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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Online Human Growth and Development College Courses

By Robert Grazian

In recent years, education and technology have merged to make higher education, such as diploma and degree programs, accessible and convenient. For many potential students, traditional day classes were not feasible. With the advent of online colleges and universities, tradition has been broken. There are many online colleges and universities from which to choose, each offering a variety of degrees and programs. Traditional colleges and universities are also utilizing online classes for many of their course offerings. One of the many courses available via the internet is Human Growth and Development. Online Human Growth and Development college courses are offered by both online and traditional colleges and universities. Even though online courses are not held in the usual classroom setting, time, effort, and organization are required to do well in online classes.

In general, those in the fields of Psychology or Social and Behavioral Sciences take Human Growth and Development college courses. For most online Human Growth and Development college courses the only prerequisite is that the student is able to read and write on a level that is appropriate for college coursework.

Online Human Growth and Development college courses range anywhere from 6 weeks to 15 weeks. In most cases, students have access to the entire course syllabus at the beginning of the class. Therefore, students may begin and complete their coursework ahead of schedule. Online Human Growth and Development college courses may vary in coursework and structure based on the educational institution. Generally, all coursework is turned into the professor via e-mail, and weekly contact with the professor, again via e-mail, is expected.

Examples of Coursework
• Weekly quizzes
• Participation in discussion topics
• Topical Questions
• Practice tests and Multiple-choice tests
• Essay paper
• Midterm and Final Exam

Online Human Growth and Development college courses have similar objectives to those of their traditional counterparts. Through these courses, students attempt to gain understanding of human development over the life span, which has three major developmental stages: child, adolescent and adult.

Objectives include, but are not limited to:

1. the ability of student to describe development;
2. the ability of the student to analyze development based on theories of development;
3. for the student to learn and utilize developmental concepts.

To meet these objectives, courses may require textbooks, videos, and visits to campus. The methods used in online college courses to determine attendance, participation and overall grade differs from those of traditional classroom courses. Attendance for an online class may be determined by correspondence, which includes e-mail and online participation of discussion topics rather than actual classroom attendance. Similar to traditional classroom college courses, lack of participation can lead to a failing grade. To take any online college course, a student should: 1. be proficient in using a computer; 2. have the ability to navigate the internet; 3. be proficient in using e-mail; 4. be familiar with word processing software; and 5. in most cases, be familiar with WebCT.

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about college courses visit Online College Today for current articles and discussions.

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