more about why going to college can give you an advantage, please read the importance of college education

Forming a College Education Plan

By Edward Henderson

If you've finished high school and decided you want to go to college, it is vital that you come up with a plan for how you are going to fund it. Going to college is more expensive than it has ever been in the past, and while it is always going to be a good investment you need to have a solid college education plan in place.

For example, going to college at one of the top colleges can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Most people don't have that kind of money around to pay the fees straight away, so you'll need to look into getting a college loan to help you through the extra financial burden.

Also take a good look around for grants that you may be eligible to receive. Grants don't usually have to be paid back so are highly desirable. There are many different grants offered by different establishments, so it pays to look around. There is never any harm in applying for a grant even if you don't think you'll get it. Putting a bit of effort in here can pay off a lot in the future.

The most important thing about a college education plan is having some idea how you are going to pay the money back. Usually this isn't as hard as it sounds because college loans can be paid off over a long period of time, but it's a good idea to put some thought into what you are going to do once you've finished college education.

Going to college is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and it is vital to know as much as you can before making a decision. To learn more about why going to college can give you an advantage, please read the importance of college education.

College Education Ranking - How to Decide on the Best College For You

By Edward Henderson

Going to college is one of the most important decisions in any persons life, so you need to be sure which college is the right one for you. This is especially important today as the price of getting a college education increasing all the time so you need to be sure you will enjoy where you are going. College education ranking tables can help you decide which are the colleges with the best ratings as well as which ones would be suitable for you.

But how do the rankings work? And are they completely fair? If possible, you should always try to visit the college before committing to go there so you can see what it is like and whether you enjoy the surroundings, as rankings tend to only take into account the academic side of the college. The rankings are based on many things, including the average starting salary for a graduate from the college, acceptance ratings and a peer assessment score. The peer assessment score asks deans to rate out of five the college.

College education ranking tables are just one way you should decide on which college is right for you. Other factors such as distance, price and surroundings are also important and should be taken into account. Remember that the better colleges will also be the most expensive. Choosing a college is one of the hardest decisions and person will make in their lives so make sure you spend your time and make the right decision for you.

Going to college is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and it is vital to know as much as you can before making a decision. To learn more about why going to college can give you an advantage, please read the importance of college education.

Average Cost of College - Can You Afford a College Education

By Edward Henderson

The cost of going to college has been steadily increasing in recent times. These days, getting a college education is at its most expensive ever. However the financial gains of getting a higher education far outweigh the cost.

It's not difficult to see why many are put off by the cost of college though. The average cost of college is high, but is often a lot less than you think after grants and bursaries have been taken into account.

The cost of college varies with the different establishments, so exact figure cannot be given. The larger more renowned colleges do tend to charge a lot more for their tuition however, so before deciding on applying to a college you should always find out their exact fees.

The great thing about going to college is that no matter how expensive it is, the student will always make back many times the investment during their life time. It is one of the few investments that carries little to no risk, but can still guarantee huge returns. In fact, on average a college graduate will earn double the amount of money that a high school graduate will earn during a lifetime. This means that it is almost a question of whether you can afford not to go rather than whether you can afford the fees.

With a bit of research on the internet it is easy to find financial aid for students who are worried about the financial cost of going to college.

Going to college is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and it is vital to know as much as you can before making a decision. To learn more about why going to college can give you an advantage, please read the importance of college education.

Masters Or Doctorate Degree - Which is Better For You?

By David Cassell

In order to answer the question "which is better for you?", you will have to understand your own motivations, priorities, capabilities and expectations. Your expectations should be based on a thorough knowledge of the pros and cons of both degrees.

Your Career Motivations and Goals

First off, you need to ascertain what your career goals are. For most careers, having a masters degree is a sufficient pre-requisite for entering into the top tier positions in your field. It is a very solid education and demonstrates that you want to deepen your knowledge in your chosen field.

If you decide to pursue a doctorate degree (PhD), it also demonstrates that you are serious about career advancement. However, unless you want a career in academia or research, it probably wouldn't be necessary to do one.

Nonetheless, several businesses headhunt highly qualified candidates to run their operations. Having a doctoral degree would place you way ahead of those you have a masters degree or lower.

There are those who do a PhD because it is a powerful status symbol. If you are going to be doing one on this basis, make sure you consider the costs involved, both in terms of time and money.

Understanding Your Capabilities

If you are not ready to give you a large part of your social life and get down to some serious studying then doing a postgraduate or doctorate degree is not for you. These two programs are very vigorous and time consuming. Be prepared for sleepless nights.

Also, if you barely scraped through your bachelors degree, think twice about pursuing a postgraduate degree. A much higher level of written work and analysis is required to successfully complete one.

Generally, to fulfill the masters degree requirements, one has to successfully complete exams, coursework and a dissertation.

A doctorate normally includes completing the masters program plus doing exams and a thesis based on original research. Most doctoral students work as teaching or research assistants which add to the overall feeling of overwhelm they experience.

You have to be brutally honest with yourself as to whether you're capable of handling postgraduate work.

Evaluating the Time and Money Issues

Doing a masters or doctoral degree can be costly. If you are still paying off for you bachelors degree it may be impossible for you to afford any more studying even though your earning potential would increase markedly.

That said, more financial aid is available for PhD students than masters students. This adds an interesting twist to your post graduate application.

You could apply to a PhD program initially even if you're not sure whether you'll complete it. If the program doesn't suit you, there is no penalty for changing your mind later and leaving with just a masters degree. You'd have still benefited from the financial aid. Of course, this all depends on whether you're accepted into the PhD program in the first place.

Then there is the time issue. If you have a job, a family or even a business, taking time off to study for another 2-6 years may not be feasible.


Age may just be a number but it is a very important one. There is no age limit on the pursuit of a postgraduate degree. If time and money issues are unimportant to you, by all means pursue your masters or PhD.

However, if these issues are important, you need to think about how close you are to retirement and if you'll be working long enough to enjoy the benefits of a postgraduate qualification.

Then there is the matter of energy. Finding the motivation to study late in life is not impossible but difficult. The older you are, the less likely you are to have the motivation to complete postgraduate study or any degree for that matter.

Seek Help

On a final note, don't hesitate to seek the advice of professionals who can help you to think objectively about this decision. Talk to your boss, your academic adviser or even people who have already obtained a postgraduate degree in your field.

Don't enroll into a masters or PhD program unless you are sufficiently convinced it is right for your personal circumstances.

Getting passed over for a promotion is a thing of the past. Find out how your career can skyrocket with an accredited distance education degree. Plus more free information on how to avoid bogus online schools and where to get money for college.

MBA Trends - The Student Profile

By Brit Boone

With the significant, growing interest in a MBA education since 2006, it is important to sketch a profile of these new candidates. It proves helpful to understand who these candidates are, what they are looking for, and what can they anticipate upon graduation.

Who are today's MBA candidates?

Even though there has been a marked increase in MBA applicants over the past several years, there has been an inverse relationship with the quality of candidates. A study by GMAC reports that almost 60% of MBA programs report that "their applicants are of better quality than those seen last year (1)."

The average age of candidates consistently shows some variance based on the region of the world. In Asia, Central Asia, and the Pacific Islands, 53% of the applicants are 24 and younger. In Europe, the largest group falls in the 25 to 30 year range at 44%. When accounting for 30 and younger, this age group represents 71% of future MBA students. The average age for Western European participants is 29, while the Eastern European age is slightly younger at 28 years old. Also of interest in profiling the MBA candidate is that Eastern European respondents to the GMAC survey were evenly split in participation by both genders. The U.S. and Canada also displayed a high level of participation by both male and female MBA applicants. The least balanced in male and female MBA pursuit is India with 85% male candidates and 15% female (2).

The MBA candidate often has work experience, especially in key fast-emerging markets. When grouping candidates that have at least one year of work experience, the four regions with the greatest amount of experienced individuals are: Central and South America with 82%; India with 87%; Eastern Europe and Africa both with 84%. In the U.S., 81% has one year or more of work experience (3).

What is today's MBA candidate looking for in an education?

Internationally, a main shared motivating factor for pursuit of an MBA is for applicants to improve their knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA). Women maintain human capital development as the primary driver in their MBA pursuit. Human capital includes: further developing their KSAs, pursuing opportunities for more interesting and challenging work assignments, and to increase their learning opportunities. Showing consistent variance from female trends, men place personal career development as their top priority with KSA acquisition generally being second in the ranking of motivating factors (4). In Russia, 82% of respondents state that the key objective for candidates is "to acquire new knowledge (5)." This is consistent with the global pursuit of improved KSAs.

Many MBA candidates are looking to develop their ability to understand their local business context and how it fits into the overall global business environment. This is important due to future expected shortages of experienced knowledge-workers in the next 10 to 20 years. Employers will be looking to hire candidates that possess "local knowledge with global scope (6)." In the Russian market this position is a recently developing view that is becoming more common. Some would make the case that it is better for students to study in-country so that they can deal with the complexities and realities that exist in Russian business. This is healthy when the in-country study integrates into how the specific culture and practices fit into the international context.

There is a significant focus on the importance of business and social entrepreneurships in some developing regions. This category ranked very high for Africa, India and Central Asia. In the highly developed economies of Canada, Western Europe, and the United States, this aspect ranked lower than any other category (7). While these are generalizations, there are a number of candidates in every region that are seeking to make a difference. One MBA student, Alessandro Lala, hopes to positively impact business practices in his home country of Italy. In referring to the corporate scandal in 2003 at Parmalat, Lala states that he wants to "use [his] MBA to help influence good governance within [his] future employers (8)."

The largest concern or limiting factor for potential candidates considering an MBA is the financial aspect. This includes: the cost of the program; the anticipated debt that may be necessary; and the delay of other key personal events such as marriage, the birth of a child, etc. The financial issues outlined proved to be a concern shared by 85% of applicants from all regions of the world (9). Some examples of the percentage of applicants expecting to secure a loan for their MBA education are France at 35%, Russia at 29%, and Turkey at 8% (10).

What can a MBA student anticipate after graduation?

A MBA graduate that performs well can anticipate opportunities. These opportunities usually involve job offers and/or advancement. In turn, this leads to increased compensation. According to a 2007 survey with almost 500 multi-national employers in the U.S. and Asia, a graduate degree like a MBA can allow for significant increases in salary. In some cases, as much as a 71% salary premium over those who have only an undergraduate degree is possible (11).

For graduates of executive MBA programs, salary increases are also common. According to the 2007 Executive MBA Council Survey, 2007 graduates saw an average of 21% salary increase with 41% of them receiving a promotion (12).

(1) "Application Trends Survey" of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), 2007.

(2) " Registrants Survey: 2008 Comprehensive Data Report", GMAC, 2008.

(3) Ibid.

(4) " Registrants Survey: 2008 Survey Report", GMAC, 2008.

(5) "Work and Study (translated title)" magazine.

(6) "TopMBA Careers - the war for talent",, 2006.

(7) " Registrants Survey: 2008 Survey Report", GMAC, 2008.

(8) "Corporate social responsibility - a mandate for MBAs", QS

(9) " Registrants Survey: 2008 Comprehensive Data Report", GMAC, 2008.

(10) " Applicants Survey 2007", quoted in

(11) "Making graduate degrees pay: salary benefits for Masters and PhD candidates", QS TopGradSchool, 2007.

(12) "2007 Executive MBA Council Survey Results Offer Industry Insights", Executive MBA Council, 2007.

Brit Boone is the president of GHP in Russia. A professional development firm, GHP develops organizations and leaders. With programs ranging from career development to International and Executive MBA offerings, GHP serves a range of current and future leaders.

More information on MBA trends and development resources are available at the GHP website and blog (

Why Are You Going to College?

By Bob Roth

While in high school, most students begin to select a general career direction. Some make careful choices, while others leave things to chance. Either way, the process usually begins there. When college is in the offing, those young adults will attend college for a wide variety reasons. Those reasons usually fall into four distinct categories: Parents, Career, Money and Interests.

Parents frequently try to steer their children into college. These parents generally recognize that many corporate employers now consider the college degree to be a requirement for administrative, supervisory, technical and management positions. However, college is not right for everyone. Some students aren't ready. Others are better suited for careers in areas where a college education is not all that useful.

Career goals can drive those students who have a specific career in mind. They may want to be an attorney, a doctor, a scientist, an accountant or a social worker, etc. Students who know where they are trying to go usually have an advantage over students who are confused and less focused. Other students may have already entered the world of work and have come to recognize that their career progress may depend on obtaining a degree in their specialty or perhaps in business and management. Such students may attend college on a part-time basis, often at night or on weekends.

Money affects the decisions of some students. These students may select their career direction based on the amount of money they think they can make in that field. People with college degrees often hold higher positions and earn considerably more money than people without a degree, in similar positions. Highly desirable degrees, from the most well-respected colleges, can put high performing students on a career fast track.

Other interests will motivate some students to attend college. Those interests can include a love of learning, athletics, the arts, science, politics and even friendship may come into play (to follow a girl/boyfriend) or for social reasons (meet members of the opposite sex). In other cases, students may attend college by default. These students may go to college simply because all of their friends are going or they don't have a job and don't have a better alternative.

Ultimately, upon graduation from college, most young adults will be starting a new job, going on to Graduate School or seeking a full-time job. And so, the reason that most students are going to college is to obtain the knowledge, wisdom, experience and successes that will impress potential employers and help them land a good job or get into Graduate School.

If students and parents accept this statement, the question then becomes, what can students do to impress potential employers or help them get into Graduate School? And so, if students want to improve the odds for being successful after graduation, they must make the most of the entire four-year college experience.

Employers and Graduate Schools look for seven things:

1. Academic success usually means a "B" average or better. Many employers and Graduate Schools will not even consider you if you don't meet their academic standards.

2. The quality of your college education refers to the rating, reputation and status of your college.

3. A well-rounded college experience.

- Participation in clubs and athletic activities

- Work experience

- Community activities

- Campus events and activities

- Willingness to try things

4. Successes, accomplishments and results.

- Leadership roles and experiences in your area of interest

- Demonstrated strengths that differentiate you from others

- Communication skills (speak, write, present, listen, teach, etc.)

- Examples of competence with technology and computers

- Ability to build relationships and function in a team environment

- Examples of having accepted responsibility

- Ability to overcome obstacles

- Willingness to be held accountable

5. A powerful resume that presents the student's assets and capabilities.

6. Outstanding communication and interviewing skills.

7. Strong references from professors, advisors, coaches, employers, community leaders and other impressive people.

These seven items are the keys to success as students attempt to enter the world of work or be accepted to a desirable Graduate School. If students want their careers to get off on the best foot after college, each student should keep these items in the forefront, as they progress through their college experience.

Visit Bob's web site: Bob Roth is the author of The 4 Realities Of Success During and After College -and- The College Student's Guide To Landing A Great Job.

Bob Roth, a former campus recruiter, is the author of The College Student's Guide To Landing A Great Job -and- The 4 Realities Of Success During and After College. Known as The "College & Career Success" Coach, Bob also writes articles for nearly 200 College Career Services Offices, Campus Newspapers, Parent Associations and Employment Web Sites. Additionally, Bob has developed 20 Self-Scoring Learning Tools that help college students find success. He has been interviewed on numerous radio programs across the country and also by many newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal. Lastly, Bob serves as an Adjunct at Marist College, teaching a course in Career Development.

To Land a Great Job, Students Need a Four-Year Plan

By Bob Roth

Every college student needs a four-year plan that can lead to a great job. Since nobody wants to spend four years in college only to end up in a dead end job, wise students write out, and periodically update, a comprehensive plan that reveals the steps that will lead their goals.

Here is a brief and simplified example that can be tailored to individual needs.

Freshman Year - As soon as possible, select a general and broad career direction that makes sense for you. With that decision, you will be able to conduct some research. Try to find out what the employers in these fields will require of employment candidates, if you interview with them in your senior year. In that way, you can begin to create a path to follow, set goals and establish a timeline for the steps that are required. Don't worry! You can make changes, as you are able to clarify your direction.

From this point forward, you can begin to follow your initial plan of action. Your plan should contain many of the following:

- Identify influential people who can help you, in the future. You'll need a network.

- Build your credibility with high performing students and influential people.

- Volunteer for something in your area of interest.

- Get to know your Professors, Advisors and Career Services staff.

- Research Campus, Community and Work opportunities.

- Understand yourself - What strengths do you bring to the table?

- Pay attention to your attitude and body language. They tell others who you are.

- Evaluate your Leadership, Communication and People Skills.

- Tend to your grades. They are the gateway to many employers.

Sophomore Year - If it has not already been done, you should select a tentative major in your sophomore year. This does not mean that you have to pick out a specific career or job to shoot for. It is still early. As you take your classes and begin to participate in campus, work and community activities, you will gradually gain a clearer perspective.

Take the time to update or expand your plan of action, based on your current goals. Follow your plan of action during year two. It should contain items like these:

- Build and maintain relationships with influential people. Create your network.

- Continue to build credibility with Professors and high performing students.

- Get involved with something in your area of interest.

- Get to know your Professors, Advisors and Career Services staff.

- Participate in Campus, Community and Work opportunities.

- Seek part-time and/or summer jobs in your field of interest.

- Understand yourself - What are your interests, strengths and weaknesses?

- Present the Attitude and Body Language that will help you.

- Find ways to strengthen your Leadership, Communication and People Skills.

- Identify and research potential employers and job hunting web sites.

- Do what is necessary to keep your grades up.

Since employers love people who are able to get things done, begin to build your list of accomplishments. Generally your accomplishments should be aligned with the goals in your plan of action. Try to excel in your areas of interest and strength.

Junior Year - Look back over the past two years and update or expand your plan of action. At this point, your plan should become quite specific. If you have a better idea of where you are trying to go, your plan should include the steps that will get you there. Follow your plan of action for year three. It should contain items like these:

- Continue to build relationships with influential people to expand your network.

- Do something specific to build credibility with Professors and high performing

students. Find ways to help them achieve their own goals.

- Volunteer for something that is important in your area of interest.

- Work closely with your Professors, Advisors and Career Services staff.

- Play a leadership role in at least one Campus, Community or Work opportunity.

- Continue to work at part-time and/or summer jobs in your field of interest.

- Understand yourself - Focus on your strengths and interests.

- Improve your attitude. Present a positive "can do," "let's give it a try" attitude.

- Be certain that your body language and actions match your words.

- Demonstrate your Leadership, Communication and People Skills.

- Identify and research potential employers, alumni & employment web sites.

- Draft your resume - Emphasize accomplishments in your field of interest.

- Develop and practice your interviewing skills.

- Think references and recommendations: Identify the most influential and respected

people who will speak highly of you. Strengthen these relationships.

- Keep your grades up.

During your Junior year, strive to achieve one or two significant accomplishments that will meet or exceed interviewer/employer expectations. These are the things that will be highlighted on your resume, so you will stand out from the other candidates.

Meet with Career Services to see if you are allowed to sign up for campus interviews. If yes, get some interviewing experience. Practice telling interesting stories about how your accomplishments came about.

Senior Year - Finalize and follow your plan of action for year four.

- Keep your grades up.

- Finalize your resume. Your resume should emphasize your accomplishments

and clearly differentiate you from other candidates. What makes you special?

- Prepare for interviews. Practice your responses. Develop thoughtful questions.

- Sign up for and participate in campus interviews. Be ready with examples

and stories that will impress employers. Don't be shy.

- Tap all of your networking sources for useful information and job leads

- Keep organized and detailed records of your contacts

- Contact every employer from your earlier research

- Start utilizing appropriate employment web sites

- Seek references and recommendations from the most influential people in

your network.

- Conduct a thorough and enthusiastic job search campaign. Plan to contact at least

100 employers.

This abbreviated plan can serve as a model for students who are concerned about their futures and are willing to do the hard work. Forward thinking students understand that employment success is earned slowly, during all four years of college. That's why I say that, "The senior year job search starts in the freshman year."

There is no shortcut to employment success. Students who diligently follow their four-year plans are much more likely to be rewarded with great jobs and good salaries at the best employers. Isn't that your goal too?

Visit Bob's web site: Bob Roth is the author of The 4 Realities Of Success During and After College -and- The College Student's Guide To Landing A Great Job

Bob Roth, a former campus recruiter, is the author of The College Student's Guide To Landing A Great Job -and- The 4 Realities Of Success During and After College. Known as The "College & Career Success" Coach, Bob also writes articles for nearly 200 College Career Services Offices, Campus Newspapers, Parent Associations and Employment Web Sites. Additionally, Bob has developed 20 Self-Scoring Learning Tools that help college students find success. He has been interviewed on numerous radio programs across the country and also by many newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal. Lastly, Bob serves as an Adjunct at Marist College, teaching a course in Career Development.

Suggestions For First Year College Students

By Bob Roth

After your parents have dropped you off at college and have headed back home, you may experience a slight shutter of apprehension. However, you will get off on the right foot and feel more comfortable with this new and important experience, if you pay close attention to and act on the eight suggestions that follow.

Make Friends - Smile! Be Friendly! Talk to everyone. Do things in groups. Include everyone anytime you go somewhere or do something. Accept people who are different from you. Try to understand the differences. Look for the best in others. The more friends you make in the early days of college, the easier the transition will be.

Explore the Campus - As a group, walk around campus and around town. Find out where everything is located. Learn about the various campus departments, interesting locations (the library, the gym and the pool), activities, organizations and potential employment opportunities. Go to town with a few friends. Check out the shopping, theater and recreational opportunities. In the early going, get out of your dorm. Make a point of going to a variety of campus and community events and activities. Laugh! Have some fun.

Search for a Direction - Check out the fields that already hold some interest for you. Recognize that it is important to select a field of study where you will enjoy the work, one that is in line with your talents and skills. Do some research. Talk to others about your options and opportunities. You can talk with upper class students, alumni, career counselors, employers or faculty advisors and staff members.

Keep Your Grades Up - As you move through your freshman year, it is important to keep up with your grades. Be willing to put in the time, effort and actions necessary to achieve good grades. Since it is easy to stray toward a less demanding path, it takes much discipline to avoid the pitfalls of college life.

Deal With Your Fears - Everyone has fears. You may fear failure, speaking in public, voicing your opinions in class, taking on a leadership role, meeting new people, joining a club or a million other things. Take some small risks, so you can try a few new things. Only by occasionally getting out of your comfort zone can you begin to grow and expand your possibilities for the future. Few people, if any, have achieved great things by staying in their comfort zone 100% of the time. The only way to deal with your fears is to take action, change your behavior and move in a new direction.

Develop a Healthy Curiosity - Curious people are people who learn and grow. They read, research, ask questions, closely observe, experiment, learn from others and regularly try new things. A healthy curiosity is essential for success. College is the ideal place for students to begin to discover and become who they really are.

Operate With a Positive Attitude - The attitude you present to the world tells others who and what you are. Since we all need other people to help us move toward success, it is extremely important for students to present a friendly, upbeat, helpful attitude to the outside world. When that happens, others will be attracted to these positive words, behaviors and traits.

Develop Your Plan of Action - Once you select a direction, create a written plan. Lay out the steps that will lead you to your goal (a great job or acceptance to graduate school). The odds for success are greatly increased when you clearly understand what and how much has to be done, by when. As you move up the ladder of success, you will find that it is highly unlikely that you can regularly achieve your most important goals by winging it.

Most of the time, success is a choice that you make. Since you have the ability to succeed in college and beyond, these recommendations can help to ensure that you begin your college experience with the right approach. When you follow a few sensible suggestions and keep a eye toward your educational and career goals, you will find that your college experience is positive, fun and rewarding.

Visit Bob's web site: Bob Roth is the author of The 4 Realities Of Success During and After College -and- The College Student's Guide To Landing A Great Job.

Bob Roth, a former campus recruiter, is the author of The College Student's Guide To Landing A Great Job -and- The 4 Realities Of Success During and After College. Known as The "College & Career Success" Coach, Bob also writes articles for nearly 200 College Career Services Offices, Campus Newspapers, Parent Associations and Employment Web Sites. Additionally, Bob has developed 20 Self-Scoring Learning Tools that help college students find success. He has been interviewed on numerous radio programs across the country and also by many newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal. Lastly, Bob serves as an Adjunct at Marist College, teaching a course in Career Development.


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