Saturday, October 18, 2008

Always Look For a College Internship

By Violet Williams

What many college students do not understand is the value that is the internship. Not wanting to do more than they have to, college students often try to scrimp by on the bare minimum amount of work. This, unfortunately for the student, will later reflect on the now graduate's resume and eventually in their performance in the first few months to a year of their first real job.

There are many things a college internship can bring to the table for college students. Perhaps the most noticeable is a new outlook on the real world and the experience with real world situations that comes with having an internship. Internships that allow the student more responsibility are the best kind, as the student will quickly learn about business in just about any internship. This is important as the entire world runs on business and finance, regardless of the field. Having this expose to the real world through a college internship will become invaluable as the student looks for employment upon graduation.

In a job interview, possessing this knowledge and experience will reflect very favorably on the applicant/recent graduate. Interviewers and recruiters love applicants who speak with passion, knowledge and confidence in the interview. Having a college internship behind them, the applicant will be able to speak from experience, with adequate knowledge about certain subjects and project confidence that the interviewer is sure to pick up on. Employers grow tired of seeing the same, repetitive resumes and applicants and will delight in finding an applicant who can break from the mold and take a proactive approach to their lives and careers that will surely carry over into their company.

More information on College Works Painting internships for students like you in your area is just a click away.

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