Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Financial Planning For College

By Amanda Suryan

Distance learning is one of the cheapest ways a person can earn a college degree. Let me share with you some things to keep in mind when preparing for your children's college education.

Even if you do decide to take the less expensive route of distance learning, the most important step you can take is to study what the Lord says about money in the Bible. Usually there are three main categories that a family's income will fall into: spending, savings, and tithes. God's Word has something to say about each of those categories. If we want to be wise about money period (let alone saving money for a college education), we should each seek to understand God's will for us personally regarding the funds He provides us. No two families are in the same boat, so this is something every one of us should to do. I can't do it for you, and you can't do it for me. But you can get help. Crown Financial Ministries has some excellent resources on what the Bible says about money, and I'd encourage you to check them out. That's just one example. I'm sure there are many more out there.

Another important point is to be open with your family members about who is paying for what. Are Mom and Dad going to cover everything or will your child be expected to help out? If the student will be financing a portion (or all) of his education, make sure he or she knows at least rough figures. That will involve some research, but it will be well worth it. Trust me when I tell you that this step will save a lot of stress! Money is one of the main issues that families have disagreements about. Usually all it takes to bring peace to everyone is a little research and communication.

When I was earning my degree through accelerated distance learning, there were some unexpected and heavy costs that I thought my parents were going to cover, but didn't. My measly bank account took a beating. That's how I know communication is so important. It will save your child from stress and possible bitterness against you. Lay everything out in the open!

Something else to think about is whether or not your child will be working at a job outside the home while he is earning his degree. All throughout my college experience, I worked part-time. With distance learning, my job was easy to fit in around my study schedule, so it worked well for me. Plus it was a good way for me to save up money for those unexpected expenses. Your family, on the other hand, may decide that you want all of your child's attention focused on his schoolwork. That's something you'll have to decide as a family.

I hope that I've given you some ideas that will be helpful to you as you plan for the future education of your children. May God bless you as you seek His will for your family in all things.

Crown Financial Ministries:

Amanda Suryan is an expert on accelerated distance learning. She has an amazing mini-course called, "Five Reasons Why You Should Consider Becoming a Distance Learner!" To claim your FREE copy, visit:

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