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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This is What Writing a Research Paper Entails

By Peter Gitundu

As you are writing a Research Paper, you should do a reality check several times to be sure you are on the right track. Does it have a clear theory? It has to be an argument paper, arguing one central point. Only if a reasonable person could disagree with your theory, is it meaningful enough to be acceptable.

Is your paper theoretically-centered? Not only must it have a theory, the paper must be devoted completely to proving that theory. When writing a research paper, the series of points that you have gathered should be organized together so as to prove about the theory that you are writing on.

Do you begin and end each paragraph in your own words? When writing a research paper, introduce each point in a way that is most convincing to the reader. In a research paper the sources should appear only after focusing the reader's attention on the point that the source helps establish.

Have you properly introduced every source you have used? Once the writer is familiar with the topic, the best source can be found to make the point, and can be introduced in the body of the paper in a way that reinforces its credibility.

Have you presented your case logically? To check this, take a separate piece of paper, write down the sub-titles in order. Then go back over your paragraphs and state the main point of each one in a word or two. When each paragraph clearly makes a single point and uses at least one good example, copy these key words from the margin of the draft onto a separate paper. Placed in order on a separate sheet of paper, these key words from each paragraph should make a good logical outline.

Peter Gitundu Researches And Reports On Education. For more information on Writing a Research Paper, visit his site at Writing a Research Paper

Cheap Text Books

By Peter Gitundu

At the beginning of each semester, everyone is supposed to be having the required items and this include text books. We are left with no money for our up keep in school due to buying of this items which most of the time are new. But there is now a new way to drastically cut down the expenses and stop draining your pockets empty. You can use cheap text books that are very reliable.

These books can be bought half the rate of the same new particular book. The famous bookstore in your neighbor hood always sells its books at very high cost so think of other alternatives before going to the book store. The books can be got from the same stores that sell new books because sometimes they buy the used up books so as to resale. Nevertheless they buy them for only a few coins on the dollar book that you probably spent fortune on.

Students can get books cheaply by buying from other students who are through with their semesters and are willing to sell their books at throw a way prices so as to get rid of books that they would perhaps never use again. There is also what is known as the online search for used and new books. Students can log on to sites that allow them to search for cheap text books and even compare prices of different sellers and find the one with the cheapest books.

When one is economical he saves a lot which he/she can use for other necessities, and so if you are a devoted reader or a student you don't have to spend a lot on buying new books. You can decide to locate a dealer, who sells used books, join book clubs etc and enjoy the reimbursement of cheap text books.

Peter Gitundu Researches And Reports On Education. For More Information On Cheap Text Books, Visit His Site At CHEAP TEXT BOOKS

With Flair and Style - How to Write a Perfect MBA Application Essay

By Otto Kreistler

Applying for an MBA program usually means that you're in there to learn the advanced theories and techniques of management, marketing, communication, and finance. And because you're applying for the program with this purpose in mind, it may seem strange that they require an essay that tests your mastery of self-expression and the English language. Although these are definitely important factors, you'd like to be judged on things like business acumen and management experience and instincts, more than by a personal essay, right?

But the fact remains that a personal essay not only reveals a lot about your character and your experiences but it also reveals a lot of things that your admissions panel may be looking for in a candidate: creativity, honesty, imagination and the ability to improvise. So having a great personal essay is one of the best ways to convince your school of choice that you are the right person for them.

So what are the things you have to be mindful of when writing your essay? Here are a few:

- Don't exaggerate: It's completely alright to be honest about your many achievements, but exaggerating the truth will not get you far, especially with experts. And unless tangible proof is available, using overblown descriptions and glorifying phrases about yourself would be folly. Instead keep it much simpler, clear and straight to the point. You have to know yourself fully before giving any honest estimation of your skills.

- Master the basics: it's a fact that even the best writers slip up in their grammar, spelling and sentence construction at times. So if you can't get professionals to proofread your work, your best colleagues will do in determining your essay's strengths and weaknesses.

- Be original: There are thousands of candidates who will describe themselves as 'out of the box thinkers' or 'eager to help' or even 'fit for the task'. So try to think about creative ways of describing and expressing yourself. Nothing works better at making you stand out than that!

- Prepare early: It is much better to prepare for your essay while you have a lot of time on your hands rather than to cram a few days before it's actually due. So starting early and keeping focused is one of the best ways to maximize your time when preparing to write that masterpiece.

These are just a few of the several things you can do to make a definite impression with that essay of yours. Just remember to always ask for constructive opinions while sticking to the essence of your style. If you want more tips on writing that essay that would catapult you to your MBA program of choice, visit:

The Gatekeeper of Success - What to Expect in the GMAT For Those Who Shoot High

By Otto Kreistler

These days, one of the most important and obvious ways to develop and advance your career is by completing an MBA degree. Enrolling in a program of such distinction allows you to receive a scientific and theory-practice based training in the fields of management, communication, marketing, finance, corporate strategy, economics and others. And because only the elite are considered for candidacy, there are several factors that come into play when schools make their final selections on who or not to accept.

One of the biggest considerations in choosing candidates for the posts would definitely be the GMAT or Graduate Management Admission Test. Individuals are tested on a variety of fields for about three and a half hours to test their basic verbal, analytical and mathematical skills.

The test is divided into three parts. The first section is the verbal section which consists of multiple choice questions that should be answered in about 75 minutes. This section is in turn divided into three parts, which include reading comprehension, sentence correction, and critical reasoning. Not only does this master your mastery of the language, it also gives a hint about your overall aptitude in terms of communication.

The second section is the quantitative portion, which tests the person's problem solving skills and quantitative reasoning ability. Many international MBA programs focus more on this part of the test and virtually ignore the verbal part, because of the difference in the language of instruction anyway.

The third and perhaps for some the most difficult part would be the analytical writing assessment. It consists of two essays, the first which requires the examinee to analyze an argument, and the second to analyze an issue. This tests the examinee's creativity as well as giving the testers much more of an idea on the overall quality of his or her thinking.

The GMAT exam may look daunting to many test-takers but don't sweat! Doing the basics like relaxing, having enough sleep, not cramming, and reading instructions carefully will definitely get you places. If you want a more in-depth review of what to expect in your GMAT exam, visit: Good luck!

Running the Gauntlet - Important Things to Complete Your MBA Application

By Otto Kreistler

One of the biggest decisions people make with the intent of improving their careers is to enroll in an exclusive program called the MBA. Not only does it give you exclusive training in the most scientifically based program that is centered on business and management, but it also improves your job placement status and potential salary, because companies prefer their top brass to be graduates of such prestigious programs. But before you get into one of the top schools offering them, you first have to submit some of the following:

- Curriculum vitae: Although a lot of your personal information is already included in other parts of your application, many schools still require that you submit an updated version of your curriculum vitae for reference. All your skills, accomplishments, work experience, seminars conferences and projects should be included within it and detailed accordingly.

- Letter of intent: This letter gives you a chance not just to make yourself stand out with your communication and writing skills in addition to your language proficiency, but it also gives you the opportunity to show quite a bit of your personality, which always helps to make you stand out from the rest with your unique skills, plans and potential contributions to the field.

- Letters of recommendation: Because applying for graduate studies is much like applying for a job, they will need the testimonies of people in high places who know the quality of your work. The school will need expert's opinion on you should they ever consider to admit you for their program, and these letters do just that. Just be sure to tell your recommenders one or two months before you actually require them to write.

These three, together with your transcript of records and GMAT exam score are the most important things required when you are applying for an MBA or other postgraduate studies. Completing them before their due time will do wonders, especially when you want to avoid cramming and excessive stress.

If you want a more detailed picture of what you have to go through before you get to that MBA program, just visit:

Increase Your Market Value While You Work With a Part-Time MBA Degree

By Otto Kreistler

These days a lot of people want an MBA degree to enhance their career options. And who can blame them? There are rarely any programs like the MBA that offer a scientific approach to the fields of business and management that is based on theory and practice. And because of the high demand for these skilled individuals by the top corporations, the career possibilities of those who finish their MBA degrees are almost unlimited.

An MBA degree is special because it trains an individual in certain concentrations of their choosing. Some of these concentrations would include: accounting, corporate strategy, decision sciences, economics, entrepreneurship, marketing, telecommunications and finance. Unspecialized MBA programs usually focus on strategic management and finance. And because it offers so many options for development it's usually a sought after means or end for most people who attempt to scale the ladder. But not all people can avail of these perks because they can't afford to let go of their jobs. And when someone can't commit as a full-time student, it usually means the end of a dream for them. Or does it?

Enter the part-time MBA degree. This course is tailor-made for those who want the advantage of career advancement while at the same time keeping their jobs. The distance MBA degree is definitely for you if you want the following:

* A flexible schedule: Many part-time MBA classes schedule their classes at night and on the weekends. This allows many of those enrolled to keep their jobs and to engage in other activities apart from studying. Classes are usually shorter but still give you everything you need to know on the relevant topics at hand.

* To keep your job: Have a family to support? Thinking of ways to fund your studies? A part-time MBA degee allows you to get into an elite circle of MBA students and trainees while allowing you to be able to further your career at the same time. Your stock is rising everyday when you're in a part-time MBA course, and people usually realize it only after they're done. It's the perfect balance that some people are looking for.

* Lower loads and expenses: While you're enrolled in a part-time MBA course, you'll notice that because of the more easily spaced schedule, your fees and your workload are much lighter, allowing you more time and money for other things. And if you prefer this option, in exchange for one or two more years on the program, the part-time degree is certainly for you!

These are the basic advantages of having a part-time MBA degree. If you think the part-time MBA degree is for you and you'd like to see the other aspects of such a degree, just visit:

If You Want the Experience With Convenience - Online MBA Degrees

By Otto Kreistler

One of the most sought-after degrees these days would most definitely be the MBA degree. A lot of people find themselves desiring a piece of this amazing corporate opportunity. Many people would see their career prospects rising infinitely with the inclusion of an MBA degree in their resumes. And more importantly, those who finish their MBAs get solid foundations in the scientific aspects of management, which makes them much more sought after by corporations to fill up high-paying posts with greater responsibilities.

But not everyone can avail of the advantages that a traditional MBA degree can give, however. Some would cite expenses as the primary cause of their inability to enroll. Others would say their busy schedules or their distance from good institutions of learning are what prevent them from cashing in on the opportunity. And this is unfortunate because there are many gifted people who could take advantage of the opportunity but alas, are prevented from doing so. What is the perfect solution for this?

Getting an online MBA degree is easy and probably the best option for those who can't otherwise avail of the traditional method of getting an MBA degree. A few of the advantages of an online MBA degree are the following:

- Extra Convenience: Studying for your MBA from the comfort of your own home definitely provides you with a myriad of opportunities and probably the most leisure out of all your MBA options. It can be compared to having a private tutor coming over, with all privacy concerns covered. This will allow you to retain your lifestyle while learning the basics of what will launch your success.

- Easier on the Pocket: For traditional MBA courses you'll have to pay the fees for commuting, modules, meals and lecture materials. But with an online MBA degree, you can forgo all these expenses and just focus on the lessons themselves without any extra monetary distractions.

- You Get to Retain Your Job: Because it doesn't require you to become a full-time student, having an online MBA degree mostly allows you to retain your job and to still earn an income while learning. This is valuable for people who need a job to live and can't afford to stop working.

So if you need the flexibility that only an online MBA degree can give you, the time to enroll is now! If you want more information on the online MBA and to know if this golden opportunity is for you, just visit:

How to Become Top Dog and Stay One - The Benefits of an MBA Degree

By Otto Kreistler

You may wonder why the Master of Business Administration degree is so appealing for so many people. Ever since the 19th century, with the start of industrialization, the demand for people trained in the scientific and most theoretically grounded aspects of business and management. Not only are these select individuals born leaders but they are usually entrusted with the highest posts, the best pay and the most important positions in any company. So it's very obvious why people covet this degree with a vengeance!

Having an MBA degree can change your life in drastic fashion. There are are so many things that just the title can do for you as a graduate of an MBA program, not to mention all the skills you'll be getting because of your mastery of the course work and the practical chances for application that are more often than not included within the program itself. But what are the specific advantages of being in an MBA program?

The first and most obvious advantage of being enrolled in an MBA program is having an amazing chance to advance your career. No matter what major you finished in college, you will have an unlimited chance for growth in your specific field if you finish an MBA program. It helps you face up to challenges well and grooms you to become competitive in any any setting. And more importantly it prepares you to face up to the complexities of holding a high position. The difference between the salaries of those who have an MBA degree and those who don't are dramatic.

Another benefit of attending a good MBA program is that you get to enlarge your circle of friends and associates. You will not only get drinking buddies or tennis partners, you get like minded people that you can collaborate with in the future and enhance your standings with. Your peer connections could help you whether you foray into business, into further education or whatever else you plan for yourself.

So you see, enrolling in a good MBA program is the solution for your needs. It will enhance you in so many ways that are vital in fulfilling your dreams. If you'd like to know more about the advantages of an MBA degree and how to apply, just visit:

Home Away From Home - How Do You Know the Perfect MBA School For You?

By Otto Kreistler

These days everyone wants the amazing thing called the MBA degree because it is one of the best and most sure-fire ways to send your career to cloud nine. Many people of talent and ability have benefited from the scientific and thorough training being given to those select candidates who have passed the screening and are now set to take over the world with their incomparable advantages. But of course, before you decide to take an MBA degree, it's always best to discover what kind of school is the right choice for you and your career.

There are many considerations that you have to keep in mind. Finding yourself in the wrong school would most probably spell disaster because either the program isn't right for what you intend, the costs are too high, you can't afford to go all the way to another state, or some other reason. So it's vital that you keep these things in mind before you go enrolling to your schools of choice:

- Reputation: This is one of the first things you should look at when searching for your school of choice. In the end, it may not always be justified but employers really give consideration to your school's ranking. It's like measuring the difference between a high level officer and a rank and file employee. A better ranked school usually leads to more and better opportunities.

- Location: Because of the costs of leaving and relocating to a different city or state, it is usually more convenient to study at a school that's much closer to home. Peers and connections are important parts of studying so location is always vital. And if you're planning to do part-time work together with taking your MBA, then it becomes even more of a factor in your choice of school.

- Cost: If you happen to get a scholarship or you manage to get funding, this wouldn't be so much of a problem. But if not, it is absolutely critical that you choose a school within your financial capabilities.

- Accreditation: This is another important consideration, perhaps more than your school's reputation. It means that the school you are enrolling in meets all the prerequisites of governing bodies. As there are more and more schools that offer alternate and sometimes, sub-par ways of attaining a degree, this is absolutely important for your choice, ensuring you get the best education you possibly can. Known accrediting bodies include: The Association of MBAs (AMBA), The European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) and The Association of Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

These are only some of the considerations you could keep in mind when you try to apply for an MBA. It's always important to know what school you are applying to completely before you go through the process. So research, call them up or even visit the schools yourself.

You only want the best, right? If you want to know more about trying to find the perfect MBA school for you, go to:

Go Against the Grain and Earn Big With Your Specialty MBA Degree

By Otto Kreistler

Sometimes going against the grain is the best solution for some of us. These are the types that are never contented with getting what the majority of others get. There is always a craving for more and better things. These are the pioneers and the specialists. Their passion for a specific thing or field leads them to an expertise that is unlike that of most others in their class. And because of that, they can do what very few others can do. It is always an exhilarating feeling to be in a class all your own.

The same goes for MBA candidates. There are just some people who seem to not get enough of the things they want and are passionate about in the regular MBA degree programs. Many want to specialize in cutting edge fields that would make them even more competitive in their chosen professions. So if you're finding the MBA course to be far too general for your specific needs, maybe a Specialty MBA course is the right choice for you!

The specialty MBA program may not provide the general training that a comprehensive MBA degree gives you but it does train you in areas that some amazing job positions need you to specialize in. And some fields can be almost impossible to get into without that specialty MBA to help you along the way.

Some popular Specialty MBAs include:

· Master of Computational Finance.

· Master of Industrial Administration.

· Master of Health Care/Hospital Administration.

· Master of Public Accountancy

Because of the different method of training that holders of the specialty MBA have, they are usually very much in demand. So if it is a better match for your skills, interests and personality, the specialty MBA course could be for you!

For information on the best schools to take a specialty MBA course, visit:

Do You Have What it Takes? Being the Ultimate MBA Candidate

By Otto Kreistler

There are very few individuals who get into great MBA programs. These select few are usually the cream of the crop and have fought tooth and nail with the competition in order to get where they are right now. Learning the fundamentals and the best theories and strategies in something as complicated and in demand as management is something that only a few people ever really get the chance to do. Because besides, not everyone is cut out to be a leader, right?

So how do you know if you're MBA material? Although desire and drive are always helpful, an honest and thorough estimation of your skills and plans is always key for any endeavor of this magnitude. The admissions committee will probably look for some of the following in you to determine whether you can stand out as a top MBA candidate or not:

- Honesty: This is one of the primary considerations for finding the right people for the position. Having honest opinions on your abilities, plans and goals can impress people much more than any tall tale can. Plus it can pay dividends when you apply for other schools or institutions as word spreads fast in academic circles.

- Being Realistic: When sharing what your goals are, it's always important to be realistic about what you want to achieve and always put them in relation to what your true abilities are. And when you're applying to schools of your choice, make sure your credentials match the quality of the school you're applying to.

- List Your Contributions: Most likely the learning process in an MBA class would require almost as much input from students as from the lecturer. So giving them a truthful assessment of what you can bring to the table is vital for their selection.

These are just a few of the considerations that the top universities and institutions of learning are looking for in their graduate students. If you want to know more about the traits and tools that will make you the ultimate MBA student, visit:

Climb That Mountain Now! What You Need to Get Into a Great MBA Program

By Otto Kreistler

Many people would love to apply for an MBA. And why not? An opportunity to study for an MBA degree would mean that you would be at the cutting edge of business and management. All the theoretical and scientifically-grounded knowledge that comes with studying for an MBA degree is vital in improving one's career and going up the corporate power structure. MBA program graduates are sought after because they have proven through their degrees that they are the cream of the management crop and are ready to tackle the biggest of challenges.

So is it time that you applied for your very own MBA degree? Of course it is. Nothing will help your career skyrocket quite like it. But before you do, have you done serious mental preparations in order to know the level of readiness you should be at in applying for such a rigorous program? You should have at least a few of the following down:

- Curriculum vitae: A genuine curriculum vitae is more comprehensive than a simple resume in revealing your job and educational experiences and achievements. Great tips for creating a good curriculum vitae would be to keep the information simple but precise, to specify all the job responsibilities in the posts you held previously, to use formal language and to emphasize your

unique skills and experiences that will make your CV stand out from the rest.

- Recommendation letters: In order for a school to assess your research potential, they will need the opinions of those who can make honest estimations of your abilities and potential. So having CEOs and other top executives to do them for you will speak better than having a middle-level employee do them. Remember to always be nice and courteous when asking your recommenders to write for you.

- Letter of Intent: In this letter you have to express all your goals, aspirations and objectives in gunning for an MBA degree. This is extremely important in trying to convince business schools that you are the right person for the job. Always check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Now that you have the most important parts of your application ready, it's time to hope for the best! But don't be disheartened if ever you get denied and use these experiences to make your next application stronger than ever. If you want more tips on how to get into that MBA program you've always wanted to, visit:

Be the Boss of Your Own Life - The Elite Executive MBA Program

By Otto Kreistler

If you want to be at the absolute top of your game when it comes to the fields of management, entrepreneurship, marketing, communication, finance, human resources, or corporate strategy, you definitely need to get an MBA degree. By teaching the advanced theories and guiding candidates through through their practical applications, those enrolled in this program learn to become the most productive individuals in their respective fields. And because of this, those who graduate from the program are a select breed.

But if there are any among these special individuals who really stand out and can be considered the cream of the crop, they are most probably those enrolled in a special program called the Executive MBA or EMBA. This program is catered to the educational needs of managers and executives, and hence is more rigorous and only accepts candidates of exceptional quality. The candidates of the EMBA usually have about 10 years more experience than the typical MBA candidate.

Just like in normal MBA courses, the GMAT or Graduate Management Admission Test is one of the primary considerations for admission into the program. In addition to the candidate's background and achievements, the GMAT tests whether the individual is suited for the amount of coursework and the intellectual demands of the program. And in the training of future top executives, this is absolutely vital.

The EMBA allows for the student to earn an MBA or similar graduate degree in two years or less while working full time. Participants come from various fields, that include corporations, non-profit and government, while at the same time representing a variety of industries. Even though the number of Executive MBA degrees increased over the years, they are still quite the minority. Because hey, not all of us were made to be leaders, right?

Maybe the EMBA program is for you! It may be the answer to the advancement that you've always wanted and worked for for so long. If you want more information on the EMBA or MBA programs in general, visit:


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