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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Plagiarism Across College Campuses

By Orson Dixon

While the Internet has become a widely used and easily accessible tool for college students in need of obtaining information for upcoming term papers or research papers, it has also proven to be the main source of plagiarism among college pupils. A study done across 23 different college campuses, found that Internet plagiarism is rising among students.

Though an increase in plagiarism is disconcerting by itself, even more disturbing is the fact that most students who plagiarize consider such behavior trivial and not a form of cheating. Many colleges have enacted plagiarism policies, also known as honor codes, to prevent their students from copying another's work. Punishments for breaking such policies vary from university to university. Punishments also vary depending on the circumstances of the plagiarizing incident.

Perhaps the worst aspect of the plagiarism phenomenon is that most times it is impossible for teachers, professors, and teacher's assistants to detect this form of cheating. Thanks to the Internet's vast amount of information, it is extremely difficult for instructors to double-check each and every student's work. Furthermore, as class sizes continue to grow, checking a student's work for plagiarism becomes inferior to grading that student's ability to complete the assignment.

While the Internet has become a widely used and easily accessible tool for college students in need of obtaining information for upcoming term papers or research papers, it has also proven to be the main source of plagiarism among college pupils. A study done across 23 different college campuses, found that Internet plagiarism is rising among students.

Though an increase in plagiarism is disconcerting by itself, even more disturbing is the fact that most students who plagiarize consider such behavior trivial and not a form of cheating. Many colleges have enacted plagiarism policies, also known as honor codes, to prevent their students from copying another's work. Punishments for breaking such policies vary from university to university. Punishments also vary depending on the circumstances of the plagiarizing incident.

Perhaps the worst aspect of the plagiarism phenomenon is that most times it is impossible for teachers, professors, and teacher's assistants to detect this form of cheating. Thanks to the Internet's vast amount of information, it is extremely difficult for instructors to double-check each and every student's work. Furthermore, as class sizes continue to grow, checking a student's work for plagiarism becomes inferior to grading that student's ability to complete the assignment.

If you are having trouble citing sources, do not resort to plagiarism! Visit to learn how to cite sources properly. It is a free Bibliography Composer.

How to Choose Your College

By Gloria Smith

Since education is closely intertwined with society's "to do" for one's success; going to college is one of the major decisions a person has to make in building a career and future. That is why choosing the right college that best fits one's personality and interests is just as important.

Choosing a college because everyone is going there or because it belongs to the top-rank school listing does not take into account who you are, what you want and who you become. It is important to remember that what makes one school the perfect college for one may prove to be one you will regret. Nevertheless, there are essential factors that students should consider in how to choose a college.

Type of Institution. Schools are generally private or public. Public schools are primarily funded by the state where they are located. These colleges provide excellent education at a price much lower than private colleges. However, private colleges offer generous financial aids. It pays to consider both public and private colleges.

Academic Goals. This is a key factor in choosing a college. You need to consider what you really want to be trained in. Be sure to pursue a course or major that interests you, not just one that will lead you to a good career. If you are inclined to take up a certain course or major, take time to evaluate the college's facilities and offerings in that area to make sure the school has adequate resources.

School Size/Population. Schools may range from a small college with just under 5,000 students or a large university with up to 50,000+ students. A large university usually offers a wide choice of course and majors including up-to-date facilities whereas small colleges offer smaller classes as well as bigger chances to participate in campus activities. However, facilities may be limited. Think it over - Will you be overwhelmed by a large population or be challenged to excel in such an environment?

Campus Setting/Environment. Enjoying college life will largely depend on one's day-today existence in a college campus. The physical environment of the college may be a major factor. Some people prefer the modern lifestyle of a metropolitan city while others relish a more rural setting. The social scene inside the campus - extracurricular activities, fraternities and sororities, athletics and even the racial mix can have a significant effect on campus life. Where will you be most comfortable and happiest living the next four years of your life?

Financial Aid. A major hurdle in attending college to many is how to pay for it. Most colleges offer scholarship packages to students who have excelled in academics, the performing arts or athletics. Financial aid may also come in the form of grants from companies, study loans and work study. The latter is generally a job offered on or off campus.

Recommendations. A positive way to start the school search is to talk to teachers, counselors, friends and family especially your parents. These people will have sound advice and since they know you, will most likely recommend a school that they see will fit you. offers the most comprehensive database of college information on every major college and university in the United States.

Five Steps in Choosing a College That's Right For You

By Amelia Turner

Education is one of your valuable investments because it will affect your future. Your lifestyle may affected by the type of education and the level of degree you earn and use to start your future career. Hence, you need to choose a college that's right for you which offering an education program that meet your needs. Here are 5 simple steps to help you narrow down your selection before you decide the one that best fit your career goal.

1.Choose Your Future Career

What type of career you are going to choose when entering workplace? Although sometimes ambition and reality are 2 different things, but if you know what you like and don't like can help to determine your area of study. You may have many careers in mind that you like to be when you start your future career. List them down and narrow your scope to a few careers that you like the most.

If you like to know your strength and tendencies, then doing a career assessment test can help you to reveal the best careers that fit you. You can easily find those career assessment tests on Internet and do the assessment yourself.

2. Matching courses with colleges

Once you know what you are aiming for your future career, you will know what subject to major in your college degree program. The next thing you need to do is find and list down colleges that offer you targeted degree programs. You may end up having over 20 colleges on your list. One important factor that you need to ensure for your short listed colleges is: they might be fully accredited by national or regional accrediting agency that is recognized by The Ministry of Education. Other factors to consider are: the college's graduation rates, and its reputation.

3. Narrowing Your List To Colleges You Are Qualified For

Normally top colleges require you to have high SAT scores for admission. If you are a student with average SAT scores, which you may not be qualified for Harvard, then you should aim to apply colleges with admission criteria that your SAT scores are qualified for. Your list can be further narrow down to colleges that meet your criteria such as fund from your parents, scholarships or grants, and available of on-campus work study if you need to earn money to support your study. If possible, narrow down your list to top five colleges of your choice.

4. Discussion With Your Parents & Submit Applications

Next, consult your parents on your colleges selection, they may provide helpful opinions and guide you through in making the final, important decision. You may discard one or two more colleges from you list after your discussion with your parents. Once you get the final list, fill-out the application forms and mail them as soon as possible so that your applications arrive at the colleges before the due date.

5. Finalize A College Within a few weeks, you will receive responses from the colleges where you sent your applications. You may get more than one acceptance letters, you need to decide and select one of them. Before you make your final decision, you probably want to visit the campuses together with your parents. Compare these colleges and select the best among them.

Summary Selecting the right college which offered your favorite degree program that meets your career goal is important to ensure you get the right degree to start your dreamed career. Hopefully the above tips help you in finding a college or university as you make career choices.

Amelia Turner, author from who writes various topics related to education. The website provides free information and resources about online degree programs offered by top accredited online colleges and universities. You are invited to use Search Online Degrees tool to find your favorite online degree programs, free information pack will be sent to you upon your request.

Finding a Good Welding School to Learn Welding

By William Walley

When you are looking for a good welding school to learn welding it will be important for you to think about several issues before you go. A good question to ask yourself is "What do I want to do?" and "Who has what I need?" These two questions will be determined through looking at a variety of schools that may meet your needs.

Finding a good welding school to learn welding will be determined by the type of welding you want to do in the end. Do you want to work on specific projects that are small ones or large ones? Are you interested in doing underwater welding? Are you interested in just learning the basics?

Do you want to do welding as a career where you can start out with someone else or do you want to start on your own? Many of these questions will be important for you to know before you start doing research on schools.

Another thing to consider is whether you want to go for formal training at a trade school or at a college. The difference between the two will be important. At a trade or vocational school you will learn the trade of welding and everything you do will be geared towards learning the trade.

At a college or university you will learn the trade, but as part of a larger group of studies. There are also online schools that are both formal and informal so you will need to know the best way for you to learn.

There are several ways you could decide to go to school in one of the areas. You could go to a college or university as suggested, or you can find one of the many welding schools; the third option is that you can go directly to the trade union for welders and apply for an apprenticeship. All three options should give you plenty of hands on work, but each will provide you with a different experience.

You can also visit one of the schools near you to see what they do -- in fact, you can take a class to see whether it is something you want to do and whether the course work will give you what you need.

Another option you might try is to go to one of the larger and reputable welding schools like Lincoln or Hobart where they have one and two week courses in TIG welding. You can do this for the short term and decide as you go whether this is an opportunity that you will like, and whether the information you receive is what you need.

With all of these options you will have an opportunity to work in the field, with hands on instruction and some of the opportunities may get you a job before you finish the schooling.

Another good idea is to talk to your friends about welders they know or you can talk to welders you know if you know anyone to see if they can make recommendations. Always visit the school though before you decide on finding a good school to learn welding.

Go to WelderWorld.Com to get your free ebook on Welding at Learn Welding. Welder World also has a Welder Forum where you can discuss welding with other welders and get tips for welding or showcase your welding work. Come to to check out our new community site all about Welding and get your free ebook on the basics of Welding at Learn Welding.

Drafting College Athletes - College Sports Enthusiasts

By Wendy Pan


When people go to Vegas, they know the odds are against them and there is little likelihood of beating the house. But, in professional sports, delusions of outsmarting the system run rampant. Billionaire owners bet millions on the hope that teenagers and twenty-somethings will pay huge dividends. So, can there be a bigger gamble than drafting college athletes?

Anyone who's ever gone to college knows that distractions are as big a part of campus life as the education apparatus. So, dedication, even among the most focused of students can be a fleeting thing. Add in the the atmosphere surrounding most student-athletes, and you'll probably get someone who's more "monkey business" than "down-to-business."

Which isn't to say that all college athletes are directionally-challenged. But, those, who play in revenue generating sports, are often given skewed priorities. Unfortunately, that's what often makes them worth the high-stakes gamble. When their goal is sports-centric and not student-centric, their abilities as athletes take precedence over their skills as people.


Since professional sports leagues are as image-conscious as they are profit-driven, most spend a lot of time and a lot of money making sure their employees are solid citizens in addition to top-flight athletes.

Before drafting college athletes, teams perform background checks, personality and intelligence tests, drug screening and probing interviews before offering any long term financial committment. But, they aren't always enough.

Bad apples will always get through. Either because of an athlete's deception or an owner's arrogance. All-time draft "Bust Lists" are favorites among fans. They're littered with names like Ryan Leaf, Tony Mandarich, Mark Prior, Eric Lindros and Ralph Sampson.

Now, to be fair, some of these athletes didn't pan out because of injuries. But just as many flamed out or never got started because of attitudes, drug problems or an inability to adapt their talents to a higher caliber of competition.


If drafting college athletes was an exact science, every team that ever chose a lottery pick would be a lock to win a championship. Usually just the opposite is true. Desperate teams often look for a short term fix to cure problems that developed over time. So urgency often trumps due-diligence.

For some teams, quality talent scouting mitigates the risk. Others just get lucky. But, no amount of evaluation can predict the future.

For every sure-fire success like Peyton Manning, there's a diamond in the rough like Tom Brady or Mike Piazza, the last player taken in the Major League Baseball draft. Piazza was chosen as a favor to Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda, and he developed into one of the most prolific hitting catchers in league history.

So, with piles of money waiting for them at the end of their college sports careers, no matter how long they last, physically gifted kids will always be ready to cash in. However, for those with money and futures on the line, drafting college athletes will never be a sure bet.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about drafting college athletes, please visit Sports Recruiting for current articles and discussions.

Why is GMAT Tutoring So Expensive?

By Scott Strepina

Well, is it really that expensive?

A top tutor can provide you will the knowledge and skills to attain a top score on the GMAT and they can help you to do it in far, far less time that it would take to do on your own. These tutors have learned the GMAT themselves, earned very high scores, and then further mastered the GMAT through teaching and designing thousands of practice questions. They know exactly what you need and can bring you to mastery in a minimal amount of time

For example if you are a beginning student, despite your study you may have a hard time answering the following question:

What is the lowest number that can be multiplied by 36288 to make it a perfect square?

A) 7

B) 27

C) 64

D) 81

E) 121

You may know completely well what a perfect square is but be at a total loss on this question and this is frustrating. You could spend days on MBA and GMAT forums trying to find the answer or at least the process, to never find the right answer. (Remember, the average GMAT score is about at 530, so most people out there do not know any more than you know.)

A top tutor could provide you with the following simple and easy to remember approach that will always work.

1) All perfect squares must have even exponents in their prime factorized form. Our first step is to prime factorize the number to get:

If your prime factorization skills are weak, we can show you how to do this in less than 30 seconds and with a 100% accuracy rate. Hint: it has to do with the divisibility rules, do you know them?

26 347

We see that each prime factor has an even exponent except the 7. We need to get the lowest possible even exponent of 7, which is 72. To get this, we multiply the number by 7 and we get 26 3472. So, the lowest number is 7.

There are hundreds and hundreds of examples such as this, where the GMAT tests an easy topic in a very hard way. But, there is always a simple solution. Our tutors give you the skills to find those simple solutions and put you ahead of the competition.

With that in mind, our top GMAT tutors provide a tremendous amount of value for their clients. As we have discussed scoring well on the GMAT is no easy task. All too often students do not realize the difficulty of this exam until they have wasted many hours studying only to receive a low score. Their score limits the MBA programs that they may reasonably be accepted to. A top tutor takes this type of student and molds them into a 90th percentile scorer, giving them a direct and distinct advantage over the competition.

As the economy continues to decline, MBA admissions and GMAT registrations continue to rise by double digit increases each year. According to the GMAC, September 08 registrations for the GMAT were 223,159. The prior September registrations were at 199,896.

We could frame this into a GMAT question:

What was the approximate percent change in GMAT registration from 2007 to 2008?

A) 5%

B) 8%

C) 11%

D) 14%

E) 16%

Well, percent change can be easily determined with the following formula (and one you would be well-advised to learn before the exam):

((Final Value - Initial value) / Initial Value)) X 100%

= ((223,159 - 199,896) / 199,896)) X 100% = 11.64% '

This continues to mean that the competition is stronger, the scores are higher, and schools can afford to be more selective with the applicants that they select. Remember, at the end of the day, Universities are also businesses that need to pay bills and to market themselves. It should come as no surprise that top business schools have one big thing in common - high GMAT scores.

In short, a top tutor will maximize your chances of earning the highest GMAT score possible, lower your stress, lower your workload, and shorten the number of hours that you need to spend studying.

Want to Uncover More GMAT Strategies like This? Get your Free Copy of "Ultimate GMAT Survival Guide". 99th Score is the #1 provider in high end GMAT Instructional Videos. Your GMAT score is your gateway into the MBA program of your choice. Includes Free GMAT Sample Test

How to Become a Paralegal - 7 Tips When Studying a Paralegal Course

By Ricky Lim

Nowadays, how to become a paralegal is very easy especially if you are very interested in the job. Dedication also matters when becoming a paralegal since you will be able to deal with different kinds of people as well as scenarios.

Another term for a paralegal is a legal assistant, who is an experienced, knowledgeable and trained person when it comes to concerned laws. A paralegal may act as a legal notary or representative in any given case governed by the laws.

However, paralegals or legal assistants are transposable and indistinguishable in the legal industry. They are also not allowed to provide legal guidance, since they are not lawyers. Nevertheless, learning to become a paralegal can be acquired from any online college that offers the course work.

Here are some helpful steps and tips that can be used on how to become a paralegal:

(1) Inquire from any colleges that offer degrees and certificates on how to become a paralegal

(2) Once you have a college or institution that is already selected for the paralegal training, ensure that it is accepted by ABA, or the American Bar Association. It is important that the college you have chosen for your paralegal straining is ABA approved to ensure the legalities of the programs or courses offered.

(3) Settle to finish either a two-year or four-year paralegal certificate program to make sure that you'll be working for excellent organizations.

(4) Take time to visit some colleges or institutions that you know offer degrees and certificates on how to become a paralegal. As you visit, check on their proficiency on paralegal courses.

(5) Once the college and programs are settled, choose an area of your legal specialization before beginning the paralegal training. You can choose from copyright laws, exclusive rights, criminal laws, corporate laws and many more.

(6) Computer literacy is important for any paralegal job. Make sure that you know how to do online computer research as well as have a basic knowledge about legal software programs.

(7) Have the ultimate goal of being qualified for the NALA, or National Association of Legal Assistants. In this way, the boost of how to become a paralegal would be high.

Learn how to become a paralegal at my online paralegal courses site. Visit for more information.

Your Golden Ticket - Why That MBA Needs Earning Today

By Otto Kreistler

Most people think of an MBA degree as something like a gift from Aladdin's lamp. They think that after a few months of rubbing, it can get you that yacht, five mansions and a Rolex collection that can put any artifact exhibit in any state museum to shame for the sheer number of specimens included. Unfortunately, that tale is just as tall as Prince Ali, and the smartest, shrewdest businessmen in the land know that success doesn't come cheap... neither does it come easy.

But should that deter you from seeking out fame and fortune via the MBA route? Absolutely not! It may not be the golden ticket to your own personal chocolate factory but an MBA can definitely get you where you want to go in terms of giving you access to nearly unequaled opportunity. Take it from MBA alumni: if you want to be good you can always work hard. If you want to be great however, you should get that MBA degree.

According to those who have taken that ever elusive degree, having an MBA gives you the following advantages:

- Interpersonal skills

- Information integration

- Oral communication skills

- The capability to analyze better

Overall though, a lot of those who have taken an MBA have expressed its effectiveness in improving their career options. This is the main reason many people spend so much time, money and effort trying to get one in the first place. From a simple clerk, you can become almost anything you want to be in the field of business, accounting, finance and multiple other fields. And having an MBA degree works wonders in developing your ability to organize and use your people efficiently to perform tasks you never thought you could.

These are only a few reasons why you should feel that MBA to be essential. If you want more, just visit:

Building Your Empire From the Ground Up - The Essential MBA

By Otto Kreistler

It may be the hardest thing in the world to make ends meet. And when you don't even have a degree, it becomes a thousand times harder unless you have the looks to become a Hollywood actress, the non-conformist brains to become an unorthodox self made millionaire, or the right set of progenitors to ensure you a healthy inheritance when it's their time to feel the scythe. Many of us are not so fortunate, hence we have to take that difficult climb up the mountain of success that has many stumbling blocks that are worse than any avalanches or moments of supreme frostbite that beset any real mountaineers. And it's not surprise that many fall by the wayside.

Many also realize that having a degree usually doesn't even cut it either. Many of those who hold bachelors degrees in office settings usually end up as pawns of the higher ups, without fulfilling duties or any sort of independence. And those who live this way and refuse to adapt usually end up retiring this way-with a lot of employee of the month awards but with a life that's filled with shades of regret for all that could have been.

And for those who just won't settle for that kind of life there is one last refuge-the MBA degree. Many students, even those who graduated from arts courses, have found themselves immersed in study for their MBA degree not only because of the fun and challenges it presents but because of the it can mean the difference between peanuts and a large figure salary. It may not be a sure-fire way to get to the top but when you have the wings, all you need to do is flap real hard.

The break neck pace of the courses, as well as the difficult nature of the subject matter guarantees that this isn't going to be a cakewalk. Someone who graduated with a course like Political Science or Comparative Literature would probably need to take a few remedial classes before attempting to run through standardized tests like the GMAT, much less proceed into a top-tier MBA program. And when the richest men in the world like Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch swear by it, the technical know-how you get from getting an MBA degree is definitely worth your while.

If these aren't reasons enough to turn yourself from an absolute zero to a hero, then you can find a million more reasons by logging on to: Why want that promotion, when you can make that promotion want you instead?

College Campuses - How Two-Way Radios Keep Our Students Safe

By Meg Shwan

Safety on college campuses today is paramount. Two-way radio intercom systems and safety call boxes are an essential part of keeping campuses safe and crime free. In today's world the safety of our college students is becoming more and more important. We hear of so many tragic situations that could have been avoided if the proper safety equipment had been available for use.

College campuses generally cover a large area and two way radio wireless call boxes should be installed all over the grounds as a crime deterrent. Young women and men should not have to worry whether or not they are safe walking around on campus. College is a supposed to be a home away from home and call boxes can ensure that students feel safe.

Often times students have to walk long distances to get to their destination on campus. When a student is walking alone knowing a two way radio call box is nearby is priceless psychological assurance. Today's students face many situations that we wish did not exist: assault, rape, robbery all occur on college campuses nationwide. It is our job to see that these crimes are lessened and that our students are free to enjoy their learning environment without fear. Two-way radio call boxes placed at frequent intervals on campus are a necessary safety precaution.

Many students live in on campus housing and every dorm could be secured with a two-way radio intercom system. This allows both the student and their visitors to be easily identified and either allowed or denied access to the dorm. Identification cards or keys can easily be lost, and a two-way intercom system provides voice identification assuring the person asking for admittance to the dorm is authorized to be there.

While we certainly don't want our college campuses to feel like lock-down facilities, today's young people understand the importance of a safe environment. Two-way radio intercoms can only been seen as a helpful way to ensure their safety. Dorm rooms are a students home and just as you have security gates or an alarm system at home, students need to be afforded the same assurance of safety. Two-way radios come in many types of configurations and can be installed without wires. They are an affordable solution to a serious problem.

Every college campus must be equipped with a powerful public address system: severe weather and other emergencies need to be announced to the campus as a whole. Trying to contact each individual student on a cell phone definitely has its down side. Cell phone batteries run down, and are generally required to be turned off in the classroom. A Two-way radio wireless PA system helps avoid the pitfalls of cell phone usage: they use radio frequencies that are far more reliable. A two-way radio can easily be set up as a public address system and the entire campus can be notified at once of an impending storm or other emergency. The point of a public alert is to ensure every student has the ability to take the necessary actions quickly and a two-way radio public address system gives students the time they need to get out of harms way.

Security starts with communication, knowing that communication is readily flowing allows both students and faculty the means to get important messages across. Two-way radios set up in classrooms as intercoms allow messages for that targeted group to be announced without having to notify the whole campus. Whether the message is as simple as the class is being cancelled or the professor wants the group to meet at another area of campus the ease of notifying a small group is as simple as pressing a button. Some colleges are equipped with automatic locking doors, a two-way intercom is a virtual key to without having to send a live messenger to the actual classroom.

Installing a two-way radio system on campus is not as complicated as it may seem. Installation of two-way radios does not have to involve a costly undertaking or major construction. College campuses can utilize wireless two-way radios that can be configured to meet every important communication need and are a lot less costly than you may realize. A knowledgeable two-way radio dealer can help answer all of your questions and help you work out what systems are needed to secure your campus. The safety of our nations youth is our number one priority and getting there requires that two-way radio systems be implemented into all of our college campus security programs.

Meg Swhan is the staff writer at IntercomsOnline, which offers two way radios and wireless intercoms. For more information on two way radios, get the free book titled Two-Way Radio Success: How to Choose Two-Way Radios, Commercial Intercoms, and Other Wireless Communication Devices for Your Business by clicking on the enclosed link.

Massage Therapy Courses in Ontario

By Matthias Koster

The only way to legally practice massage therapy in the province of Ontario is to become a RMT (Registered Massage Therapist). To do this one does what most do. That is head off to school! But unlike other medical professions, there are two separate routes that one can take when looking for massage therapy courses in Ontario, although both will ultimately take you were you want to go.

The first path is to attend a governmentally funded Ontario College. This would be your typical college, such as a Humber College. Courses are broken into two distinct styles, with the first being a two-year accelerated course load that includes classes in the summer and the second being a regular duration three year course. Since these colleges are registered with the government they are OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) eligible. Currently there are only six english speaking colleges (Algonquin, Centennial, Fleming, Georgian, Humber & Lambton) and one french language (College Boreal) within the province that offer massage therapy as a course.

The second path to becoming an RMT is to visit a private school that is recognized by the CMTO (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario). These schools also offer two and three year courses. An example of these schools would be the Devry Institute (now Everest College) & Trillium College. Many of these schools however are not OSAP eligible, so funding can become an issue for students.

Upon courses completion at either of these two types of colleges you will be allowed to take the CMTO massage therapy test in Toronto. Upon successful completion of this test you will then become a full fledged Registered Massage Therapist.

Before choosing a massage therapy school in Ontario you will need to way your overall needs. These can include but are not limited to financing, course length and school location.

For help in picking a school you can go to Massage Therapy Courses in Ontario. Our if you are looking for more information on becoming an RMT you can visit our RMT Canada information page.

Cork Attractions - University College Cork (UCC)

By Mairead Foley

UCC is set in stunning surroundings, spanning 44 acres that set off its splendid Gothic style buildings. The main building was designed by Cork architect Sir Thomas Deane in the mid 19th Century and the River Lee runs through the lower grounds of the campus. Today, due to expansion, additional facilities are located nearby.

For the first thirty years of UCC's life it was dominated by males, then in 1885 it opened its doors to the first female students. In 1910 the first female professor was appointed to UCC.

Today UCC caters for 17,000 full time students that comprise of 14,000 under graduate students, and 3,000 post graduate students. There's a large and diverse number of international students travelling from over 80 different countries worldwide, and at the moment there are about 2,000 international students attending the college. The college, through all its various facilities, employs about 2,800 people.

University College Cork offers over 120 professional and degree programs made up of four colleges / faculties:

Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences / Faculties of the Arts and Celtic Studies.

Business and Law / Faculty of Commerce and Law.

Medicine and Health / Faculty of Medicine.

Science, Engineering and Food Science / Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Food Science.

There's also a visitor centre at the university. Here you can arrange for a guided tour of the college and campus. The tour duration is around 50 minutes and it's advisable to book it in advance. The tour costs 4.00 Euro per person and 15.00 Euro for a family. You can also avail of a public tour between the months of May to October. These run every Monday, Wednesday, Friday's and Saturday's at 3pm.

University College Cork is the leading research institution in the country and has, throughout the years, obtained many awards, most recently acquiring 'The Sunday Times Irish University of the Year Award' in 2003 and again in 2004.

The ''student experience'' at UCC is well worth checking out. With an ever growing student population, students are encouraged to get involved in extra curricular activities. As a result there are many campus run and based activities available. UCC has its very own state of the art sports complex called the UCC Mardyke Arena, offering the very best and latest indoor and outdoor sports facilities to all students.

UCC, like all colleges today, has a very active Student Union that's always kept busy organising various student events and activities. They're also on hand should you need assistance with any educational, welfare and social issues.

In honour of the Patron Saint of Cork, Saint Finbarr, and the location of UCC, the college motto is "Where Finbarr Taught, Let Munster Learn". Over the years UCC has gained an excellent reputation for various fields and facilities available worldwide, so if you are considering college life, choose University College Cork.

Mairead Foley writes for the Ireland travel and accommodation website

Visit GoIreland for all you need to know before visiting Cork, like what to see and where to go. You can also book B&Bs, hostels, guesthouses, self catering and Cork hotels.

McGill Named Top Canadian University in the World Rankings

By Loke Yuen Wong

Founded in 1821, McGill University is one of the oldest and finest universities in Canada. It has two campuses (Downtown campus and Macdonald campus), 11 faculties and more than 300 fields of study. With students coming from about 150 countries, it has a student body of over 32000, 20% of whom are international students. To date the university has produced eight Nobel Prize winners and 128 Rhodes Scholars.

According to the Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings 2008, McGill is the highest ranked university in Canada and the only Canadian university in the world top 20 (World rank 20th), followed by the University of British Columbia and University of Toronto.

Over the years the university has achieved outstanding ranking performance in many of the national and international league tables, making it one of the best known universities in the world.

University Ranking Achievement:

- According to Maclean's Guide to Canadian Universities 2007, McGill is ranked first in the medical doctoral category, followed by Queen's and Toronto.

- According to the Academic Ranking of World Top 500 Universities 2008, McGill is ranked 60th in the world and 42nd among the North and Latin American Universities.

- It is ranked among the world top 100 universities by Webometrics Ranking, placed at 86th in the world and 69th among all USA and Canadian universities.

- It is ranked as the second best research university in Canada by the Research Infosource 2007.

- According to the Newsweek ranking of global universities 2006, it is ranked 42nd in the world and 30th in North America.

- McGill's law school is ranked second in the country, after Toronto, by the Maclean's law school ranking.

Please visit the relevant guides for more information on the ranking of Canadian universities and the ranking of world-class universities.

The author, Loke Yuen Wong, holds an MBA from Heriot-Watt University (UK) and a BCom degree from The University of Adelaide (Australia).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Overseas Education

By Kolin Harry

With education being global now, it becomes also necessary that students can go across the globe to pursue a course of their choice. In this article I have discussed some questions to help students willing to study abroad. I hope students and their parents will be helped by this article.

(Q: 1)What are the documents required for the application process?

Answer: The following documents need to be ready to start with the application process

• The completed application form (contact us for the form)

• Your 10th, 12th (for Bachelors courses) + graduation mark sheets (for post graduate courses)

• Two academic reference letters


• One academic reference letter and one employment reference letter

• Work Experience certificate (if required)

• A Statement of Purpose (SOP)

(Q: 2)When is the right time for submitting the Application?

Answer: The foreign admission process is lengthy. For UK admissions send the application at least 3-4 months prior to the intake date. For admissions in Australia send the application at least 6 months prior to the intake date. If you send your documents well before the deadlines, it can only benefit you. You will have better chances of getting admission as well as get priority for housing, bursaries and even Scholarships.

(Q: 3)Are UK degrees recognized in India?

Answer: All UK Universities are members of Association of Common Wealth Universities (ACU) which make the degree awarded by them an accepted degree in India.

(Q: 4)Is IELTS mandatory for an Admission in UK?

Answer: IELTS is not mandatory for every University / College. It depends on the University / College you apply. For whom English is not their 1st language, they must provide evidence of logistic ability by gaining an IELTS or TOEFL or Pre Masters Programme (NCUK)

(Q: 5)How can I finance my studies?

Answer: Going abroad can seem to be steeply expensive when compared to the cost of studies in India. However one must keep the possible returns in mind which are in the form of quality of education, international exposure and boost to ones career when evaluating the costs of studying abroad. A student can rely on sources like family funds, bank loans, scholarships, bursaries, sponsorships etc to provide for funds required by him.

• Self

• Bank Loan

• Parents

• Relatives (should prove the relation with documentary evidence)

• Employer

(Q: 6)Can my overseas relatives sponsor my studies in the UK?

Answer: Yes. You should get a sponsorship letter from them indicating the relationship and the extent to which they are prepared to fund your studies. Besides this, they would also be required to show evidence of financial support (bank statements, salary certificate, a statement from the Chartered Accountant, their source of income etc.)

(Q: 7)Should I pay a deposit?

Answer: Yes, most Universities require the students to pay part of the tuition fees in advance in order to reserve a place for them in the university. In any case we recommend that all students should make a deposit payment as it facilitates in getting a student visa as well us bursaries from the Universities.

(Q: 8)Can I take up a part time job whilst studying in UK? What is the amount I am likely to earn and can I sustain myself on it?

Answer: Yes, any student visa holder is permitted to work up to 20 hours a week during term time and 40 hours a week during holidays. You can earn £ 4 and above per hour depending on the kind of job. This can cover up an average level of living expense of a student. However, when applying for a visa, students must show evidence of full financial support from other sources to cover their tuition and living costs. Students are always advised not to depend on part time jobs.

(Q: 9)What will be the cost of Living in UK?

Answer: We advise students to budget a minimum of £7,000 for undergraduate and postgraduate study, in addition to tuition fees. This amount should cover accommodation, food, entertainment, transport, insurance, laundry etc. Some students will require more than this amount, some less - much depends on lifestyle.

(Q: 10)Can I stay back and work in UK after completion of my studies?

Answer: Yes, you can. The International Graduates Scheme (IGS) allows international students to remain in the country for one year after graduation and gain valuable work experience. The Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland scheme allows students to apply to stay and work in Scotland for two years after the end of their course without the need for a work permit. This will apply to people who have been living in Scotland and studying at a Scottish college or university. Those who have graduated with a Higher National Diploma from a Scottish Further Education College or a first degree, Master's degree or Ph.D. from a Scottish Higher Education Institution are eligible under the FTWiS Scheme.

The author is an education consultant at Overseas Education for You, which helps students with assistance to choose right course from the right university based upon their credentials. To know more visit

College Admission Criteria - What Top Colleges Are Look For?

By Julie Harvard

Education is one of the most important investments in your life because it will affect your future career. If you are at your senior year in high school, it probably the right time to think about college, and the type of subject your are interested to major in which directly related to the type of career you plan to go for once your enter the workplace. In order to successfully enter into your college of choice, you need to know exactly what these colleges are looking for so that you can prepare yourself to maximize your chances of making in to your top choice college.

Generally, colleges have very similar admission criteria, which means what is acceptable to one college is most likely will be acceptable by most other colleges. These common criteria include:

1. Your High School Grades

If you want to enter into your top choice college, you don't thinking about taking it easy during your high school senior year because your grades will have great impact on your success or failure in making in to a college. Over 90% of colleges weight heavily on grades when deciding whether to accept an applicant. Hence, you need to put huge efforts to get good grades in order to meet the acceptance criteria of most colleges.

2. Admission Tests

The same "A" does not weight equally in different schools, an A in your high school may only worth a B in another school. For this reason, admission test results are used by many colleges to measure the applicants' grades. Two of the most highly used admissions tests in United State are the SATs and the ACTs, about 88% of colleges are putting huge emphasis on the SATs and ACTs scores. Hence, it's worth to take up these tests and work hard to get good scores.

3. The Overall High School Graduation Rank

How good your school is performing is one of the consideration factors for college admission. However you can't directly control the overall performance of our school graduation rank. The graduation rank is measured by average mean grade point which is calculated based on the students' grades in your high school class. All you can do is play your role as students who score high grades which will contribute to the school's overall graduation rank. About 28% of schools emphasis strongly on the graduation rank while others count in the factor moderately.

4. College Application Essay Writing

Essay writing is part of admission requirements. Although it does not weight as important as your GPA and admission test, but recently more and more top tier colleges have been placing more attention to the well-written essay. The key purpose of a college application essay is to find out how the applicant writes and thinks. Moreover, writing is an essential part of college life. If you are good in writing essay, then you can be at the advantage over those applicants who are week in writing essay. If you are not so good in writing, then you have to try your best to write in a manner that perfectly showcases who you are.


In order to assure you will enter your top choice college, you may want to review the above tips and prepare your college applications based on the criteria accepted by most top colleges.

Julie Harvard, an author who writes topics related to education especially in online education programs. You can explore more information and resources from her website at URL:

You also could request FREE information pack on your selected degree programs by filling in a simple search for online degrees form.

Painless Studying - Tips For Fast, Easy Learning

By Ali Hale

Being a student is a lot of fun - friends, parties, clubs, freedom, late nights and rambling discussions - but there always comes a point when you need to knuckle down and study. Here's how to make your academic study sessions as easy and painless as possible ... you might even enjoy it.

Work at your "peak" time of day

Try to study when your brain is at its best. For a lot of people, that's in the morning, and most of us have a "slump" around four pm. Figure out what your most creative and energetic time is, and - if at all possible - plan to study then.

Don't worry if this means working odd hours! Some students find that they focus really well at midnight; others can get a huge amount done at 5am. One of the greatest things about being a student is not being tied to office-hours.

Avoid, as much as you can, trying to study at your lowest points. You'll make yourself feel tired and frustrated, and the work you produce won't be your best. Plan to have a break - or at least do some mundane things like photocopying and grocery shopping - during your "brain dead" times.

Find somewhere quiet to work

As well as working at the right time for your brain, you need to work in the right place. None of us can study effectively in a noisy environment, or one with constant distractions. If you can, work in a library; it's usually quiet, and there's not much to do apart from study!

When you need to work in your room, try disconnecting the internet and switching off your phone. Shut the door and ignore anyone who knocks - or put up a note saying that you're busy and don't want to be disturbed. It's very tempting to take any excuse to end a study session early...

Work for 30-45 minutes at a time

You do need to take regular breaks from studying, though. Trying to focus for two hours non-stop will prevent you from working efficiently, and it'll make you tired and grouchy. Work for 30-45 minutes at a time - that means no stopping to check email or Facebook - and then have a 10-15 minutes break to make a coffee, read comic books, chat to a friend, or whatever you like.

Just make sure you get straight back to work, rather than letting a "quick break" drag out to several hours...

Take notes - don't just read

Have you ever heard the advice to "study actively"? That means not just sitting and reading over and over your text book or lecture notes. Grab a sheet of paper and a pen - or several pens of different colours, if you want to make it a bit more fun. As you read, write down key points. This could be a spider diagram, a bullet-pointed list, or a series of paragraphs: choose whatever works best for you.

Another good exercise is to get a set of 6" x 4" cards and jot notes onto those. This is great when it comes to exam time, as a concise set of notes on cards is much less daunting than a stack of textbooks. Some students like to make notes on lined paper initially, then condense these notes onto the cards.

Whatever method you use, make sure you're actively working on the information you're reading - not just letting it wash past your eyes.

Ali Hale is a postgraduate student of Creative & Life Writing, and runs the blog Alpha Student ("Helping you make the most of your time at Uni"). Ali works as a freelance writer and website creator, and is on the staff of several large blogs. If you're looking for a writer or a website, you can hire her via Aliventures.

Goal-Setting at University

By Ali Hale

Studies have shown that students who set specific, written goals are much more likely to succeed in life than those who don't. Having a clear idea of what you want to get from your time at university - and from life beyond your studies - lets you focus your attention on the areas which matter to you.

Here's how to set effective goals to help you make the most of being a student:

Be clear about what you want from your time at university

Being a student isn't just about getting a piece of paper when you graduate. Nor is it just about enjoying the freedom and socialising of the student lifestyle. There are dozens of things you could use your time at university to achieve - and it's up to you to be clear about what you want to get out of these years of your life.

Are you aiming for a great degree? Or do you want to launch your own business, write a novel, become President of a society, or get relevant experience for your dream career? Don't try to conform to someone else's goals for your life: you don't have to become an investment banker just because that's what your dad wants. And don't be swayed by your friends or classmates - if you'd rather spend your Saturday night volunteering at a soup kitchen instead of partying, that's your choice.

Set goals in different categories

Goal setting doesn't need to be all about your academic life or your career plans. Try picking several goals to work on, in different categories: that way, you can make progress in multiple areas at once. For example, you might want to set goals involving:

  • Your studies

  • Your financial situation

  • Your future career

  • Your health and fitness

  • Your relationships

  • Your spiritual wellbeing

Don't try to focus on too many goals at once - but look for the three or four areas where you most need to improve, and tackle those first.

Write down your goals, and re-visit them regularly

Anyone can dream up lofty goals - and forget them the following day. Write down your goals, and be as concrete and specific as you can. Goals need to be measurable so that you can tell whether or not you're on track to achieve them; "Get fitter" isn't a goal, "Go to the gym three times a week for a thirty-minute cardio workout followed by a weights session" is.

Just writing your goals down helps you to crystallise them, but jotting them in a notebook and shoving it under your bed won't help much. You need to reread your goals on a regular basis - weekly, or even daily. Try writing them out and pinning them on your noticeboard, setting them as your screensaver, or scheduling half an hour once a week to look at your goals and assess how you're doing - and whether you need to change any of them.

Be realistic about timescales

One mistake that many people make when setting goals is to be over-optimistic. Sure, you might want to write a novel in six months, or lose twenty pounds in six weeks - but you'll be disappointed if you fail to meet your self-imposed deadline. Give yourself twice as much time as you think you'll need. It is important to set dates on your goals (otherwise it's very easy to keep putting them off till tomorrow), but be realistic about your time-commitments.

Share your goals with friends

Letting other people know about your goals and ambitions can be a great way to stay motivated and accountable. If you can, get together with some like-minded friends who'll encourage you towards your goals - this could be as simple as meeting up for coffee once a week and discussing how you're all doing. Knowing that you'll be telling someone else about the progress you're making can really help you to stay on track.

Friends can also help on a practical level with your goals - for instance, if your goal is to eat more healthily, you might have a friend who can teach you to cook. If both you and a friend share a similar goal, you can work on it together or alongside one another.

Enjoy yourself!

The final point about setting goals is that they should be enjoyable. Don't force yourself to chase after a goal which you're becoming more and more discouraged about or fed up with. If your goals aren't working for you - change them.

Ali Hale is a postgraduate student of Creative & Life Writing, and runs the blog Alpha Student ("Helping you make the most of your time at Uni"). Ali works as a freelance writer and website creator, and is on the staff of several large blogs. If you're looking for a writer or a website, you can hire her via Aliventures.


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