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Friday, October 17, 2008

Studying History - Another Challenging Pursuit

By Naomi Lulu

Many have considered that studying History is truly one frustrating pursuit. The mere studying of History may be perceived as challenging. On a positive note, this challenge is presented in the most interesting manner. Learning one's history is more than a fact-finding method, rather, it is more of a quest on the interpretation of the past. The historical figures who once existed are simply like us - they thought, live, and had their battles as well. Historians throughout times have engaged in a quest to search and research documents and artifacts that would provide traces to the lives of people who have existed before us.

The course on History is pertinent to the study of liberal arts education. Historians believe that the past must be understood on its very own language. Historical phenomenon for one must be considered as a part of a web of interrelated culture, values ,and institutions knitted together over time. History is a discipline that is concerned with learning and understanding the changes that occur. The causes and effects of changes on different societies and cultures are the main points historians try to account. History likewise presents the endurance of the endurance of a society's tradition. They seek the underlying principle behind the multifaceted interplay between change and continuity, origin, evolutions, downfalls and progression of institutions.

History is also defined as singularly broad in scope and nature. And its study is bounded by the existing documents and artifacts compiled and obtained by the historians throughout time. Virtually, each and every subject has its very own history and can therefore be analyzed in an historical context.

People have always acknowledged that a glimpse of the past is fundamental to understand the present and predetermine the future. The interpretation of the past provides us relevant context for evaluation and studying the institutions, cultures, and politics of contemporary in nature. Understanding the configuration of these disciplines at present gives us a meaningful insight into human nature and the human civilization as a whole. This entitles us an access on the records of human achievement, failure, barbarity, cruelty and other complex , therefore recognizing ambiguity and complexity of human existence.

As a result, the study of history provides people with a substantive and richly textured for leaning the human condition wrapped with turmoil and encompasses with moral questions. In short, the study of History is truly an essential discipline to the traditional goals of the liberal arts, the quest for immeasurable wisdom and the acknowledgment of human virtue.

The article was written by Naomi Lulu a freelance content writer and SEO specialist working for If you wish to contact Naomi please visit Writing Help Blog and leave a comment.

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