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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Do You Have What it Takes? Being the Ultimate MBA Candidate

By Otto Kreistler

There are very few individuals who get into great MBA programs. These select few are usually the cream of the crop and have fought tooth and nail with the competition in order to get where they are right now. Learning the fundamentals and the best theories and strategies in something as complicated and in demand as management is something that only a few people ever really get the chance to do. Because besides, not everyone is cut out to be a leader, right?

So how do you know if you're MBA material? Although desire and drive are always helpful, an honest and thorough estimation of your skills and plans is always key for any endeavor of this magnitude. The admissions committee will probably look for some of the following in you to determine whether you can stand out as a top MBA candidate or not:

- Honesty: This is one of the primary considerations for finding the right people for the position. Having honest opinions on your abilities, plans and goals can impress people much more than any tall tale can. Plus it can pay dividends when you apply for other schools or institutions as word spreads fast in academic circles.

- Being Realistic: When sharing what your goals are, it's always important to be realistic about what you want to achieve and always put them in relation to what your true abilities are. And when you're applying to schools of your choice, make sure your credentials match the quality of the school you're applying to.

- List Your Contributions: Most likely the learning process in an MBA class would require almost as much input from students as from the lecturer. So giving them a truthful assessment of what you can bring to the table is vital for their selection.

These are just a few of the considerations that the top universities and institutions of learning are looking for in their graduate students. If you want to know more about the traits and tools that will make you the ultimate MBA student, visit:

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