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Sunday, September 7, 2008

How to Choose a University Abroad

By Devanshi Kothari

Since it is your future at stake, adopt a meticulous approach when selecting a university abroad. If you follow the step-by-step plan mentioned below, selecting the most suitable university for your study abroad will not be all that difficult. First, remember that the best college for you may not be the most popular/highly ranked, but one that offers your field of study and meets criteria important to you (such as financial aid, duration, etc.).

Step 1 - Self Evaluation

Do a thorough self-evaluation and short list around 50 universities.

This involves-

Motivation behind pursuing education abroad- is it academic inclination/job possibilities/personal interest/specialization etc.

Realistic evaluation of professional and academic background- academic record (important in shortlisting universities by rank)/dedication/handling peer pressure/research or work experience in your field/certificates for extra-curricular activities.

Clear perspective of academic inclination- absolute surety of courses you want to follow

Clear picture about funding- Education abroad is expensive. Apart from the tuition fees various costs such as living, transportation, health insurance etc. are involved. In your case is it sponsorship/self-finance/ university funding etc.

Step 2 - Details of universities

Once through with self-evaluation, your focus must shift to acquiring hard-core details about the short-listed universities for your higher education. The broad areas you should get details on are

    * Specialization or programs offered and their duration * Ranking and faculty of the university * Approximate cost - tuition and other fees, accommodation, commuting, insurance* etc. * Entrance and academic eligibilities, tests required, accreditation status * Percentage of international students and their work experience * Other facilities and extra curricular * On the basis of these criteria short list roughly 25 to 30 universities.

Step 3 - Application

Next comes the application stage. On receiving application forms look into requirements such as minimum score of standardized exams, application deadlines, recommendation letters and other such relevant details. Compare this information with your criteria and segregate the universities in three categories

    * Those that meet your requirements * Those that do not meet your requirements and * Those that do not fall completely into either categories.

By logic, eliminate the universities in the second category. Further review the universities in the third category on the basis of ranking, research facilities, financial aid availability, admission requirements, program objectives and the approach adopted, location and student profile. By the end of this stage, you should have short-listed 7-10 (maximum 15) universities, in which you intend to apply.

Universities generally inform well in advance (from the commencement of the term) about their admission decisions. In case you have received more than one acceptance, prioritize on the basis of program (curriculum, duration, research facility etc.), reputation, costs and financial aid, best suited to your personal and professional requirements.

In case of a wait list in your first choice university and admission in second/other- pay the deposit and accept the offer to be on the safe side. At the same time accept to stay on the waiting list of the first choice university.

Exhaustive research on each university is essential to make the correct choice. It is time consuming, but never compromise on that.

* To get detailed insurance requirement information of over 500 international universities worldwide, click here

This article is written as a part of the online initiative of ICICI Lombard GIC, India, to create awareness and provide information to all Indian students going abroad for higher studies. Also visit Indian Student Online blog - for more articles and tips.

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