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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Greatest 6 Insider Secrets You Must Know to Getting All the Money You Need For College

By Earlvin Harris

Whenever you're a college bound student, or the parent of one, make a point to understand this article, because it may well be the most significant thing you ever read! Most families wind up going through all forms of anxiety and frustration when it pertains to coming up with the money you require to pay off for college. And with serious reason. The average cost of ONE year of college straddles between $16,000 and $45,000! And, these costs are climbing by as much as 7-8% annually! It will cost anywhere from $64,000 - $180,000 for a four year education. PER student! Households dread being forced to spend their retirement savings, go deeply into debt or even broke. But, it doesn't have to be this way!

The Facts About College financing exposed!

Most families fall under the trap of college financing hell. They get all sorts of bogus information from accountants, tax advisors, guidance counselors, financial assistance offices, banks you call it. Most people hold no clue about the TRUTH of how college funding actually works! They generally fill the forms out incorrect, get crummy advice, believe they earn too much or little money, or place money in the improper places, and so forth. For example, did you know that arranging money in one place can disqualify you for financial backing, when the exact same amount of money in a similar account will help you acquire money? Or that certain tax saving strategies will shipwreck your college financing chances? Or even that you are able to get accepted at a more expensive college and actually pay less out of pocket than at a more costly school? See, there is a method that tells you:

1. Precisely what you should arrange before applying! What you should be looking at is where your student fits in the academic standing to the schools they are applying to. So if they're applying to let's say a mid range college and they belonged the top 25% of the average of applicants based on their grade point average and the SAT or ACT scores, that's a good thing. Schools favor these statistics and tend to give more money to students meeting these criteria.

2. How to apply! (Most people mess this up severely!) You will have to totally, precisely and on time, complete different forms from the Government, State, public institutions and private institutions. These forms range from college applications to pupil loans and everything in between. A lot of folks believe it's easy; but again, there's plenty of room for error. The schools consider these matters with a fine-toothed comb and you want to make certain that you do them right because again, if you don't, it's just going to get you less assistance.

3. How to select schools that will grant you the better financial deals! (Why waste time with schools that don't grant you the most money?) A few schools can contribute more money. Some schools cannot. A few schools contribute a lot of it in free money. Some schools give a lot of it in loan money. You'd better know these things before you begin applying. If you know, you could better align yourself to receive this money.

4. How to arrange your affairs to get the most money! There are many strategies in this area. One primary crucial fact to keep in mind is the difference between a "tax credit" and a "tax deduction". A tax deduction reduce your taxable income, on the other hand, tax credits reduce income tax dollar for dollar. It is always best to get a credit than a deduction when it comes to financial aid formulas.

5. Who you should listen to! (This will surprise you!) Unquestionably not the college financial aid officers. Calling for colleges to help you with financial aid or to get more money is about like calling for an IRS agent to help you get more back from taxes. It just will not happen

6. How to get money even if you don't qualify for need based aid! There are many other strategies parents with incomes over $100,000 can apply to pay for college. For example, there are certain types of loans that allow you to pay for college on tax favored basis. There are also special exams to pass out of certain college level courses. Also there are many "non-need" based awards that most colleges won't even consider you for unless you first apply for college financial support.

The bottom line is that there are numerous insider secrets to acquiring the maximum money for college, but you simply aren't going to discover them from magazine articles, school employees and counselors, accountants, etc.! This is where a specialist may come in convenient. Just as people use a tax professional to lower taxes it may be wise to employ a college funding specialist to lower your out of pocket college costs.

Let's face it. Getting a college education is crucial to make it in the world nowadays. The problem is that getting through school takes more than hitting the books and working hard. IT ALSO calls for A PILE OF DOUGH! Isn't college nerve-racking enough without adding the burden of the money issue to make it even worse? If your child is diligent and motivated enough to go to college, shouldn't they have the choice of going to the school they really want to attend? You know that's true, but for most families, this doesn't happen because of one reason and one reason alone. Not having the appropriate financing! Many families literally put on the line spending everything they have and get their child through a decent college. But, it doesn't have to be this way. All you need is one simple tool at your disposal: The Right Knowledge! If you understand how the college funding system actually works, the odds are very high that your son or daughter can attend the best school for them and not cast you in the poor house!

For parents, it is a must to know how the funding system works, what alternatives you have available to get money...and how to acquire more money for college than you imagined conceivable!

Earlvin Harris is a well respected wealth coach, author, speaker, entrepreneur and teacher. Mr. Harris' report "9 Highly Guarded Secrets to Getting the Maximum Money for College and Avoid Going Broke - REVEALED" can be received FREE. Email him at or visit his website at

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