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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Climb That Mountain Now! What You Need to Get Into a Great MBA Program

By Otto Kreistler

Many people would love to apply for an MBA. And why not? An opportunity to study for an MBA degree would mean that you would be at the cutting edge of business and management. All the theoretical and scientifically-grounded knowledge that comes with studying for an MBA degree is vital in improving one's career and going up the corporate power structure. MBA program graduates are sought after because they have proven through their degrees that they are the cream of the management crop and are ready to tackle the biggest of challenges.

So is it time that you applied for your very own MBA degree? Of course it is. Nothing will help your career skyrocket quite like it. But before you do, have you done serious mental preparations in order to know the level of readiness you should be at in applying for such a rigorous program? You should have at least a few of the following down:

- Curriculum vitae: A genuine curriculum vitae is more comprehensive than a simple resume in revealing your job and educational experiences and achievements. Great tips for creating a good curriculum vitae would be to keep the information simple but precise, to specify all the job responsibilities in the posts you held previously, to use formal language and to emphasize your

unique skills and experiences that will make your CV stand out from the rest.

- Recommendation letters: In order for a school to assess your research potential, they will need the opinions of those who can make honest estimations of your abilities and potential. So having CEOs and other top executives to do them for you will speak better than having a middle-level employee do them. Remember to always be nice and courteous when asking your recommenders to write for you.

- Letter of Intent: In this letter you have to express all your goals, aspirations and objectives in gunning for an MBA degree. This is extremely important in trying to convince business schools that you are the right person for the job. Always check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Now that you have the most important parts of your application ready, it's time to hope for the best! But don't be disheartened if ever you get denied and use these experiences to make your next application stronger than ever. If you want more tips on how to get into that MBA program you've always wanted to, visit:

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