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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is it Worth the Time and Money to Get an Associate Degree From Any School?

By Andy West

There is no doubt that employers' attitudes regarding an associate degree are changing, but there is still a fair amount of prejudice to overcome. For example, in a recent survey, just over a quarter of employers saw an associate degree earned online or in a regular classroom as a credible academic credential. The vast majority, 61 percent of those polled, viewed an online associate degree as somewhat less valuable than one earned through physically attending a college or university, but still credible.

However, a sizable proportion of the employers who responded to the survey, 13 percent, stated that they found online associate degrees not especially credible and this perception needs to change. The current opinion by these employers is certainly something to consider if you're already enrolled in an online degree program. It is convenient and affordable to take classes online and do the work on your own schedule, but many employers don't give as much credit to online associate's degrees.

This being said, the popularity of online studies has increased dramatically over recent years and this "old-school" attitude from many employers is bound to change and change quickly. Even some of the most prestigious physical campuses in the country are increasing their online courses to meet the needs of their current and future students. So, if these Universities are embracing online degree programs, surely employers will change their tune.

Getting an online associate's degree in business or some other subject can be a good way to open doors for your future employment. When it comes to more advanced degrees, it is important to choose very carefully when one is evaluating schools to take online courses. Choosing an online school that is considered a diploma mill can hurt your employment prospects but more importantly, hurt the quality of your education in general. Remember that your main thrust in getting an online associate's degree or some other degree should be based on what you will learn. The tools you will use to get a good job and then prove your worth to your employer are extremely important. It isn't just about the piece of paper stating you have a diploma. This is why much research is needed to find the best online school possible.

Check out and evaluate your online educational options with patience and thoroughness. Don't allow yourself to be swayed by a sales pitch or a slick-looking website. If you can, get in touch with people who've actually received their degrees from the institution you are considering. Apply only to academically accredited institutions.

Once you've gotten your associate degree, there's something else to consider about an online degree. Many universities will accept the credits you've earned, but if there are only a limited number of spots available for certain programs, they may weigh your academic credentials differently than they would from another institution. This stereotypical process is changing each year as online programs gain more credibility and weight. However it is another factor you must weigh when you decide to get your associate degree online. You have to balance speed, affordability and convenience with the possibility that your hard earned associate's degree may have unexpected hurdles when transferring to a university.

Andy West is a writer for which offers the most informative and up to date information for people searching for an associate degree online.

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