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Friday, November 14, 2008

Finding the Right College

By Tom Tessin

To decide what kind of college may best meet your needs and requirements there are lots of things to think about. Listed are some factors that you will have to think in determining where you would like to go to the college.

Organization- College or University, Private or Public, or Church sponsored. Colleges are either public or private. Public colleges are one that is supported by state where they are situated. Many extremely ranked colleges in United States are the state-supported organizations. These colleges often provide excellent education at the price for in-state resident, which is lesser than similar private colleges. At early steps of your study, I would hearten you to think both private & public colleges.

Whereas private colleges often cost little more than the comparable state organizations, they often have monetary means to give generous need based or the scholarship based financial help. This help will make cost of the private college same or else less than attending the state college.

More choosy private universities & colleges have got religious association. The amount of spiritual control varies. But at beginning of the college search, we encourage you to examine all the private colleges, irrespective of the religious affiliation.

Educational- what courses & majors you are looking for?

Most important cause for going to the college is getting education. The kind of academic atmosphere & range of courses studied is significant factor to consider when choosing the college. Be cautious, however, of selecting the college based exclusively on it having particular major or else field of study. Investigation shows that about 90% of college graduates don't major in field of study that they initially had intended. This occurs for some reasons.

First, majority of the colleges have got majors in the subjects that you have never studied before like political science and anthropology. Next, as you get experience & maturity in the college, then your interests might change. Take some time to discover your choices and be sensible about your gifts. Make sure to follow a route of study, which is a genuine attention to you, not only one you imagine might lead to good career.

If you are having strong interest in particular area, like science, then it is vital to evaluate college's services & offerings in those particular areas to ensure they have sufficient resources. Keep in mind that lots of smaller colleges might not present majors in some professional fields, like business, engineering, and physical therapy. And if you are some of specific field of the study, make sure that colleges & universities you think offer major.

Do not exclude smaller college, but just because you think, sources might be inadequate. Keep in mind that all the resources of college are obtainable to the undergraduate students while at the large university; lots of specialized equipment may be reserved for the graduate students only. A few of biggest producers of the PhD's in the country are some small colleges.

Tom Tessin is an author for that is geared toward students looking for student credit cards

Don't Sweat the Cost of Medical School, Instead Work on Getting Those Good Grades in High School!

By Hwang Keum-Ok

In the planning of going to medical school there are many different things you have to concern yourself with. You should be planning this from the day you entered high school because many things you do -- or don't do-- in high school can help your plans to get into a good school.

When being considered to attend a medical school the first thing school authorities check for is your GPA (grade point average) over the whole four years. You will need to keep your grades up because these schools are fiercely competitive schools to get into. You will also need to get as many quality clubs under your belt as possible to show your ambition, character, discipline, and multitasking.

Those two things alone sound simple but trust me they are not. You will, however, reap rewards for making sure you excel in those two areas. Next you need to think about the admissions costs for school and the overall cost.

The cost of this type of school is not cheap and medical school expenses can be pretty high. Although a lot of people are trying to get into these schools, the costs and fees don't seem to be slowing anybody down! Most people realize that there are a lot of programs that can help you pay for college like financial aid.

Medical school is a prelude to a high paying, very rewarding career and the cost of school, once you graduate and start working, will come back a thousand fold over the years allowing you to pay back any loans easily.

If your only concern is the cost of school, and you have all your other ducks in a row, then you are in good shape. You can always get student loans and financial assistance to cover the cost right now, and if your grades and clubs are in top notch shape you can often find scholarships to cover the cost of tuition, boarding, and other things anyway.

You can't let the cost deter you or discourage you from working hard and achieving your goals in high school no matter how unlikely it seems that you'll be able to come up with the money.

You should always think about it as if the cost is already covered, and all you have to do is try to get the best grades possible, join the right clubs, and work hard. That mindset will do wonders for you.

It is much easier to worry about the cost once you graduate with all your credentials set up -- grades, clubs, etc., than it is to flake out in high school get poor grades, have no clubs on your resume and then realize that you did have a way to pay for it but now you can't get in no matter how much money you have!

With poor grades you will have a tough time getting accepted into many, if any, medical schools and even if you get in this will look very poor on your record when you go to get hired, unless you do an incredible job in school, but even then it's not a good move.

"Where there is a will there is a way," and where there is an "A" you have a pretty good chance of getting in to the school you want, as well as possibly getting all of your school costs covered by a scholarship. Dream big -- but give yourself a fighting chance and plan ahead.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuition Free Colleges - Is it True

By Brian Garvin

I've been living on this planet for 39 years, and most people just don't believe me when I tell them not to worry about the economy being in the dumps right now, that with every Yin there's always a Yang to go with it. What I mean is when the government and slanted media start to say that things are coming to an end, there's always some kind of opportunity for relief to balance things out like Tuition Free Colleges that have been springing up lately.

One story we read recently was an ambitious couple who turned down three major Universities recently so they could go to the University of Virginia. This is one of many Tuition Free Colleges springing up across the United States. No exaggeration here, quite a few low income students are attending this college because they are offering special incentives to people without a lot of money but with a lot of talent.

With the economy the way it is, it's such a breath of fresh air to know that community colleges and even state colleges are turning into Tuition Free Colleges for their low income students. Many have even eliminated the need for them to apply for a loan at all.

While I'm all for working hard to get what you want and am personally the type of individual who doesn't like getting something for nothing, people born into bad economic situations but have the talent and will to become someone, I think this is a great way to add value to the american workforce and keep poor people away from economic depravity and even prison, since many poor people commit crimes to get what they need.

These Tuition Free Colleges are already available in over a dozen states even scattered all over the United States. If you want to know if a University in your area offers one of these programs just walk into the Tuition Assistance office of the school and ask them or make an appointment with an Academic Counselor.

Until I researched this I was always concerned that tuition costs would keep the upper middle class complacent and the rich richer. But I'm once again proud of America and the way they are handling this situation. I really believe anyone can make it if they are focused and serious and research Tuition Free Colleges available to those with the initiative and foresight to seek them out.

Learn about Incredible Tuition Free Colleges from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at Hot Topic Review Kings today.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Colleges & Universities Provide the Steps to Higher Learning

By Ashley Conner

Colleges and universities are educational institutions that provide knowledge and skills for higher learning. Students who are accepted to colleges and universities are those who have graduated from high school or those who have completed the requirements for a high school diploma equivalent. However, there are some courses in colleges and universities that may require taking courses from preparatory schools before getting accepted. On the other hand, there are also some institutions that will take in only a small percentage of applicants based on a series of tests and qualifications such as art and theater schools.

Colleges and universities are quite similar in meaning and origin, but it was only recently that differences between the two were identified. These include universities defined as educational institutions with more than one college and offering higher education such as graduate programs. Meanwhile, colleges are defined as institutions that offer short courses and two-year course diplomas aside from their four year undergraduate degrees. Some colleges that have crossed-over into the definition of a university have retained their names with the word "college" in them due to historical reasons. This helps them to stay popular with students who are about to consider going to their particular college.

The first university in history was the Shangyang Higher School in China which was established during the Yu period between 2257 and 2208 BC. Other ancient universities originating from different countries include:

  • Takshashila University in Taxila, Pakistan established in 7th century BC

  • Nalanda University in Bihar, India which was famous for its center of Buddhist scholarship was established in 5th century BC

  • Plato's Academy in Athens 387 BC, the first higher education institution in Europe

  • University of Salero in Italy 9th century

  • Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt circa 988

Most of the medieval universities in Europe were established under the guidance of the Catholic Church and were then known as cathedral schools or as "Studia Generali." These universities were educational institutions which provided education for priests, monks and other students from different parts of Europe during the 12th century.

Most colleges and universities are run by a board of trustees or directors and by a group of school administrators. They are often funded by the government, by donors or by the tuition fees paid by the students who attend them. Most of these schools are located in the local town or within cities that are close to other educational institutions. Students often have to undergo exams and submit requirements before getting accepted especially when applying for scholarships or if they come from other countries.

In the United States, where the first institutions of higher education were University of Oxford & the University of Cambridge, the terms college and university can be used interchangeably even though colleges may often refer to liberal arts colleges or those that offer vocational, business, engineering or technical courses. Both colleges and universities refer to any post-secondary undergraduate education and which are operated as public or private institutions. is a widely-used local business listings service and search engine. It features a complementary collection of useful topics and resources from "Arts & Entertainment" to "Wireless & Telecommunications." If you are interested in "Colleges & Universities," you might also want to read "Gateway to the Working World - Colleges," "Post-Secondary Education - Community Colleges," and "Learn To Treat & Keep Animals Healthy - Veterinary Schools" available at

College Tuition - Start Preparing Early

By Kipp Bufworthy

Many high school students take the initiative to attend college and they often find that it is one of the best decisions that they make in their lifetimes. With this in mind, it is never too early to start thinking about college because time goes by quickly and it will be time to head to campus before you know it.

One of the main ways to begin preparing for college, besides thinking of where you would like to attend, is to begin saving for your college tuition. College can be very expensive depending on where you want to go, so the sooner you start putting away money for your college tuition, the better off you will be.

It can actually be quite easy to save up for your college tuition. If you work a job, you can automatically set aside a certain percentage of your paychecks each month to save for college tuition, so that you will not even miss the money. It is amazing how fast your tuition savings can build up with this method and it will build even quicker if you are putting the money into an interest earning savings account.

If you are already in college, and want to save money for your next semester's college tuition, you can try using the same method of putting aside money from each paycheck. You could find a good paying college internship and be even better off. Not only will you be earning money to put towards your college tuition from the college internship, but you will be able to gain valuable job experience from the college internship.

Kipp Bufworthy is author of this article on College Works Painting.

Find more information about Paying for College here.

Distance Learning College - Your Vehicle to Success?

By Derrick Payes

Distance learning college is a system created for people who are not in a position to be tied down to attending regular classes. Their circumstances, whatever it may be, do not allow traditional study methods, yet there is a need or desire to do further study. It could be due to qualification requirements for promotion, while still hanging on to the present job, or it could be due to a student loan not being available.

Distance learning college allows you to fit your studies into your own schedule, and not the other way around. The program allows you to accommodate your work schedule, your family life, and financial commitments, and still be able to study. You decide when you have time available, and how much work you can handle.

What you have to keep in mind, though, is that you will be required to put even more effort into your (already full) day. By the time you can eventually settle down to study, you may be past your prime for the day. You could also get up early, but for some that may be even harder. It's very easy to get caught up in your responsibilities towards your family, and unexpected (overtime) demands from your employer, causing you to fall behind.

Ultimately, though, the single biggest benefit afforded by distance learning college is the ability to earn while you learn. You will be able to improve on your qualifications while still paying the bills, and keeping the household running as usual.

Are you planning on further study? Be sure to visit us today at our website on How to Get a Degree Online. Depending on your present qualification, you might want to read this article on Postgraduate Study

Friday, November 7, 2008

Wannabe Sports Medicine Physicians - How To Become One

By Abhishek Agarwal

Who is a sports medicine physician? What does he or she do exactly? These are questions which are on the minds of many people who have recently heard of the term sports medicine physician. To become a sports medicine doctor one has to first be a physician and then undergo special training in sports medicine. Here the doctor concentrates on the long term health and fitness of his patients by helping them to overcome illness and injuries.

The main job of a sports physician is to help his patients to function at their peak level and prevent any untoward setbacks in their physical health which can affect their sports, school and working life.

These specialized doctors do not concentrate only on sportspeople and athletes but also people who take up training programs just to keep fit. What exactly does a sports medicine physician play in a person?s life? What qualifications are necessary for someone to become one?

A sports medicine physician doubles up not only as a general physician but also incorporates sports medicine into his treatment procedures so as to help prevent illness and help maintain perfect health of his clients.

Normally in any sports there is a team of doctors catering to the needs of the players and it is the sports medicine physician who normally heads the team of doctors. This team can be made of specialists in surgical procedures, sports trainers, therapists, coaches and others. All of them are experienced professionals who could have specialized in any one of the following fields like family practice, Emergency medicine, Pediatrics, internal medicine, rehabilitation and Physical medicine.

You will find that all sports medicine physicians would have completed an additional 1-2 years training in specialized subjects in sports medicine through fellowship programs which are accredited. After having completed their certificate in areas like Internal medicine, Family Practice, pediatrics or Emergency medicine, these professionals then become eligible to take up another special examination to qualify in the field of sports medicine.

These sports physicians then work to obtain more training in non-musculoskeletal areas like head injuries and their treatments, treating athletes with chronic illness like asthma and diabetes, in aspects of supplements, nutrition and performance based issues, and prevention of injuries.

Now having learnt what exactly a sports medicine physician does when it comes to treating in sports medicine the next step is to search for a qualified person in the field of sports medicine.

The best way to find a capable and qualified person in this field is through referrals. Seek the help of your family doctor, friends and those working along with you as they would provide the best advice. You can also take the help from athletes when searching for a good sports medicine physician.

You can also search in online listings or at the American orthopedic Society, American Medical Association and the Physician and Sports Medicine Association.

Abhishek has got some great tips to relieve back pain! Download his FREE 127 Page Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Back Pain!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Pursuing Chiropractic Career - Reasons To Choose Palmer Chiropractic

By Abhishek Agarwal

There does not exist a text book or a certain method of teaching that does not pose to be the best existing in any field of study. Such claims are not something new to us. Chiropractors like all other professions have certain ways of teaching. Which would you consider the best? While taking this training you would be dedicating a lot of time and energy on it and you would also invest a lot in it so you would obviously be expecting the best. The Palmer chiropractic is considered the best method of teaching by many chiropractors. Such schools are really respected and studying in such places has its own advantage. They are equipped with the latest equipments and have a wide knowledge about the current research methods for helping people lead a quality life. If this is the place you have decided to go to there are several branches for you to choose from. Davenport in Iowa, Port Orange in Florida and San Jose in California are three such places where you can find these schools.

Each one of these Palmer schools is dedicated to provide quality education to its students seeking chiropractic education. The course duration over three years and its materials last for about 5 years. All three schools are as good as each other, however the one in the Davenport locality has its specialty. They not only offer a degree in the course but there are many degrees for a student to choose from. There are many students who opt for associates of science in chiropractic technology. This is the best option that you could go in for while you are at completing your bachelor's degree. They also have the Doctor of Chiropractic degree here besides the Bachelors of Science degree. You could also work towards a degree in masters for science if you like clinical research and anatomy. However these degrees are available only at Davenport. Below is a detailed account on what you can expect from all the three schools.

There are various subjects that are taught at various levels that are divided on the basis of the year the student is in. Lets have a look at the course structure year wise. During the first year they learn about subjects like neurology, diagnosis, physiology and anatomy. They also have a fair amount of bacteriology, pathology and chemistry. In the first year itself there is more time dedicated to these hours than regular medical schools. In the second year there are more interesting subjects. You get to deal directly with the chiropractic technique and you also get to learn x-ray technologies and management. There is a direct hands on experience in the third year where you will be spending majority of the time nursing patients in a clinic and working on business for your office.

As to which school you might want to join is completely up to you. But this school is undoubtedly the best in the field. Picking the right place to continue your education is always a difficult task. In advanced science and technology Palmer has its reputation.

Abhishek has got some great tips to relieve back pain! Download his FREE 127 Page Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Back Pain!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Physical Therapy Schools - A Pathway To become An Efficient Physiotherapist

By Abhishek Agarwal

Physical therapy requires adequate knowledge in order to ensure complete success as well of quality care for each patient. The United States has many schools of Physical Therapy.

As is obvious, physical therapists will receive training in different science courses. The training begins in high school where the prospective therapists will focus their studies on subjects like mathematics, anatomy, biology, physics and other related sciences. These courses will continue into college where one's grades should be high and academic performance is commendable. Once the students start entering physical therapist programs, the studies become more detailed and specialized. Pathology and Kinesiology, and other therapeutic programs and techniques are concentrated on. Internship in clinics of physical therapy is mandatory before one enters into accredited programs as this will help acclimatize the student with the industry of physical therapy. This also gives the student a small glimpse of what lies ahead in the profession. The volunteers will usually help in clinics and hospitals.

Apart from the education and qualification, potential therapists should also possess immense people skills. The profession requires the therapist to have one on one conversations with his or her patients with the necessity to educate and inform their patients about their condition and the various methods of treatment. Understanding, listening skills and compassion are vital and if a person is not comfortable with these skills, this profession is probably not for him. It is advisable to take as many courses as possible on developing these skills as they are the ones that are most important to effective treatment and evaluation.

Today, most of the states in America have an accredited therapy school. The Association of American Physical Therapy maintains an extensive list of schools of physical therapy that are under them. Presently, there are two degrees available: the masters and the doctorate. However, unless the student has passed the National Examination for Physical Therapy, he or she cannot be granted a license for practicing physical therapy. Only the students who have passed an accredited program on physical therapy are eligible to take this examination.

There are a number of countries that have schools of physical therapy and various programs related to it under the name physiotherapy. Like in the US, these physiotherapy schools also work to promote a high education level in order to ensure that the patients are receiving the best possible care. These programs, vary from state to state even within the United States, though the aims and objectives are all the same. In the United Kingdom, only three, as opposed to four, years of college is required. In Canada, students need to have an undergraduate degree in order to be eligible for applying to a school of physical therapy.

Schools of physical therapy are required to ensure that the patient and other service seekers of this therapy receives the best possible service. As this particular profession is dedicated to the cause of restoring mobility to people in suffering and pain, it becomes necessary to be a master of all courses of study as well as have excellent interpersonal skills. Schools of physical therapy are present in almost all states; but it is always better to ensure that they are fully accredited.

Abhishek has got some great tips to relieve back pain! Download his FREE 127 Page Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Back Pain!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Joining A Chiropractic School - Tips To Become A Doctorate In Chiropractic Studies

By Abhishek Agarwal

All of us, when we are in college think about of our future. Shall I go for a graduate school or start working for full time? Such questions arise in the minds of all of us when we are on the verge of completing our college. But if you are planning to continue your education then I would definitely advice you to consider your education in a chiropractic school and obtain a doctorate in chiropractic studies. You would have many options after you are doctorate in chiropractic studies. You can even go for private practice, help people in rehabilitation centers or even work in a hospital or clinic. To ensure a smooth admittance you need to understand and gain knowledge about the local chiropractic schools.

First of all, you need to consider your performance at the college. You need to have a GPA of 2.5 to 4.0 to enroll for most of chiropractic schools. Moreover, some chiropractic schools also requires you to have a degree in liberal arts or at least in any one of sciences. You also need to have done some coursework in the field of biology, chemistry, psychology and humanities along with sixty hours of English. This is the easiest path to enter in one of these chiropractic schools. All these requirements are helpful when your application goes to such chiropractic schools as they would get impressed easily. If you feel that you are weak in some subjects, then you can take some classes locally.

The story does not end here. When we are selected by a chiropractic school for admission the next question that arises in our mind is, how long would it take to become a licensure or a graduate. In most of chiropractic schools it is standard four years duration to achieve a MD degree. According to the course curriculum, you would be taught about the basics of biochemistry, biology and anatomy for the first two years. Some other courses such as microbiology, pathology and public health might also be taught in these years. You would learn spinal manipulations and adjustments along with specialized subjects like laboratory diagnosis, nutrition, and orthopedics in the last two years.

You are now eligible for an exam by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners after you have your chiropractic schools degree. You are licenced to practice your craft only after the completion and passing of this exam. Many people think that they are relieved from the chiropractic schools after passing this exam but this is not true. In some states you need to dedicate certain hours in continued education even after you qualify the exam. These classes are based upon the specialty in various fields such as sports injury or industrial health.

If you are a career oriented person, then choosing to enroll in a chiropractic school is one of the best decisions you would have ever made. Although it is a long process and studies but if you consider its consequences then you can understand the advantages of it. It completely depends on your choice that whether you want to help people with your knowledge or enjoy a rewarding career.

Abhishek has got some great tips to relieve back pain Download his FREE 127 Pages Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Back Pain!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Choosing Sports Physical Therapy Colleges - Tips To Select The Best

By Abhishek Agarwal

Sports physical therapy is the hottest and fastest growing sector. Obviously, there is plenty of interest to study and find a job in this field. Sports physical therapy colleges are present in each state, other than Alaska, so selecting a college close to where you live to study at, is a fairly easy task. With people becoming more involved in physical fitness and the growth of sports as a career, the demand for qualified physical therapists is also growing exponentially, to cater to the requirements for training as well as rehabilitation.

The sports physical therapy colleges offer Doctorate and Masters programs. Different colleges will be known for the quality of different programs. Some of the better known colleges preparing students for a career in sports physical therapy are the Alabama State University, Northern Arizona University and Quinnipiac University, CT for their Doctorate programs and California State University, Sacramento for its Masters course.

The course work at sports physical therapy colleges is diverse and exhaustive. The studies cover various aspects of the development and growth of the human body. Some of the courses that they cover are on Human Body Sequences, Manual Muscle Testing, Neuroanatomy, Therapeutic Exercise, and Electrotherapy. Human body sequences is all about the development of human body through the life span, from birth till death. To perform the correct treatment for people of all age groups, this is a critical course. Manual muscle testing class teaches about conducting physical examinations of the human body. All together, these courses are designed to give you, the future physiotherapist, complete knowledge about pain reduction, improving the function of muscles and the skeletal system and rebuilding a patient's physical fitness.

When deciding upon a sports physical therapy college, whether in your state or outside, look out for certain aspects before deciding on one to join. These factors include the cost of on or off campus boarding and lodging, unless you plan to travel to the college. Tuition fee is of course the primary cost to be considered. While some institutes will have better tuition fee structure, in order to study at the best possible institution, check out every possible avenue for scholarship or a work study program. Certain hospitals and medical organisations may even be affiliated with sports physical therapy colleges. If they take you on and you make a commitment to work for them for certain time after course completion, they may be willing to take on your study cost. As in everything else, thorough research will pay you well in this case too.

A financially rewarding career that is also high on job satisfaction awaits you after completing studies at a sports physical therapy college. You just have to organize the finances and get set for studies.

Abhishek has got some great tips to relieve back pain! Download his FREE 127 Pages Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Back Pain!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Chiropractic Colleges - How To Pursue A Chiropractic Career

By Abhishek Agarwal

Chiropractic Colleges have become a very popular choice of career as this method of treatment is needed in most areas of treatment. Physicians recommend this form of relief for several health problems. Almost everyone at some time or the other has a problem with their bones and joints and needs this kind of assistance. Once you have completed your school education you are ready to go ahead with the career of your choice.

Where to start for your choice of a chiropractic college

Now that you have decided upon the career that you want to go ahead with, you will have to think of which institute to join and how to go about it. The best place to start with is the Council on Chiropractic Education. The have listed only the best institutes as their members after carefully screening the colleges to ensure that they give what is required of them and is approved by the council's guidelines. You would still have to check with the guidelines of your state whether all that is required by then is provided by this institute. Sometimes you may need some additional training to get a license to practice in your area of the country.

What are the basic requirements to gain admission in these colleges

It is always an advantage to have a bachelors degree in any one of the liberal arts or sciences while applying to a chiropractic college. However, this is required by only one school now. What is required of you is 90 hours of semester and some courses in science to gain entry into these institutions. If you have done subjects like anatomy, neurology, physics, microbiology and chemistry you are in a very good position to get admission into any one of these schools. Courses like orthopedics, pathology, gynecology and obstetrics could also be very beneficial to you.

Time required to complete the course

This complete course comprises of 4200 hours of classes, which would take about 4 years to complete. You would have to spend time in regular classes with clinical experience and work in the laboratory. The final two years of this course are devoted to practice and clinical study. Time would also have to be spent on neurology, nutrition, and geriatrics. As chiropractic is involved with the treatment of the whole body, you would have to be thorough in your knowledge of the entire body and all the systems and how they are interlinked with each others functions.

The best thing would be to select a college that is closest to where you live and this guidance and information would be available with the Council on Chiropractic Education. This is one of the professions that is very popular and also growing rapidly, so the choice is a wise one. There is no shortage of jobs in this area and you will do very well in your career.

Abhishek has got some great tips to relieve back pain! Download his FREE 127 Page Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Back Pain!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

American College Of Sports Medicine Programs - All That Aspiring Students Need To Know

By Abhishek Agarwal

The American College of Sports Medicine, an institution held in high esteem the world over, specialises in exercise science and sports medicine. A leader in its field as well as the biggest of its kind, it has pioneered research in the diagnosis, prevention and cure of sports injuries and new developments in exercises.

Services provided by the American College of Sports Medicine

The departments at this institution offer a wide spectrum of services in the discipline of healthcare. Athletes, players of various sports, and cosmonauts besides ordinary people with physical challenges, have all benefited from the services of American College of Sports Medicine. The motto of the American College of Sports Medicine is to facilitate and integrate research, learning and practical usage of sports medicine with exercise science towards increased physical output, overall health and better quality of life.

Certificate courses

The certification courses offered by the American College of Sports Medicine are of a wide range, in keeping with its rich experience in sports medicine and related services, and reputation. The certifications at the American College of Sports Medicine are open to any person that qualifies for them.

The most popular certification programs as well as the category of applicants they are suitable for, are listed as follows:

- Health Fitness Certification

- ACSM Certified Personal Trainer

This course is meant for fitness trainers who wish to offer individualised fitness programs to their clients.

- ACSM Health / Fitness Instructor

Instructors conducting corporate, community and commercial programs on health and fitness will benefit from this certification.

- Clinical Certifications

- ACSM Exercise Specialist

Certificate course for professionals conducting exercise tests and training the people suffering from cardiovascular, metabolic or pulmonary ailments, for better health through exercise.

- ACSM Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist

People facilitating exercise management programs for patients of chronic ailments or any form of disability go through this certification.

Research Endowments

The ACSM Foundation and the Office of Research Administration and Programs, an offshoot of the American College of Sports Medicine, has on offer grants for research for ACSM student members as well as researchers. The funding can be utilised for research in:

- Injury prevention

- Space physiology

- Weightlessness

- Factors influencing exercise and disease risk

- Exercise and aging

- Exercise and heart rate response

The Research Administration and Programs department is also a reliable source of scientific information for several National Center departments.

Publications of the American College of Sports Medicine

General public can access information and research studies on sports medicine, exercise science, fitness and health through the publications, books and video products of the American College of Sports Medicine. These include four journals, namely:

- Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

- ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal

- Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

- Current Sports Medicine Reports

Besides these, the institution also publishes a bimonthly newsmagazine.

Abhishek has got some great tips to relieve back pain! Download his FREE 127 Pages Ebook, "How To Win Your War Against Back Pain!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Plan For College - Secrets of College Honors Knowledge

By Tom Tessin

Talk to the big achievers & that ease zone at times expands to perhaps ten to twelve schools - "elites," who previous year stunned us college advisors just by edging down in "lower than about 10%" admit rate. With Stanford turning thousands of valedictorians yearly and the big state schools getting tens of hundreds of apps every year, just applying to handful of schools, which everybody else is not win-win plan.

So here is a big, heartening number - there are over 1500 four year, regionally credited, residentially based, bachelor degree colleges & universities in the country. Wrapped inside lots of of those 1500 plus "traditional" scholar experiences, are stunning gems recognized as "honors experiences, and " where small, choosy group of students will get to work with the distinguished faculty in specialized surroundings & enjoy all top sources of the college. Thanks to thousands of honors experiences all over the country, even most spirited student can cast net across lots of attractive schools & land an exceptional undergraduate education.

The honors experiences also come in various fantastic set-ups. First up are the honors colleges. Keep in mind that the universities are groups of colleges. At several schools, there is distinct honors college who has its own admissions & financial help process, prospectus, & lots more. Next are honors programs (at times referred as "scholars" courses) that can be series of particular courses, parts or major track, which is division of many academic aids at college. Finally, the honors semesters are focused experiences, frequently associated with the internships and travel. The colleges may as well have their mix-and-match adaptations of honors experience.

If you are academically aggravated student who likes stretching mind & spirit, here are few reasons why one school with honors experience fits on your college list.

Ultimate academic experience. Honors experience on any of the campus generally presents very close contact with the most important faculty members, most challenging routes, and cream of student crop.

Devoted facilities. Several honors colleges got their personal residential housing for the students. At minimum, the honors programs normally present special lounges, personal computer labs and other facilities for the honors students.

Similar price, good education. When you get accept in honors experience, you normally pay similar tuition, fees & residential bills as some other students on the campus - however you get "upgraded seat." A few programs & colleges charge extra fees for extra sources you may access, however they have unique scholarships that will help to pay for those.

Best of worlds. Love idea of big state school knowledge? Even on largest campus, the honors experience will give you lots of benefits of smaller, and private college.

A hope of self-actualization. Not like some very high school classes, the college honors experiences are not about doubling the workload; they are radically expanding the worldview. You may look forward to the leadership grooming, specialized internships, service learning, field trips, advanced undergraduate research, recreational events, personal advisors, trips abroad and lots more.

Tom Tessin is an author for that is geared toward students looking for a student credit card

Do You Need College to Succeed?

By Roger M Ingbretsen

As the cost of a college education spirals and loans becoming more difficult to get, maybe it's time for you to reconsider if you really need college to succeed? Try the following exercise to help you make some career decisions.

Write a list of what you want in your life - this can include everything from a lot of free time to financial security. Next make a list of what you are good at doing and what you really like to do. Then compare the two lists and see if the comparison sparks ideas about possible occupations. Finally, talk to someone who is presently employed in the jobs that look interesting to you. Find out the good, the bad and the ugly of those careers. Find out if the job will be required for several years and does the job meet your expectations. If the desired job requires a college degree, fine; if the job requires some specific training, fine, at least you will be informed.

A good career plan requires a focused approach to finding what you want and an unwavering commitment to secure your own personal future through continuous learning.

In addition to determining what path you will take to enter or stay employed, you must realize America is now faced with the reality of global competition. You are not just in competition with other Americans seeking a job in your preferred career; but with others from around the globe.

The burdens, complexity and high expectations placed upon the current workforce and those who will enter the workplace are becoming very intense, demanding... and rewarding. The age of the "knowledge worker" is here! Basic work skills are much more than basic!

Don't confuse the term knowledge worker with college degree. Knowledge worker denotes the ability to apply knowledge to effect outcomes and produce results. A college degree is the completion of obtaining a certain level of knowledge which may or may not have any impact on the individual or others with regard to a career.

Whether a college graduate or a not, the expectations placed upon the current workforce, and those who will enter the workplace, are indeed becoming very high.

Here is the much-cited list complied by the US department of Labor and the American Society for Training and Development of the "basic skill groups" that employers today believe are important for both current and future individuals who occupy positions at virtually any level within the workplace.

- Knowing how to learn throughout life

- Reading, writing and computation skills

- Listening and oral/written communication skills

- Creative thinking and problem solving skills

- Interpersonal skills

- Negotiation and team work skills

- Self-esteem, self-motivation, goal setting and personal career development skills

It is interesting that these skills are considered "basic" and yet over half of the current workforce has had little or no training for this group of skills. Other than reading, writing, computation and oral communications the above skills list represents a switch to skills requiring strong personal attributes and attitudes. These have not been normally associated with traditional vocational, academic curriculum nor the industrial workplace.

These skills can represent a challenge to those who find themselves in a catch-up mode and already in the workforce. Once again, we must be reminded that the rest of the world is using this same list to prepare its current and future workforce. The information age has made this approach to work both necessary and possible. The knowledge age now makes these skills, attitudes and attributes a requirement!

In today's global market, and with the proliferation and availability of information worldwide, it is very hard to predict from where your next competitor will come. The good thing is that it works both ways. Your organization, or you as an individual, can plan and shape your future by focusing your energy on developing the ability to thrive on change, and drive change to your own personal career benefit.

As an individual you must constantly acquire "solid factual information" and gain "relevant knowledge." Factual information (not rumors or news sound bites) and relevant knowledge (knowledge useful to you and others) translate into power and strength in the workplace. Information and knowledge informs us and creates conditions that effectively support our future success.

A Very Important Point: To beat the competition, (local or global) and stay employed, you must become an engaged, resilient and knowledgeable individual who adds value, drives outcomes, and completes objectives... college degree or no college degree!

Faster than most imagined, the confluence of social, economic, but most of all technological forces, have brought a new twist to the world of work. Small businesses create two-thirds of new private sector jobs, employ more than half of all workers, and account for more than half of the output of our economy. Small business offers some of your best career opportunities. This is yet another reason for you to become serious about gaining as much "usable/relevant training" as possible.

There are many family wage jobs in the market that do not require a college degree. Some of these careers may be appealing to you and will not require the expense of a degree. However, most well paying careers will require some skill specific training.

About Ingbretsen Consulting LLC: Interested in putting these tips into action? Roger Ingbretsen provides business guidance to professionals, managers, supervisors and all individuals looking for "real world" career development information. He'll coach and guide you step-by-step as you seek greater success in your career and the success of your organization. To know more and claim dozens of Rogers free articles go to For more information on careers go to

How to Face College Rejection

By Julie Harvard

You have spent all your time and efforts to prepare the college application. You have sent out the college application form attached with all the requirement documents. You are confidence that your selected college will accept your application because you have met all the admission criteria. But, sometimes thing does not happen as what we expected. When you receive the letter from the college, you thought it should be the acceptance letter, but unfortunately the letter informs you that you have not been accepted. So, what are you supposed to do now? How are you going to face the college rejection?

When you apply the college, you have set your mind and your heart to make commitment to this school, but now you have been rejected by it. At the moment you received this bad news, your spirits must be broken and have no clue on how to proceed in your next step. But, don't let this panic moment drag for too long because college rejection does not means the end of the world, there is something that you can do to turn around the situation.

You should not give up and accept the college rejection. If this is the college you are planning to spend your college life with, then don't give the 2nd chance of being accepted by making an appeal to the college decision. You need to tell the college in your appeal letter why they should accept you. Therefore, before you make the appeal, try to think back what are the mistakes you have made during the application preparation, there must be an oversight of some kind that result in the rejection. Or, there are extraneous circumstances surrounding your application that need extra clarification. List down the key points that you think the college should re-consider your application; then write a well written appeal letter to college's admission department. You may need to make a few appeals and the college may keep rejecting you, try a few time before you give up.

When you apply for college admission, you should always apply for multiple colleges, so that you still have options if the appeals process to your favorite college doesn't work. You can always accept the offer from the other college and then transfer to your favorite college after two years. Or, you have choose to study general education at a community college that located near your home while build up your college credit and polish your transfer to apply for any transfer to you top choice college later.


College rejection isn't fatal and can happen to any application. You should react positively and try your best to rebound from rejection to end up exactly where you want to be.

Julie Harvard, an author who writes topics related to education especially in online education programs. You can explore more information and resources about online college degrees from her website at URL:

Get Your Doctoral Degree For Today's Job Environment

By Dean Novosat

Are you planning on going to graduate school? If so, you have plenty of options as you embark on your doctoral studies. When it comes to doctorates, most people automatically think about getting your medical degree in becoming a physician or a dentist. However, you can obtain a doctorate in many different fields of study. For example, you can earn a Ph.D. in almost any major that you would have studied in undergraduate college.

Some popular choices for doctoral degrees include: engineering, finance, women's studies, economics, government, and all the different science majors. Many students who continue their undergraduate work into graduate school eventually move on and become researchers, teachers, or professors. There are even Doctorate of Divinity degrees for those wishing to enter the ministry.

If you decide that you wish to earn your doctorate in business, you may consider attending one of the top business schools in the nation such as Harvard, Yale, or the Wharton School of Business. A Ph.D. from any of the schools will almost guarantee you a top paying job at one of the nation's largest corporations.

Doctoral degrees, are not just with their name implies. You don't have to be a medical doctor once you heard your doctoral degree. A Ph.D. will help you in any career field. It proves that you have the knowledge and understanding to be an expert in your chosen field. This will make you a major asset in almost any environment. Research has shown that the most highly successful people in the corporate world have their Ph.D.'s and these people also garner a higher wage than those without their Ph.D.'s.

Dean Novosat writes for - Doctoral Studies about higher education.

Effortless Studying - Find Your Best Time of Day to Focus

By Ali Hale

We all have times of day when we can race through our to-do list, concentrate effortlessly, and produce our best work. And we all have times of day when we just want to slump on the sofa and watch something mindless on the television.

Here's how to figure out when you study best, so that you can plan your studying for your most effective hours. Studying when you're on tip-top form will make your day go much more smoothly.

1. Experiment with studying at different times of day

Even if you think you're a night owl or a morning lark, try studying at hours that you wouldn't normally work. If you tend to wake up s-l-o-w-l-y and rarely do anything but drink coffee and surf the 'net until midday, try starting studying as soon as you're dressed, for a change. If you never work after dinner, try making an essay plan at ten pm.

You may well just confirm your suspicions that you study best at a specific time - but you might also surprise yourself!

2. Keep a "study log" for a few days

Once you've got a feel for the times when you think you study well, start keeping a log for a few days. It's up to you how you do this, but one simple method is to grab a sheet of paper for each day and divide it up like this:

  • 8am - 10am

  • 10am - 12noon

  • 12noon - 2pm

  • 2pm - 4pm

  • 4pm - 6pm

  • 6pm - 8pm

  • 8pm - 10pm

(Obviously, jiggle the times around a bit if you get up at 6am or if you're never in bed before 2am...)

As you go through the day, jot down what you're doing during each timeslot (eg. "writing essay on Chaucer", "having lunch then watching television") and also write down how you're feeling; tired, motivated, energetic. After doing this for a few days, you'll have built up a clear picture of when you can work easily, and when you struggle to concentrate.

3. Plan your day to maximise your best times

The final step is to put what you've learnt about yourself into practice. For some students, you may be tied to studying at specific times - perhaps you have lab sessions from 9am - 5pm. Most students, though, have considerable flexibility over their schedules; far more than the majority of full-time employees.

If you know you concentrate well from 8am-10am, then make sure you get to bed at a reasonable hour so you're actually awake during your best studying hours. If you've been going to the gym at lunchtime, but find you're great at racing through essays between 12-2pm, then why not head to the gym during your 4pm-6pm "slump" instead?

Many people find that they can accomplish as much in one hour of solid, focused attention during their "best" time as in two or three hours of frustrated effort during a time of day when they're naturally tired. Make sure your schedule is working for you, not against you.

Ali Hale is a postgraduate student of Creative & Life Writing, and runs the blog Alpha Student ("Helping you make the most of your time at Uni"). Ali works as a freelance writer and website creator, and is on the staff of several large blogs. If you're looking for a writer or a website, you can hire her via Aliventures.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

College Internship - Completing More Than One

By Vickie Faria

Many students spend a great deal of time worrying about whether or not they will find a great paying job soon after graduating from college. Although not all students are lucky enough to land a job that they love right after graduating, there are steps that you can take to set yourself apart from the competition and increase the likelihood that you will be chosen for a competitive position.

If you are worried that you may not have enough relevant job experience to land a high paying job right out of college, you may want to consider completing a college internship. Potential job employers normally only hire candidates with relevant career experience, and completing an internship college is one of the best ways that you can gain that experience while you are still in college.

College internship opportunities usually only last for two or three months, so some do not offer enough experience to set yourself apart from the competition for high paying jobs after college. Other internship college opportunities on the other offer a great deal of experience, so you should be selective when choosing one.

It is fairly common for students to complete more than one college internship during their college years. Some students even choose to complete an additional internship college after they graduate from college.

One reason why students choose to complete an additional college internship after graduating from college is that they will be completing the internship for a company that they hope to be hired on for a career position. After their college internship is completed, depending on their performance, it is often times likely that the company will choose to keep them on as a full time employee.

More information on College Works Painting internships for students is just a click away.

Did You Hear About How to Use a Calculator on the GMAT?

By Scott Strepina

This is a very common question and the answer is simply no you can not use a calculator on the GMAT. Initially most people think this is a huge negative and believe they are now going to have to figure out how to multiply large numbers in there heads in less than 2 minutes.

Let me tell you why not being able to use a calculator on the GMAT is a good thing. First this limits the problems to answers that can be reasonably computed with out the use of a calculator. If you find yourself in a position where you need to multiply 1456 * 1987 you are probably headed down the wrong track and need to adjust your strategy.

On the GMAT you will still finding intimidating large numbers and lengthy decimals that will have you looking for your calculator but all that is actually needed is a good understanding of math fundamentals. There is often a quicker way in which you need to develop your skills to point out repeating digits after the decimal or to memorize basic fractions.

While this may seem basic you need to be sure that you can rattle of instantly that 3/8 = .375 every second counts when you are taking the GMAT.

While I know some people are desperately trying to find out how to use there calculator on the GMAT, the answer is a big no.

Practice, Practice, Practice is the way to a high GMAT score. You not only have to know how to solve a variety of problems you need to be able to complete them in a quick fashion. The only way to fine tune your skills for this is to complete a significant amount of problems before the exam. Not starting and then getting stuck and then moving onto something else but completing questions from start to finish. Overall it is not bad news that you can not use a calculator on the GMAT.

Find out more on why you do not need a GMAT Calculator Sign up for "The world Famous 21 Question Video Practice Exam" and have a GMAT expert walk you through 21 problems step by step over the web and in your in-box.

International Students in Bologna

By P. Scottyn

Bologna is home to the oldest university in Europe and, as a result, is popular with visitors on school group travel.

The University of Bologna (or the Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna) was established in the 11th Century and is the second-largest university in Italy. Due to the accompanying student population of around 100,000, Bologna is a bustling university town with a thriving academic and social scene.

The university has 23 different faculties and offers a number of courses in English for international students. The university also arranges courses on local culture and history for international students - which give an interesting insight into the region.

International students on the Erasmus program tend to book into one of the excellent Bologna hostels at the start of their stay in the city. These hostels prove a great 'meeting place' for people in the same situation looking to find a group of friends and ultimately a house for the year.


For those looking for some respite from their books while in Bologna, the city heralds many superb tourist attractions. For example, the Palazzo dei Notai on the edge of the Piazza Maggiore is a must see location, as is the Basilica San Peronio.

Likewise, the Two Towers of Bologna continually draw in the crowds. These imposing medieval structures are thought to date back to around the 12th century, although their actual intended use remains unknown.


Bologna is of course the birthplace of Bolognese sauce. This means that pasta-loving students will be able to brush up on their Italian cooking skills during school group travel to the city.

The dish is a local specialty and can be found on the menu at most restaurants. It's also a mainstay in the kitchens of most bologna hostels, meaning that you don't necessarily have to splash out on restaurant dining to sample the local favorite. Other culinary treats to look out for in Bologna include cured meats such as prosciutto and hard cheeses.

No student experience would be complete without sampling the local nightlife. Live music is a particular highlight in Bologna - the city was declared a UNESCO City of Music in 2006 and several different performances in multiple music styles can be found on most nights.

Cafes and bars showcase local musicians, while the city's piazzas are the perfect place to take in some impromptu street performances. It's also here when, late at night, happy students from across the city congregate and really let their hair down.

Before settling down and becoming a copywriter for Paul Scottyn did a backpacking tour of Italy, he checked out a variety of the country's budget group accommodation, including a number of most Bologna hostels

Not Sure? A College Search For Flexible Programs

By Mohammed Jamali

While some people may know exactly the college they would like to attend, they may be undecided as to their exact degree program or field of study. For these individuals many schools provide a Major as well as a Minor degree or focus. For those who aren't sure about the career path they want to enter or the school they should attend, a college search can be a bit more complicated.

In order to meet the academic needs of an individual unsure of their future professional needs, many colleges and universities provide an "undecided" option, or a "general studies" program. This allows a student to begin earning the credits that every graduate needs to complete any degree program, while also considering and exploring their future plans and goals.

A college search for schools with such flexible programs usually begins with state colleges and universities, though most community colleges also provide flexible options. These schools will allow a student to receive high-quality educational experiences at a lower cost than a private four year school, while living free of the pressure of picking a set program or field of study.

Many other students at these schools will also be entering into their four year degree in the same circumstances, "undecided" or "general studies", and this presents a nice opportunity for a student to interact with others trying to figure out their futures as well.

Any four year degree has a large portion of study dedicated to liberal studies, meaning an opportunity to choose from almost any class or course that is open to a student. For example, a history major could sign up for an astronomy course, a drafting class, or a graphic design course to meet some of their general degree requirements. In this way a student is able to encounter potential career paths, or spark an interest that could lead to a choice in degree or field of study.

Guidance counselors are an important connection for students beginning a college search for flexible programs and degrees. They will be able to recommend the appropriate school to meet the student's budget, preliminary goals and deadlines. They are also excellent at analyzing a student's existing strengths and interests and offering advice, support and suggestions for potential degree programs or fields of study.

Many state, public and community colleges or universities have an open enrollment opportunity, which eliminates the need for an application essay, or competitive acceptance requirements. They will however adhere to strict deadlines and class limits. This means that any student interested in applying should do so as early as possible to guarantee their place in the class and have access to as many enrollment opportunities as possible.

These schools will generally be at a significantly lower cost than a private college or university and can allow a student to build up their transcript at an accredited school without committing to a large amount of college debt or school loans.

For more visit our college search resource center for the most comprehensive article database we can provide, whether you're searching for the perfect college, doing a scholarship search or a career search. College is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life and it's important that you make an educated one.

Why You Should Study in Australia?

By Manjusha Nambiar

Australia is known for its brilliant academic faculties and world-class educational institutions. Every year, thousands of students from different parts of the world choose Australia as their overseas study destination. Australian universities offer a wide variety of courses from doctoral level study to vocational training and short-term courses. In your chosen field, the institutions provide you with some of the best infrastructure, academic environment and opportunities. Furthermore, you will find excellent opportunities to hone your sports, artistic and literary talents apart from your chosen field of study.

The academic environment in Australia

Australian degrees, diplomas and other awards are recognized worldwide. Australian universities are famous for exceptional facilities provided at competitive prices in a safe and friendly environment. Australian universities expect students to actively participate in the learning process. There is great emphasis on private, self-motivated study, research and analysis of data. Universities in Australia normally expect overseas students not only to have good scores in qualifying exams like GMAT and TOEFL, but also to have work experience for entry into their Master Degree Programs. In technical fields such as engineering, medicine and science, there are more hours of lectures, tutorials and practical classes where students are expected to spend more time in individual reading and research.

Australian Education System

The academic curriculum in Australian universities is scientifically planned and it caters to students from many countries. The Australian Education System has three segments: primary education, secondary education and tertiary education. Tertiary education itself has two components: Universities (Higher Education) and TAFE (Technical and Further education). TAFE is a government recognized system of vocational education and training. It is the major provider of the skills required by the Australian work force. The TAFE year runs from February to December.

What is TAFE and how is the quality of education?

The Technical and Further Education System (TAFE) in Australia was formed about 30 years ago. It is an Australia-wide system providing extensive range of education and training services. Its main stream courses are government oriented. TAFE courses are more vocationally oriented and on completion, you are ready for a job. After completion of the diplomas one can directly articulate into any university of his/her choice. Normally one-year credit is given for the TAFE diplomas.

TAFE courses are taught in modern, well-equipped colleges but some specialist courses are delivered in the workplace, in the student's home or in overseas countries.

TAFE courses provide training for: accounting, administration, advertising, banking, catering, construction, drafting, manufacturing, telecommunication, tourism, trade and many more specializations.

Admission and Visa Eligibility

For admission and visa eligibility, you will need to:

Enroll in a full time course of study

Have the minimum entry qualifications for the course

Have a good standard of English

Have good health

Be financially able to meet course and other institutional fees and living expenses.

Admission process

Once you have selected the course for your study, you will need to:

Fill the application form for the university

Send all the supporting academic records and other required documents

Send application fee if applicable (some universities charge a processing fee)

Send photocopy of passport if available, or copy of application for passport lodged.

The academic year in Australia starts in February. There are two semesters in each academic year.

Autumn: February to June (Vacations - June to July - One month)

Spring: July to November (Vacations - December to February - 2 months)

Last date for application

By end of October for autumn session

By end of May for spring session

The author is the editor or, a website that provides study abroad information and test preparation tips.

Can't Find a Job, Go Back to College! Part One

By Lauren Axelrod

The hardest fact about life is that it's unpredictable. Many times the state of our situation changes causing a down spiral of horrendous things to occur. Not only does this affect us but, it puts a strain on the ones around us.

From personal experience, I know how hard it can be when things occur that you think can not be changed. The fact is, it will only get better if you change the direction of where you are going.

Some of us, when we are 18 and graduating from High School say we'll never look back. Most students will hurry off to college and get a degree and not know where to go with it because our whole life has been spent living off our parents and not trying to hack it in the real world on our own.

Others, will bypass the entire college experience and lounge around their parents couches letting their education drift away into the mindless episodes of "Southpark" and "SpongeBob Squarepants".

I'm here to tell you that when something in your life changes like losing a business, getting fired, or even getting laid off there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

The same idea can be applied to the youth of the nation. When your 18 year old leaves school in search in search for a better world beyond college and beyond the everyday grunt work of a telemarketing cubicle job I believe they will find the light exists on a college campus.

Your greatest strengths can be explored and the experience will not only fulfill a empty whole in your life but, it will reward you handsomely.

Along my journey, I have met many professionals crossing the stepping stones of a new career. These relationships have blossomed into an online collaboration of writings, poetry, and historical pieces to not only entertain but, to educate.

You can check out my educational and informative Blog at

How to Select a Court Reporter School

By Jennifer Charleston

When considering a Court Reporting school, you should make sure the school has been approved by the National Court Reporting Association. Since NCRA is the organization that issues exams and certifications, approved schools will be sure to include the required teachings and training in their curriculum, as well as prepare you for the certification exam. You can see a list of NCRA approved schools on their website.

Another choice to make when selecting a Court Reporting school is the type of classes you wish to take. Do you need daytime classes, evening classes, or maybe you need to find a school that offers online courses or a combination of an on/off campus curriculum? What ever your scheduling requirements, you should not find it difficult to locate an educational facility that offers what you need.

Court Reporter education is provided by universities, colleges, vocational, trade and technical schools that offer in classroom and online training. There are also varying programs and degrees offered, from earning a certificate, to a bachelor degree.

So you have found a couple of schools that are NCRA certified and they fit your scheduling and program requirements. What other information do you need to know about the school? Some questions you may want to ask are:

1) Do they offer or qualify for financial aid or assistance?

2) What is the admission process?

3) How long is the program?

4) What is included in the tuition?

5) What equipment do you need to buy?

6) How do they manage the internship program?

7) What is their job placement record?

8) What theories are taught?

9) What are the requirements to graduate?

Now that you have the basic answers to your questions, go to the web and Google the school or schools. Look for blogs, forums, alumni sites, or other information that is out there and may help in your decision and comfort level with the school(s). Join a couple of the sites and ask questions, but beware of plants or paid bloggers. If the information you are getting on the school is praise beyond belief, then you may want to look for a site with more realistic information.

Want more information on court reporter careers? Learn how to become a court reporter and find out what does a court reporter do from

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why College Students Value Self Storage Units

By Kurt Kleindienst

College students are notorious for their uncanny ability to acquire vast amounts of "stuff" in their door rooms and apartments. When they move back to their parent's home for the summer or graduate into a new home, some of the belongings they have accumulated may not fit or be welcome. That is why every college student (and parents of college students!), should consider self storage as a way to ensure the safe storage of their student's stuff.

Self Storage for Students:

Looking for somewhere to store all the collegiate memorabilia you've accumulated over the year? Perhaps your parents won't appreciate or allow some of your coveted college "decorations"? Self storage provides the perfect solution. With self storage, your parents don't even have to know what sort of out-there collections you've amassed--in fact, no one does. Part of the security of self storage units is that you are the only person who has a key. So you and you alone control who has access to your belongings.

Many self storage facilities use closed-circuit video surveillance systems to monitor the comings and goings of all customers and associates. Plus, modern storage units are equipped keypad-controlled access and individual door alarms, providing additional levels of security.

For college students traveling for a semester abroad, a self storage unit provides a great alternate to moving everything back home. Simply store your items at a storage facility near campus and when you come back from traveling, you'll have everything you need to re-establish your college home. The beauty of a storage unit is it provides an excellent option to keep your things safe and secure--allowing you to travel and explore the world without worrying about whether your parents are 'helping you' get organized by throwing away a bunch of your things.

Self storage is not just for your school's summer and winter breaks, however. Many students securing jobs out-of-town after college are faced with the prospect of having to throw out many of their prized collegiate possessions because of apartment size and storage restrictions. If you cannot bear to part with your collection of memorabilia, and know that you will regret selling it when you eventually purchase a home with enough room to house it, securing your belongings in your own self storage unit is the perfect way to keep your things out of sight, but certainly not out of mind. You'll find residential storage to be a great way to remove clutter from your home.

When the summer is over, or you finally can afford that big apartment, you can pick up your things from the self storage facility and bring them home to enjoy.

Self Storage for Parents:

Your home is your haven and having a college student at home for the summer can definitely create a little chaos. Add boxes of 'school stuff' that litter his/her room or worse your prized garage, closet or attic space--and you're organized home just got a little "unlivable."

Using a self storage unit to keep these items close to school (and out of your house!) is a great way to save your own home's organization, while allowing your student to keep his/her belongings and save the effort of lugging all that stuff home! It also gives your student the opportunity to assume some responsibility. He/she will be responsible for moving in and out of the unit--and while the items are stored, he/she will be the only one with the key to his storage unit. Giving your child the responsibility to store his valuables while away at college is good 'training' as a future homeowner, as he/she learns the lesson that clutter can be remedied without having to throw away priceless memories.

Self storage is the perfect solution for both parents and college students. Self storage units provide a safe, secure, and affordable way to store every valuable belonging--even when it's that famous bottle cap collection.

Mr. Kleindienst is a self storage company executive. He works for Safeguard self storage, a self storage facility that offers various self storage units.

Saint Louis University

By Mark Bradley

Saint Louis University, also known as SLU, is a private, co-ed Jesuit university in St. Louis, Missouri. The Society of Jesus founded St. Louis University in 1818, and that makes SLU the oldest university west of the Mississippi river. Founding a University west of the Mississippi in 1818 was a huge accomplishment, considering how the US was still primarily an east coast nation at this time. The Association of Jesuit Colleges and universities made SLU one of its 28 members, and then was accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

These are basically all the dry facts, but St. Louis University is anything but dry when you take into account its stunning architecture and wonderful athletic teams. Currently 12,309 students are enrolled at SLU, and they come from all 50 states and more than 80 foreign countries, meaning that St. Louis University is the 4th biggest Jesuit University in the US. The university provides undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, and the undergraduate program is ranked 80th in the US.

Let's get to one of my favorite aspects of St. Louis University: the architecture and surrounding neighborhoods! There is some truly unique and beautiful architecture on the SLU campus, and some of the surrounding towns offer great entertainment, food and fun, not just for students, but for the residents as well.

When you take a stroll through St. Louis University, you'll often stumble across a number of interesting and smartly-designed buildings; many of them with their own unique history. Two stand out in my mind as being exceptionally beautiful; with a long and interesting history that will last for ages to come.

The Historic Samuel Cupples House is a St. Louis landmark......well, not officially. The Cupples House is far and away the most beautiful mansion on the St. Louis University campus, and if you get the chance to spend an evening on its historic patio, drinking from a fine selection of wines by the glass, you'll be a more enriched person for it!

The Cupples House is a Romanesque Revival building from the late-nineteenth century. The Romanesque style is quite interesting; refuting the more intricate and complicated style of Victorian architecture, with its winding turns, great arches, and flashy design. The Cupples House, on the contrary, is built in the style of stability, strength, and simplicity.

Venture-off through St. Louis to see a great variety of styles and masterpieces of architecture in the 19th and 20th century styles. You may find something that surprises you, like Art Deco buildings that stimulate the imagination, and even old Spanish Mission Deco buildings like the one found in Grand Center, St. Louis, designed by P.T. Barnett. With its rich Spanish style and unique feel, this building always turns heads.

Mark Bradley is a real estate historian and investor. Specializing in renovating historic architecture. For a 15 page historic report on Mark's Spanish Mission Building at 3207 Washington Ave St Louis Mo 63103 go to:

Making Sure No Child is Left Behind - Education Law Degree

By Maja Aleksic

While I do not have a law degree, working in education has allowed me to cross paths with education lawyers on numerous occasions. I found the issues they deal with on a daily basis to be both noble and challenging.

What is Education Law?

Education law deals with schools, school systems and school boards charged with educating children. It is a branch of civil law that encompasses the laws and regulations that govern federal and state education, administration and operation of educational institutions, school athletics and education programs, methods and materials.

What do Education Lawyers do?

Education lawyers work very closely with school faculty, staff, students and administration. They spend their time going over issues such as discipline, suspension, expulsion and discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex and disability. Additionally, education lawyer's deal with questions related to school attendance, authority, civil rights, dress codes, drugs, disability, home schooling, immigrant visas, medical requirements, sexual harassment, and special education rights. As you can see, the span of topics coming across the desk of an education lawyer is impressive.

Careers in Education Law

Given that the span of topic covered by this area of the law is quite broad, so are the career opportunities. With an education law degree you could represent post-secondary educational institutions and institutions of higher learning in a number of different matters. Your clients could include a number of colleges, universities as well as school districts.

While representing these education institutions you would work on issues involving discrimination, disability, financial aid, and accreditation and licensing issues facing schools, staff and teachers/professors. Additionally, you could represent individuals, parents or students as well as teachers, professor and school employees on similar issues.

Job Outlook

Education law, and the lawyers that practice it, will continue to be a part of the education system. They are a necessity tasked with ensuring that every student has a fair and equal access to education.

According to the Department of Labor Statistics, employment of lawyers is expected to grow 11% during 2006-2016, about as fast as the average for all occupations. The increased demands for legal services will result in increased job opportunities. However, due to a large number of students graduating from law school, competition for jobs is quite intense. Those with strong academic records will have the best job opportunities.

Maja Aleksic has a doctorate in education psychology and has worked for both the Arizona State Department of Education as well as a prominent Arizona High School District. For more tips and advice on choosing the best legal online degree program, courses and career opportunities go to

College Fairs - Good Reason to Stay Home

By Paul Lloyd Hemphill

I attended another college fair at a Massachusetts high school where nearly 100 colleges were in attendance. Sort of. These fairs are one-stop opportunities to see what a college has to offer, but it's really a time to pick up the school's literature and meet an admissions person.

That's all.

Unfortunately, many of these colleges didn't send their own admissions people, but instead sent people with dated perspectives: alumni with sweet but irrelevant memories for a 16-year-old who shows up to the booth. Perhaps guilty of such bad marketing were colleges like Villanova, Hamilton, Hobart & Williams, Wake Forest, and UMaine. Maybe they knew something about college fairs that made it worthwhile NOT to send their admissions people.

For this post, I submit the following observation. According to my own subjective categories, here are the colleges that impressed me the most:

Most creative and practical presentation catalog: Bridgewater State

Most influenced by a student's interest in their college (HINT: send emails, make lots of phone calls, show your face frequently to admission people): Holy Cross

Most informative catalog so you don't have to visit campus: UMaine, Orono

Most bang-for-your-buck (3 required internships): Endicott

Most worth-looking-into engineering college: Illinois Institute of Technology

Most noticeable college for creative writing: Eckerd (sunny Florida)

Most attractive for accounting and math majors: Eastern Connecticut Univ

Best packaging for college fairs: St Michael's

Most frequented booth: Northeastern

College fairs should be attended only by students (read: parents should stay home) so they can meet the admissions people. It's a way of getting a first sense of the school, but hardly enough of a sense to establish an objective opinion (read: students should stay home).

College fairs are a classic Show & Tell: Here's our fantastic catalog, you should love us because of these three hundred and sixty-seven reasons - with photos, which means you should feel soothing goosebumps about spending your parents' life-savings with us.

If you must, collect literature and free pens because that's about all you or your student are going to get out of it. I suspect 16- and 17-year-olds are more savvy than the colleges: they discovered the internet a long time ago, and they can order all the college's marketing stuff online. Plus, a student makes an impression by visiting the campus, not the fair.

That was the "inside" info I got from these admissions people...who showed up.

Paul Lloyd Hemphill specializes in designing, marketing, packaging and selling a student to a college by using the very same techniques colleges use to design, market, package ans sell their services to unsuspecting students. Visit his free video website:


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