Tuesday, September 30, 2008

College Tuition - Expensive Or Inexpensive University

By Vickie Faria

When it comes to college, most students have an idea of which one they would like to attend. Reasons for their selection may be because they know other students that attend a particular college or because they have heard good things about a particular program of study there.

Another factor that often influences a student's decision on where to attend college is the price of college tuition. Depending on a student's budget, they may choose to go to a smaller university to save on college tuition. Larger, more prestigious universities often charge much more for college tuition because more students want to attend them. Just because they charge more, this does not mean that you will automatically get a better education. True, these more expensive universities probably have specific fields of study which are known for their high standards, but for the most part, regardless of where you attend college and how much you pay in college tuition, academic achievement depends primarily on you ambition and how much effort you put in.

In addition, although the fact that you graduated from a prestigious university that charges more for college tuition may look good on a resume, what employers care most about is whether or not you have relevant work experience such as from a college internship. A college internship is where most students gain needed experience to land a competitive career. Employers will likely put more weight on what you gained from your college internship than on the name of you university.

More information on college tuition and College Works Painting in your area is just a click away.

College Internships - How Much Do They Pay?

By Vickie Faria

Work experience that is relevant to a future career is an invaluable asset for students to have. It can be very difficult to be hired for a career position without having previous experience. With this in mind, many students are left scrambling trying to find a job where they can gain the needed experience.

A college internship is one way that the majority of students are able to gain relevant work experience. When considering taking on a college internship, however, a common question that arises is how much an internship college normally pays. There is really no set way to explain how much a typical college internship pays because it varies greatly from internship to internship.

Some internship college opportunities do not pay anything, so students that decide to take on one of these should decide whether or not they can afford an unpaid college internship before taking on the opportunity. Some students that take on unpaid internships are reimbursed in other ways such as receiving free housing for the length of the internship or having their travel expenses covered if they have to travel anywhere during the internship.

Other internship opportunities however offer basically unlimited earning potential depending on the effort level of the student and commitment to the position.

Many college internship opportunities pay about the same as any other job students could work at their skill level. In any of these internship college opportunities, an understanding of the payment level should be made before taking on the position. This will help avoid any misunderstanding and miscommunications that could arise between the students and the employer.

More information on college internship opportunities and College Works Painting in your area is just a click away.

College Internship - Impressing Your Boss

By Vickie Faria

Many students work through college. They work not only to support themselves financially and to save money for the college price tag, but they also work to build references that they will need after graduating from college in order to be hired for a competitive job in their career field.

One way that many students establish references is through their college internship. A college internship is not only a great way to gain valuable work experience but also to meet influential members of your community. With this in mind, if you are taking an internship college with the hopes of building references to list of your resume, you probably will not be able to just coast through the college internship and just do the minimum amount of required work.

In order to impress your boss at your internship college, it is a good idea to go above and beyond as often as possible. When you are assigned projects by your boss, think of ways that you can really make the project shine and grab the attention of your college internship boss. It is also helpful to always show an eagerness to work. If you come to work with a smile on your face and a positive attitude, this will go a long ways in grabbing the attention of your boss and showing them that you really do care about the college internship and are grateful for the opportunity to work for their company.

At the end of your internship college, if you are confident that your boss would give you a positive reference to future employers, ask them if they are willing to let you list them as a reference. In addition, whenever you use them as a reference, be sure to send a thank you note to show your appreciation.

More information on college internship opportunities and College Works Painting in your area is just a click away.


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