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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

College Campuses - How Two-Way Radios Keep Our Students Safe

By Meg Shwan

Safety on college campuses today is paramount. Two-way radio intercom systems and safety call boxes are an essential part of keeping campuses safe and crime free. In today's world the safety of our college students is becoming more and more important. We hear of so many tragic situations that could have been avoided if the proper safety equipment had been available for use.

College campuses generally cover a large area and two way radio wireless call boxes should be installed all over the grounds as a crime deterrent. Young women and men should not have to worry whether or not they are safe walking around on campus. College is a supposed to be a home away from home and call boxes can ensure that students feel safe.

Often times students have to walk long distances to get to their destination on campus. When a student is walking alone knowing a two way radio call box is nearby is priceless psychological assurance. Today's students face many situations that we wish did not exist: assault, rape, robbery all occur on college campuses nationwide. It is our job to see that these crimes are lessened and that our students are free to enjoy their learning environment without fear. Two-way radio call boxes placed at frequent intervals on campus are a necessary safety precaution.

Many students live in on campus housing and every dorm could be secured with a two-way radio intercom system. This allows both the student and their visitors to be easily identified and either allowed or denied access to the dorm. Identification cards or keys can easily be lost, and a two-way intercom system provides voice identification assuring the person asking for admittance to the dorm is authorized to be there.

While we certainly don't want our college campuses to feel like lock-down facilities, today's young people understand the importance of a safe environment. Two-way radio intercoms can only been seen as a helpful way to ensure their safety. Dorm rooms are a students home and just as you have security gates or an alarm system at home, students need to be afforded the same assurance of safety. Two-way radios come in many types of configurations and can be installed without wires. They are an affordable solution to a serious problem.

Every college campus must be equipped with a powerful public address system: severe weather and other emergencies need to be announced to the campus as a whole. Trying to contact each individual student on a cell phone definitely has its down side. Cell phone batteries run down, and are generally required to be turned off in the classroom. A Two-way radio wireless PA system helps avoid the pitfalls of cell phone usage: they use radio frequencies that are far more reliable. A two-way radio can easily be set up as a public address system and the entire campus can be notified at once of an impending storm or other emergency. The point of a public alert is to ensure every student has the ability to take the necessary actions quickly and a two-way radio public address system gives students the time they need to get out of harms way.

Security starts with communication, knowing that communication is readily flowing allows both students and faculty the means to get important messages across. Two-way radios set up in classrooms as intercoms allow messages for that targeted group to be announced without having to notify the whole campus. Whether the message is as simple as the class is being cancelled or the professor wants the group to meet at another area of campus the ease of notifying a small group is as simple as pressing a button. Some colleges are equipped with automatic locking doors, a two-way intercom is a virtual key to without having to send a live messenger to the actual classroom.

Installing a two-way radio system on campus is not as complicated as it may seem. Installation of two-way radios does not have to involve a costly undertaking or major construction. College campuses can utilize wireless two-way radios that can be configured to meet every important communication need and are a lot less costly than you may realize. A knowledgeable two-way radio dealer can help answer all of your questions and help you work out what systems are needed to secure your campus. The safety of our nations youth is our number one priority and getting there requires that two-way radio systems be implemented into all of our college campus security programs.

Meg Swhan is the staff writer at IntercomsOnline, which offers two way radios and wireless intercoms. For more information on two way radios, get the free book titled Two-Way Radio Success: How to Choose Two-Way Radios, Commercial Intercoms, and Other Wireless Communication Devices for Your Business by clicking on the enclosed link.

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