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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Want to Work For That Huge Payday? Get an MBA Now!

By Otto Kreistler

These days, everybody just wants it all! The fastest cars, the priciest clothes, houses on the highest hills, the highest pay-these are the marks of success that many people strive for today. Many would claim that more simple or spiritual rewards are always better, but the fact remains that these things are usually markers that you have indeed made it to the top of the mountain.

And what can usually get you there? There are few avenues more lucrative than the field of business when it comes to making a profit and hitting it big. But usually a good instinct and great business sense alone do not make you a leader in the field. What you need is the expertise, experience, and scientifically-based knowledge that will give you the know-how to be competitive in the shark pool. And what else other than an MBA degree can give you such an expertise?

But getting into a top business school for your MBA is no joke. It is a process that involves several steps and should not be taken lightly. So if you want your day in the spotlight to begin with earning your MBA degree, these are just a few of the things you'll be needing to put yourself in the driver's seat and start taking control of your life:

- The Application Form: This is the most basic requirement you'll be needing when applying for a postgraduate degree like an MBA. It contains a lot of the basic information that schools need to help them determine what kind of graduate student you will become once enrolled in their program. For optimum results, you should produce more than one copy of this, in case of errors. Be sure to be honest when it comes to all of the information you're writing down and be mindful of deadlines!

- Curriculum Vitae: Your application form may say a lot of things about you but it doesn't exactly say all the things the top business schools need to know. An updated curriculum vitae serves as proof of all the things that you wrote down on your application form. It is a record of your work history, skills and professional accomplishments.

- Application Essay: This piece not only gives your admissions panel a hint of how good your communication and writing skills are, but also allows them an in depth look at what your intentions are in applying for the graduate program and how you plan to go about the next two years. Emphasize strengths but be honest about weaknesses as well.

- Recommendation Letter: Just to prove that all of the information you included within your form and CV are accurate, recommendation letters stand as the testimony of your peers and superiors to your skills, potentials and achievements. So be sure to always be courteous and to keep your recommender's schedule in mind.

These are the most important but only a few of the total requirements you'll be needing for your entry into the MBA program. If you want to learn more about how to secure that slot that takes you to the top, just visit:

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