Monday, October 6, 2008

Avoiding Theft As a College Student

By Tom Tessin

Every college student suffers from spending their hard earned money on tuition, textbooks, and their regular bills. There is nothing more frustrating and upsetting than see your stuff get stolen at school. Often students don't attend college because of the prices. Also some students that do attend will do anything to be able to pay for it, even if it means stealing your belongings. It is very common for students to get their stuff stolen from others at school. To avoid getting your stuff taken try to consider some of these ways:

Lock it up - Be sure to always lock your vehicle at campus. No matter where you're at, how many people are around and what time it is, always lock your car. If someone sees that your car is unlocked they may be temped to go snooping through your car and try to take some of your things.

Never keep your windows down - Also, you never want to have your windows rolled down. It is very easy for someone to break into your vehicle. Once they're in, they're in. Who knows what they may take from you. If no one is in the area, what is keeping them from doing it?

Hide your stuff - Be sure to keep your things hidden. You don't ever want to tempt someone by letting your stuff sit out in the open. Be sure to keep your things under the seats, in the glove box and anywhere out of site. Students often get their Ipods, books, purses and much more stolen due to keeping their stuff out.

Avoid expensive items - Try to avoid bringing expensive things to school. Don't bring anything that isn't school related, you're only asking for someone to take your belongings. Students like to bring their Ipods, expensive phones and all their other luxurious items to school to use in class and in between classes. I say if you can't use it in class, don't bring it.

Always hold onto your backpack - It sounds silly but it is something you should definitely do. Other students like to steal other peoples books. Why? Textbooks can be worth a lot of money. If they are capable of selling them online, that is just like you handing cash to them. Remember how much you paid for your books? They are very expensive, so make sure you hold on to them.

There are many things college students can do to avoid theft. Although it isn't something that may happen everyday, it does happen. You don't want to be the one who gets their stuff stolen so be sure to look out for your belongings and avoid loosing your money to theives. Just keep in mind that some students may be doing everything they can do afford college even if it means stealing. If you follow some of these tips listed above consider yourself one step ahead of everyone else. These will keep your from theft and save you money!

Tom Tessin is an author for that is geared toward students looking for a student credit card

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