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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Professors - Using a Tickler (1 - 31) File

By Meggin McIntosh

There are many things I could live without....a tickler file is not one of them (at least if I intend to continue being productive).

The "tickler" or 1-31 file has been around for many years. The numbers 1 - 31 correspond, obviously, to the days of the month and the items you place in this file are meant to "tickle" your brain into doing something with those items. Here are ten ideas for using your tickler file for enhanced peaceful productivity.

  1. Get or prepare a tickler file. You can use 31 manilla (or other color) folders labeled with their corresponding numbers, 31 hanging folders labeled with their corresponding numbers, or an accordion file with 31 slots that are already labeled. Note: Have a tickler file for your home as well as your workplace.

  2. Put your tickler file where it is easily accessible from your main desk or workstation. It it's not close by, you are unlikely to use it. Have it within reach.

  3. When you are processing your physical in-box and you determine that an item needs to be handled on a certain day, drop that item or a reminder piece of paper into that day's slot or folder. If the item is very small, staple or tape it to a larger piece of paper. You might drop in a note about a phone call you need to make on a certain day, e-tickets you need, or the deadline for a particular offer that you want to take advantage of, etc. Anything that is day-specific should be placed in the corresponding day's folder.

  4. Get in the habit of putting agendas, plane tickets, hotel confirmations, etc. into the day's numbered slot or folder on which you will need them. You won't believe the peace you'll feel when you can find everything you need--on the day you need it!

  5. If you prefer not to mail in your bill payments sooner than necessary, put bills in your home or office tickler file on the day they should be mailed. Obviously, you have to remember to check the tickler file daily. This is why you need to have a tickler file at home and not just at the university.

  6. If you prepare birthday, anniversary, or other holiday cards at the beginning of the month, drop them into the slot for the day you want to mail them. Friends, family, and colleagues will be impressed with your care and timeliness.

  7. If you are going to be out of town for a day or more, then go through the upcoming folders or slots to ensure that you have everything you need while you're out of town. It's helps to take folders with you marked with the days as you're traveling. you continue to have what you need, when you need it.

  8. If you find that you cannot come into the office, call someone, ask him/her to pull everything out of the day's slot and go through it with you. You will be able to tell your secretary, grad assistant, or colleague what needs to be handled and what can wait until your return.

  9. Special note to teaching faculty: Put a note about where the tests or other learning activities you need to take to class with you are located. This way, you'll grab what you need to take to your class.

  10. Check your tickler file as the last act of every day or as the first act of every morning. Once this becomes a habit, you'll wonder what you ever did without a 1-31 file.
Note: Some items need to be handled in upcoming months, not in the current month, so you will need to have January - December files as well. Be sure to have those folders prepared, as well.

Keep moving forward on your goals for more peaceful productivity. Join others (worldwide) who receive Meggin's weekly emails (and see what is available for download at no cost at the following websites):

**Top Ten Productivity Tips

**Keys to Keeping Chaos at Bay

(c) 2008 by Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D., "The Productivity Professor"(tm). Through her company, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., Meggin McIntosh changes what people know, feel, dream, and do. Sound interesting? It is!

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