Tuesday, November 4, 2008

College Internship - Taking an Unpaid Position

By Vickie Faria

As a college student, you probably lead a very busy life. You probably are not only dealing with the stress of passing your classes with satisfactory grades, but also with gaining job experience that will help you land a high paying job after college.

One way to gain job experience that can help you land a great job after you graduate from college is to complete an internship college. The dilemma that many students face when choosing a college internship however, is whether to take a paid or unpaid position. If you are the typical college student, you probably do not have much money in savings and need a job to sustain your life style. If this is your situation, you may have to work another job in addition to your internship college if your internship is an unpaid position.

You may be wondering if it will even be worth your time to complete an unpaid college internship if you will have to work another job just to sustain yourself. The answer to this question lies basically in the type of internship college that you are considering completing. If the unpaid position you are considering completing has a great reputation for equipping students for their careers, it may be worth your time and effort to accept the position. However, if the position does not have a strong reputation, or you know little about it, you might want to do more research before accepting the job. Remember, if you decide that an unpaid position is not the right choice for you, there are probably many paid positions that will be better options for your situation.

More information on College Works Painting internship opportunities for students is just a click away.

Selling College Textboooks Online

By Tom Tessin

College students are with more confidence than ever while it comes shopping online. This obvious reflection will not vibrate more, than in business of purchasing and selling second-hand college textbooks. For first time in the history, students are lastly getting good end of this when "college store takes the entire" industry.

According to NACS, books & supplies for 2 to 4 year students comes at right below $1000 per year at about $988. Actually college textbooks & supplies have risen in past year than what it was in previous seven, outpacing increase by double. Selling used textbooks in the past, used to be icing on cake. Now, the students want much hit for their money in times.

There are three things that you can do in order to get best fiscal experience from selling your book: First, overlook your campus store. While you first go on campus, all these guys might look like your friend. But, they are now trying to eek each piece of income out of all student purchasing books so that they can stuff their coffers with parents and students hard earned dollars. Conversely, they will not present anything what you have paid for new or else used college book you might have owned.

Next, become social in your different student organizations on the campus. Even with advent of internet, the word of mouth is s most efficient means to market the product and service, even while it comes to sell the used textbooks. And if you are fortunate, you will get price, which is better than store and potential buyer can receive better cost than if they would had paid through store.

Last, if you have still not known yourself with the search on internet, would be good time. Nowadays mantra to flourishing textbook selling is, "One who search most early, make most when semester ends. So become known with how one can search in Yahoo, Google, and MSN. When you lastly have the idea of how process works, then focus on the actual second-hand text search companies who will compile more second-hand college textbook details than you can ever think of. You may have information that can serve your requirements good in no time.

Enough to Get By

Lots of students see college as the power. They go to the college not just because they look at value in it, but also because it is what expected. Thus, these students do adequate to get by. With no motivation, direction, and focus, they take much longer to modify or eventually, drop out.

Not Prepared

Lots of students aren't prepared for the academic challenge in college. With no early planning in the high school years, then they avoid more challenging classes, which might have prepared students for college. Thus, when they go to college, they require corrective courses to come up to.

Some students generally do not take time to think what they will carry out when they graduate. With no idea of the interests & aspirations, they will find it much easy to postpone the choices about their prospect. College becomes comfortable place to go around until they make a decision.


Studies have also shown that the students who move from one college to other, normally take much longer time to graduate.

Tom Tessin is an author for http://www.FINDcollegecards.com that is geared toward students looking for a student credit card.

Making College Admissions Easier For You

By Tom Tessin

Apply to about 6 to 7 colleges, minimum.

One of the things that we found is it generally does nothing to apply few colleges, which you do not get, acknowledged anywhere before admitted to 1 or 2. You do not have to apply to about 30 different colleges; in fact, it will hurt you in a long run. However, perfect sum is to apply to around 6 - 8 colleges.

These are some things that you must look for in the colleges you apply to: Colleges you have good shot of being into. Colleges have financial help to give, or else are reasonable even though you do not get financial help. Colleges you will be actually happy to be present at.

Visit Colleges.

Please make sure to visit all colleges when it is in session. It is of o use to visit colleges at time of summer where no one is there except for janitor. You absolutely want to go to college while it is in the session, it means that you miss day of high school. As part of visit, take a formal tour, but importantly, walk over-- and at a few point lose parents if they are been tagged along-- as well as ensure you get chance to join your head in couple of classrooms, by pretending that you are been lost when class is in the session, with the intention that you may see what in fact happens.

It is as well important to end and get cup of coffee somewhere on the campus at the refreshment services so you may get the feel for what students like there.

Diverse colleges may attract completely different students. Keep in mind that these are students, which you will make friends with, studying with, dating, & bringing home; so, you would like to go around with the people, which you will take pleasure in hanging out with.

If you want to ask some question, probably best question, which you can ask is:

"What kind of help can you give me when I graduate from the college?"

Good college can go in good detail explaining diverse alumni programs that they have place together, and different means they have to take care of you and helping you get job or get in the graduate college that is much better reply than blank stare.

How One Can Get Accepted

When talking to the admissions officials, there are some distinct things, which you may do in order to make yourself further more pleasing to them.

Well, reason is simple; everybody loves to put off myself included. You most likely are like this. We like to wait to last minute on some things.

Reason is because everyone waits unless last second, and then admissions office will get flooded with the applications and they are cranky, overworked, tired, and want to use it-- so they at times do not give full amount of notice that they must to every application.

Alternatively, if you get the application in 5 to 6 weeks prior to the deadline, you will get them while they are in much better frame of mind & they have little more time to see your application.

Start building your credit today with student credit cards at FINDcollegecards.com, where you'll also be able to find more of Tom's work.


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