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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why Do Dissertations Need Proofreading?

By Nick Sanders

No doubt you have taken a long time to plan, research and write your dissertation topic. You will have probably missed out on family dinners, nights out with friends, and stayed up until the early hours of the morning trying to finish sections of your dissertation. You will have worked hard, exhausting every opportunity to excel and add as much detail and understanding to your work as you can.

The big question now is: are you sure every little mistakes has been ironed out? Does your work flow and is your content concise and breeds clarity? Is the tone of your paper on the right track, and have you check your spelling and grammar is correct? If you're unsure about these then you are going to want to get your work proofread.

Dissertation proofreading, no matter how it is completed, whether by a friend or by a company, should always be done by someone else other than you. Remember from the above that you will no doubt have spent a lot of time on researching and writing the paper? Well, you are going to be too close to the paper to effectively proofread and edit your own work - you will just not see the mistakes that are there.

Your mind will play tricks and you will read sentences as being correct, when they are not. No doubt you will have read over your research paper numerous times, making sure that what you are saying is correct, and the style, flow, and tone of your writing is as clear as you want it to be. Because of this, you will become blind to most mistakes in your work; some of these are minor, but many of them will be major points that you just did not notice.

When you are choosing a proofreader to proofread and edit your document, you should look at the company or individual in regard to their experience. This is through whether they have experience editing and proofreading dissertations, and if they have experience in your field of research. Your main aim when choosing a proofreader will be to make sure they will not only check for spelling and grammatical errors, but also that they are checking your work for consistency, clarity, tone and structure of argument.

If you are an international student studying in the UK, and feel that you need a little more than proofreading, then you should have your work edited too. Proofreading is a process of 'finally polishing' your work before you submit it, whereas editing takes this process one step further by changing parts of sentences and different phrases to ensure that the clarity and tone of your paper is the utmost, and that you will gain the best mark available. Having your document edited does not mean that the editor will write your document for you, or change huge chunks of your writing, rather, they will adapt your sentences to be grammatically correct and influence consistency in your work.

Nick Sanders is the owner and founder of, a dissertation proofreading services company, specialising in editing and proofreading services. You should visit them if you are looking for dissertation editing proofreading.

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