Monday, October 6, 2008

Getting the Grades You Want in College

By Tom Tessin

There is nothing worse than having the feeling that you're going to fail a college exam that is coming up. College students have a lot of stress and a lot of work to do to maintain good grades in college. College is definitely a huge challenge and is something that you need to take seriously. If you want to get an A on an exam you will need to work hard and give it all you got. For some tips on getting the grade you want on your college exam consider some of these tips below:

Don't wait until the last minute - This goes to all tests, quizzes, and exams. You never want to wait until the last minute to study. Instead, you want to study for about 30-45 minutes everyday from the day you find out when the exam is. You should start studying no later than a week and a half for sure. If you wait until the last minute not only will you get a bad grade most likely but you will also stress yourself out making the situation even worse.

Have a study partner - Get together with someone from class and study. Go to the local café, coffee shop or library and crack out the books. Having a study buddy is one of the best things you can have to get a good grade on your exam. You can learn a lot of useful information from your study buddy and they can do the same from you. They may know things you don't and vise versa.

Take good notes - College professors don't stand up there and lecture for nothing. They want to give you as much information as they can. Take good notes in college! Taking good notes will be one of the most helpful things you can have when it comes to studying for an exam. Professors test you on their lectures and assignments so make sure your notes are clear and to the point.

Go over your papers - Bring out all your papers from the class and study them. Mostly try and study your quizzes and tests from the past. Professors often like to take bits and pieces of stuff off the tests they've already given you. This makes coming up with an exam easier for them and for you, so take advantage of your old papers.

Read the chapter reviews - Reading the chapter reviews is a great way to study. Chapter reviews sum up the whole chapter and stress the important parts of the chapter. You want to make sure you understand everything from the chapter review, and if not go re-read that part in the chapter. Chapter reviews are there to help you so take advantage of them!

Talk to your professor - Don't be afraid to ask your professor questions! Try and ask them what the exam will most likely be on. They are there to help you not to try and fail you. Ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable about knowing the material.

Studying for an exam can be very stressful, but studying the right way can remove a lot of stress. Be sure to allow yourself enough time to study, study from the right material, ask your professor plenty of questions and get with someone to study. If you follow these few tips you will be on your way to getting an excellent exam grade.

Tom Tessin is an author for that is geared toward students looking for credit cards for students

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