Thursday, October 16, 2008

Do Well in College Classes by Gaining a Competitive Advantage

By Devin Collier

Many people wonder how students in college classes consistently achieve high marks in nearly any subject they take. My experience in college has led me to believe that getting good grades in college classes is more related to competitive advantage over other students and not by sheer luck or intellect.

How do you gain a competitive advantage in college? To do so, think of how businesses compete in the marketplace. When one business thinks of an innovative process to reduce costs and gain market share, most competitors seek to compete by imitating the original business behavior. When everyone is using the innovative process, no one has a competitive advantage over the other. College is similar in the sense that if you want to do well, think of a way to innovate and gain a competitive advantage over other students.

Here are a few simple examples in which you can gain an advantage from other students:

1. The use of a computer effectively can really help you organize the class. Does the teacher appreciate typed vs written assignments? Can you use online calendars to help organize deadlines?

2. Use a different style of study material like flash cards. Change the way you study simple concepts involving vocabulary. Try including pictures, unique phrases, or any other innovative approach to learn the class's material.

3. Try using technology in new ways. For example, you can put study materials on your phone or other portable device. Utilize online resources and social networking sites for help and advice.

There are many ways to innovate in the classroom that can really make a difference with your grades. If the class has a curve with tests and assignments, then this concept really makes a difference. You don't have to achieve a perfect score on every item in the class; it just needs to be higher than most students. This means that a student does not need to be better than everyone in the college, just those students in the class.

Devin Collier is a graduate student attending Brigham Young University. He maintains a blog about BYU Campus secrets and has a technology blog with reviews, tips, and tricks about the latest technology.

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