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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mature Students Going Back to College - Seven Hazards You Should Know

By Brie Hart

As a mature student going back to college, you've probably picked out your college of choice, gotten your financial aid forms in order and prepared yourself for the many sleepless nights ahead. But surely, there are some things that you hadn't thought about. Here are seven hazards you should know before going back to college.

1. College is not a promise land where thieving crooks are dead bolted out, so college safety is a concern. Crooks are everywhere, even in college. So never leave your valuable belongings unattended in a classroom. This goes for books too. Books are pricey. A thief could get a fair price for those, especially $100 textbooks.

2. Fire drills are nearly nonexistent at some colleges, so you'll need to devise a plan of your own. During the first week of class, plan your escape. Seek exit routes for each one of your classes and do this every semester. If you're a disabled student, especially in a wheel chair, find out the college's plan of attack if a fire or other hazard breaks out. In a fire, elevators will be of no use, and highly discouraged because a power failure could occur. If your class is on the top floor, you don't want to count on the kindness of your fellow students to carry you down several flights of stairs.

3. Cleanliness - College bathrooms can be downright creepy. Lack of funds or a lack of respect for students could possibly be contributing factors. Bring along your own anti-bacterial wipes and keep a stash of toilet paper in your bag. The bathroom situation could get sticky.

4. Drugs? Noooo! - Drugs are on college campuses too. Yes, most schools know about them, although they'll deny it to the bloody-gore finish. When I went back to college, the kids simply did them out in the open, unafraid of the security cameras posted everywhere.

5. Heating, Cooling & Ventilation in College - Some colleges don't have air conditioning. To them, this minor luxury is glorious because true learning can be taught under any circumstances. Mind you, so can heat prostration, otherwise known as a heat stroke! Heating is not usually a problem, but ventilation can be a tall order in some classrooms. For allergy sufferers, now is the time to get that allergy shot or stock up on over-the-counter medications.

6. School Desks and Chairs - Most of the desks in a college classroom are built for right-handed people, because right-handed people still rule the world. So lefties, like me, are crap out of luck. Lefties will have to continue to stretch their postures.

7. Crayon-colored plastic chairs also dominate the classroom. Remember those? They're still hard and they're still colorful. Things won't be looking on the brighter side of the day when your arthritis kicks in, so be sure to keep pain medication in your bag.

-- Brie Hart is the founder and editor-in-chief of the web magazine, - The Ultimate Resource Guide for Nontraditional Students.

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