Saturday, October 25, 2008

Is Gossip Really Juicy?

By Elizabeth Bennett

Yesterday morning, I came online and found an interesting article on a website called Juicy Campus. This is a site devised for college students to go online, share funny stories, experiences and is general fun for those in college. The founder, Matt Ivester has been out of college for a couple of years and designed the site specifically for college students. One would think that a online place to hang out and have fun is a good thing, right? Absolutely not. I cannot find any fun in this at all.

There is a dark side to Juicy Campus as in any other site where people post and interact. Juicy Campus is also a place to cyber bully. Gossip turns ugly and students are basically slandering one another. One student in particular had a cruel experience on this site. She was raped one night on the street and shared this traumatic experience with her close friends and family. Nine months later, her experience was posted on the Juicy Campus site and many responses of "she deserved it", "she is a slut" and other derogatory comments were targeted at her. Needless to say, the experience only made her trauma worse, not better. This site has also raised some legal issues and come under the concern of the Consumer Fraud Act. Of course, Ivester is hiding under the First Amendment of free speech and section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996. His attitude is that there should be no censorship and that some of this stuff on there is mean but at the same time its funny. In a nutshell, he has no remorse about what is occurring on this site.

Are we a society that wants to continue to enable abusive behavior? Folks, if someone has been raped, its not good to rejoice and encourage slander towards the victim. Its not good to spread vicious gossip about others for fun. I understand that people should be able to speak their mind. However, at the expense of hurting others? What is good about that? I know many will tell me not to take this site so seriously. People are being affected by this! How can I not take this seriously? Not only is this cyber bullying but its abuse and outright slander. My guess is Mr. Ivester has never come under the fire of bullies. If he had, I am sure he would put limits on his site. I do not like censorship either but good grief! Some people just do not know when to stop! Are we becoming a nation lacking a conscience? Is this gossip really that juicy?

Resource Cited:

Elizabeth Bennett is the author of Peer Abuse Know More! Bullying From A Psychological Perspective and resides in Los Angeles, California. To learn more, visit .

Engineers - Catalyzing Industrial Growth in Engineering Colleges in Orissa, India

By Chandrakant Biswas

A major factor for the sustainable growth and development of any state is availability of quality and efficient manpower, which includes both skilled & unskilled. The industrial growth of a state is largely dependent on the available technically skilled professionals. The Engineering colleges not only provides technical education to young minds but also help them to attain the professionals attitude that is required for all sectors of industries. After completing a degree in engineering the young mass become professionals and they are responsible for innovating the structures and designs of the existing systems and machinery as well as come up with new ideas and products much needed for development and growth of any country.

Orissa is a pioneer in providing quality technical education and has been an education hub in India. There are a number of premier institutes in the state providing best quality Engineering Degree programmes in a wide range of subjects like Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Electronics, Computer Science, Biotechnology, Information Technology etc. several new stream of Engineering Degree programmes like Electronics and Telecommunication, Electronic and Electrical etc have been introduced due to the increasing demand and need of market and industries.

Irrespective of the type of activity and products, each industry requires a pool of talented engineers from each and every branch. Each entrepreneur first searches for the quality human resource before establishing its unit in that area.

As Orissa has prove to be one of the largest treasure for quality technical manpower, the last few years have attracted a number of industries with thousands of crores of investment pouring into the state. To mention a few, companies like Vedanta, TCS, Tata Steel, POSCO, SAIL, NALCO, Infosys, Satyam, etc recruit every year number of engineers from many colleges in Orissa through campus recruitment.

With a number of young innovative minds with technical expertise, no doubt orissa will emerge as the treasure of talented professionals with the potential to change the industrial as well as the socio economic scenario of the state.

Majhighariani Institute of Technology & Science (MITS) was started in the year 1999 under the patronage of Basantdevi Charitable Trust. MITS Engineering College is a link in the long chain of philanthropic accomplishment of the trust in the form of primary & high schools, junior & degree Colleges and hospitals in the far flung tribal areas of KBK districts in Orissa. It drew its name from the Goddess Majhighariani, the reigning deity of Rayagada. MITS is the best Engineering College situated in Rayagada, Orissa where you can learn MTech, BTech, MS,BSc inComputer Science, Information Technology (IT), Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, BCA.

College Internship - Fitting One Into Your Schedule

By Vickie Faria

Most people lead very hectic lives. Between work and family time, people often do not have much time for anything else. As a student, you busy life is more than likely many times more than that of the average person. Not only do you have to worry about attending class and completing your homework on time, you probably are also trying to balance working a part time or full time position while attending college.

If you are the typical student, you have probably considered the option of completing a college internship, but may be putting it off because you do not think that you can fit one into your already hectic schedule. Many students do balance a college internship with their busy lives and it is very likely that you can as well.

One trick to fitting an internship college into your busy life is to complete one during your summer break from classes. Completing a college internship during the summer months can help a great deal in relieving the stress you may feel from trying to balance your class work and the responsibilities of a college internship. If your only option is to complete a college internship during the school year, try finding one that will be flexible with your class schedule. If you have a very busy class schedule, you do not want to overload yourself with an internship college that is not willing to work with you on your schedule. Many internship college employers understand the importance of class work and will be willing to work with your schedule.

More information on College Works Painting internships for students is just a click away.

Tips to Get Active As a College Student

By Tom Tessin

It is very important that college students get the recommended amount of exercise on a daily basis. They are always caught up in homework, working their jobs and studying for their classes. When students have such a busy schedule they often put off things like diet and exercise. College students also carry a lot of stress on their shoulders. A lot of this stress comes from such a hectic schedule. If students take the time to exercise they can easily loose a lot of their stress. Don't have time? Everyone has time to get exercise into their day. Need some ideas? Read below and you can see how you can start fitting exercise into your daily schedule.

Get involved with sports - Did you have a favorite sport that you loved playing as a child? If so, why not bring it back? Get some of your best friends together and create a sports team. This is a great way to get some exercise have fun and hang out with your friends. Do this a couple times a week with a few other exercises and you'll be all set.

Gym - Do you have a gym around you or a gym your friends go to? If so you should consider joining as well! Working out with you friends is a good way to get even more exercise in. Not only will you go when you want to but when they go as well. Start making exercising fun by doing it with friends.

Parking spot - When you go to the grocery store, park at school, or go to the mall try and park farther away. Everyone comes in and looks for the closest parking spot right away. What is it going to hurt to get some extra exercise? We can all use some more exercise for our bodies. Try parking farther away and see how those extra calories can make a difference.

Make goals - Always make a goal when you start thinking about exercising. Whether it's walking 10 miles a week or getting better at basketball make a goal. When we achieve these goals we feel great about ourselves and when we don't we want to discipline ourselves more.

Treadmill/Walk - Try to make it a habit to walk for at least 30 minutes a day. Rotate between a treadmill and going outside. When it's nice outside get some fresh air and walk around the neighborhood. When it's rainy or cold outside try and go on the treadmill. Add some of your favorite music to help motivate you. Find an upcoming event that you want to get in shape for and use that as your motivation.

Consider these points and find yourself getting more physically fit and healthy. These are great for getting rid of stress and help concentration. Always keep it to at least 30 minutes a day for getting exercise. It is very important to get exercise as a college student so be one of them who stays healthy, improves concentration and get more physically fit.

Start building your credit today at, where you can compare student credit cards and find more of Tom's work.

Making the Most Out of College

By Tom Tessin

If you are currently attending a college or university you most likely understand the high cost of tuition. The prices of going to college seem to just keep rising over the years. With such high tuition costs it is important to make sure we get the most out of college. We all want to go to college to better ourselves and get a good job in the future. If you are another one suffering for the prices make sure you are getting the most out of college as well. How can we do that? Easily read below and find out how you can start getting the most for your dollars spent on college.

Choosing classes - You want to make sure that once you sign up for a class you stick with it. Don't sign up for a class if you're unsure whether you will like it or not. Dropping classes is one of the worst things you can do in college. Since classes are so expensive you want to make sure you take the right classes. When we drop a class we can loose up to all our money we put into the class.

Do well - If you're serious about a future career you need to be serious about your classes too. You want to make sure you get good grades and pass all your classes exceeding the minimum grade you can get. If you do poorly in the class not only will you most likely end up dropping it but you'll loose a lot of money in the end. Also if you do drop it you will realize you just sat in the class, miserable for nothing.

Be there - When you sign up for a class you find out what days and times you need to be there. Since you know this information, do what it says. Going to class is one of the most important things in college. If you miss just one day you may be missing a pop quiz, a very important lecture or your attendance may go against you. Often in college professors mark you down for attendance and if you have so many they can fail you.

Professor - Be sure you talk with your professor and ask any questions you want. When we pay for our classes we also pay for the professors so take advantage of them! They've learned everything you're learning so ask them questions. Stay after class or ask during class what ever works for you. Your professor is your best source in college so ask away.

Textbook - You pay such a high price for the book so make sure you use it. Your textbook can be just as good as getting information from your professor. Also a book is always something you can refer to so take advantage of it and get your money's worth.

There is a lot you can do in college to make sure you get your money's worth. College is a very expensive thing and is also very important. If you want to get the most out of college be sure you keep the ideas above in mind.

Tom Tessin is an author for that is geared toward students looking for their first credit card.

How Students Can Save on Groceries

By Tom Tessin

One expense that college students hate putting money toward is groceries. Grocery shopping always seems to be a guaranteed large amount of money taken from us. Although grocery shopping can be expensive it doesn't have to be. There are many ways you can make grocery shopping cheaper for you on weekly basis. Read below and you can find out how you can start saving money on grocery shopping now!

Small carts - Instead of walking in the grocery store and grabbing a large cart get a small one. Using a small car can save you a ton of money when grocery shopping. When you grab a small cart you have half the space to put groceries. This will make is so you only get the things you need instead of what you want.

Use coupons - Using coupons can save you a ton of money as well per week. There are always coupons on makeup, shampoos & body washes and cleaners. Those are usually always a guarantee for coupons. Never go shopping unless you have a few coupons in your hand. You can find coupons online and in the weekly news ads.

Items on sale - Only buy groceries that are on sale. You never want to buy an item if it's not on sale unless you really need it. Also if there is an item that you buy on a weekly basis and it's on sale stock up! Stocking up on the item when it's one sale can save you a lot of money. This will make you avoid buying it when it's not on sale because you already have it.

Once a week - Make it a habit to only go grocery shopping one time per week. This will avoid all those unnecessary trips. Every time we go grocery shopping we find more stuff that we can in for. So if we go a few times a week that's more of the stuff that we didn't come in for. Limit your trip to just once a week and see how you will start saving money.

Grocery list - You always want to make sure you make a grocery list. What a grocery list does it sends you in for the things you need instead of the things you want. You are more likely to go by your grocery list instead of shopping isle to isle.

Avoid isle shopping - Try to never go isle to isle when you're shopping. Avoid going down the isles that don't have the stuff you came in for. If you go down every isle you will find yourself getting more than what you came in for.

There are many ways to save money when you're grocery shopping. If you want to start spending less and start saving more definitely consider the tips above. These will all help cut your grocery bills in half and keep you from buying the unnecessary things you don't need. Start following these tips and watch how you don't mind grocery shopping as much as you did before!

Find your first student credit card and more educational resources on my student blog at

Shooting Down College Violence

By Scott McQuarrie

As a recent college graduate looking back on my four years of indentured servitude, I can recall many stressors that contributed to numerous sleepless nights and frequent migraines. I suppose its par for the course. After all, those hours of hard work cramming for exams and scrambling to complete a 15 page research paper you just started yesterday only make the reward of graduating that much sweeter. To say you survived college unscathed is quite the accomplishment.

Yet in today's stormy climate of higher education, it isn't so much surviving anatomy and physiology that plagues the minds of American students. More and more, college students are facing the harsh reality that they are putting their personal safety at risk by simply stepping foot inside the student union. The April 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech and The Northern Illinois University shootings that occurred earlier this year are slowly but surely bringing college violence closer to home.

What's the Real Issue?

Gun control has always been a hotbed of controversial discussion. With the majority of school massacres involving firearms, many blame the constitutional right of gun ownership for the increase in violent crime. Just this month, a librarian at Northeast Lakeview College in San Antonio was gunned down by a co-worker in the university's library. Authorities say the gunman shot and killed Devin Zimmerman, 37, and then sat and waited to be arrested. Students were in the library at the time of the shooting, but none were injured. Police eventually evacuated the building.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence reports that every day, more than 80 Americans die as a result of gun shootings. Furthermore, the US Department of Justice reported that only 2% of all gun related crimes occurring between 2000-2002 were actually prosecuted. Law enforcement agencies are frequently ignoring laws including selling to minors and possessing a firearm in a school zone.

Long story short, among the many concerns associated with gun ownership, guns are quickly and easily getting into the wrong hands and little is being done to prevent it.

The Solution?

Arguably, it could take years of painstaking effort to even make a dent in reversing the constitutional right to possess a firearm. Instead, the focus is being directed at the universities. In August, Illinois Gov. Rod D. Blagojevich signed The Campus Security Enhancement Act into law. This new act will require all universities in the state to develop and practice an emergency response plan alongside local emergency response agencies and mental health providers.

During the investigation of the Virginia Tech shootings, the university authorities were criticized for slow and sloppy response to the shootings after failing to shut down the university after the first two shots. Authorities at the time believed it to be an isolated incident or that the shooter had fled the campus. Two and a half hours later, the massacre continued, ultimately leaving 33 dead.

Effective Jan 1, 2009, all Illinois higher education institutions will be required to develop an emergency response plan as well as an inter-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional campus violence prevention plan in order to avoid a situation similar to Virginia Tech. State and local management officials will assist with the development of the operations as well as training. Another requirement involves the creation of a university threat assessment team and violence prevention committee.

Blagojevich is also pushing for approval of the Campus Security Enhancement Grant Program. The $25 million dollar plan would provide funding for campus security response and violence prevention training programs, projects to enhance emergency communications, and implementation of campus-wide training programs.

"This new law sets Illinois apart in our efforts to make sure students and faculty members on college campuses are as safe as possible," said Blagojevich.

With any hope, Governor Blagojevich's efforts will gain national attention and similar legislation will follow throughout the country. As tragically shown in the case of Virginia Tech, many lives may have been saved if a proper emergency procedure was in place. Universities need an efficient system to be prepared to handle a wide variety of emergency situations in order to ensure the security of its students. No one should have to fear for their life, especially when then they are taking every opportunity to make a better one for themselves by attending school.

The author if this article was sponsored by Automated Video Systems dba EZWatch Pro, a leading provider of surveillance cameras & video security systems for home and business. When considering a security solution please consider EZWatch Pro Video Surveillance Systems.

Why an Online Business College is Good Business For You

By Ray Steadman

Online business colleges can provide exactly the right way for you to get your degree in business. There are millions of adults who entered the work force and never completed the requirements for their college degree. This may have hindered them in getting the job that they really wanted. It gets difficult to go back to school when you have a full time job and a family but today you can get a business degree from an accredited institution in the privacy of your home.

To get ahead in the business world today you need to have the right skills and the right education. A business degree shows the world that you had the commitment and dedication to graduate from a rigorous program. The courses that you take in order to fulfill your degree requirements help you gain the perspective and knowledge that will help you forge ahead in your career. Your employer will be looking for people who have advanced degrees when higher-level positions become available. Now you can be prepared for an advancement opportunity with your business degree in hand. Online colleges not only offer courses for bachelor degree programs, they also provide you with the opportunity to complete your MBA in the same convenient way.

An online business college is a college program that is taught via the internet. The courses can be downloaded for you complete them at your own pace. There are even online tutors available for students who need extra help. You can find a number of courses that will be sent on DVDs or CDs and these can be listened to at the hours you set. When you are enrolled in these business courses, you will take tests, complete assignments in your home surroundings, and send them in to be checked and graded. You can go online and discuss lessons with your instructor and interact with others in the online classroom. There is no commuting on a daily basis and you schedule your classes so that they can neatly fit into your daily schedule.

These online business schools are perfect for people who left college without completing their degree. They can transfer many of their previous course credits and will only have to take the courses needed to fulfill their degree requirements. This means that many who enroll will be able to complete their 4-year degree in 2 years or less. Other students may choose to work on the master's degree that they thought was an impossible dream.

Always choose those online business colleges that have full accreditation. This is proof that the school has been evaluated by a committee and has been shown to meet or exceed expected national standards for higher learning institutions. When you take courses or graduate from an accredited college this means that your degree is fully recognized and accepted. It also guarantees that in the event that you transfer to any other college your credit hours will be able to be transferred and counted.

Choosing the Right Dissertation Topic

By Nick Sanders

When you're looking at choosing a dissertation topic, this is generally going to be through a choice made by you and your lecturer/professor. Most often, students, when they are thinking about a dissertation topic, should attempt to narrow down their topic to one that is specific and can adequately researched. However, the opposite is commonly true, as many lecturers sometimes feel that students want to 'research the world' when they are thinking about a topic on which to write their dissertation research paper.

Your topic needs to be related to the academic arena, the course that you are one, and the area of expertise that your supervisor (the lecturer who will advise you of research direction) - if you choose a topic that is broad or off topic, then you're surely heading in the wrong direction. This is where your supervisor/lecturer comes in to their element - they'll question your understanding and thinking, and this isn't to test you as a person, but to test whether or not you have the background knowledge and potential to see the research through. The main element here is that your supervisor can see that you believe you have an ending in sight.

If you are on a management degree and have a keen interest in marketing on your course, then choosing a topic of researching women and the effects of Beauty products, in relation to brand loyalty, wouldn't be a good idea. Even choosing the 25-35 year olds category, who reside in the North West (of England) would still mean too broad of a topic, but will all be helpful when choosing a topic for your proposal.

Generally speaking, your dissertation topic should focus on something that you are interested in, but not something that you have detailed knowledge about. Why, you may ask? Well, simply put, you're going to become bored easily and distracted. This is a human trait that everyone carries - we like to learn new things, they don't have to be innovative or 'hip', they just need to be new to us as an individual.

When you are thinking about the topic of your dissertation you don't need to go into much detail, as you are setting the foundations to build the rest of your proposal on. Once this has been approved by your supervisor, you will then be able to go onto writing the hypothesis, or hypotheses, for your research project - i.e. what you want to learn, prove, or disprove.

When you are looking at narrowing the topic for your proposal, you will need to conduct research with relevant resources and review what other research has already been undertaken in the specific topic. A quick tip here - it's always good to keep a note-pad on you at this point, as many of the sources you review will probably be used in your literature review.

From all of the research and thinking you are doing, and discussions with your supervisor and friends (the latter I would strongly advise), you should be formulating a plan of how your work is going to be shaped. This isn't an easy task, but was is in academia?

You will of course want to keep on topic when you are planning out your topic and proposal, and planning is best started as early as possible in the dissertation process. This will allow you to understand where you are at in every stage of the process and will also benefit you when you have to centralise the scope and thinking of your paper. This will all be helpful when you are looking to write your proposal and thinking about the hypothesis of your dissertation topic.

Nick Sanders is the owner and founder of Supaproofread, a dissertation editing services company, specialising in editing and proofreading services. You should visit them if you are looking for dissertation editing proofreading.


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