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Friday, October 10, 2008

College Life - Then and Now

By John W. Hall

College students now have the ability to check grades online. I remember when I had to walk to the classroom or auditorium and wait for the Professor to post our grades outside of the room on the door or on the wall. Some of my Professors posted grades outside of their office. Making that long walk on campus during the winter semester was treacherous. Now the students have the luxury of pulling this kind of information up on the internet.

I remember having select days and times, using the first alphabet in your last name system, to have to go to the administration office and register for classes. The lines at these administration offices were sometimes very long and the wait could be a few hours. Now kids can register for classes online with no wait at all.

How about the computer lab? I remember having to sign up to get into the computer lab to complete a paper or project. It was virtually impossible to get a computer during the day in the lab without having to stand in a line. Kids today all have personal computers and laptops.

It was a privilege and luxury to have owned a cell phone in college. Pagers were the big thing back then and not many students had them either because the pager service carriers servicing range only covered certain areas. Being out of service range meant only the difference of 50 or 60 miles. Keep in mind I'm referencing the early 90's.

Cell phones then were not as high tech as they are today. We can now access the internet, send emails, text message, watch streaming video, create and view spreadsheets, view presentations, and etc.

The life of today's college student has been made so much easier with the advance in technology. Kids today should be able to appreciate the college experience and take full advantage of the technology today to enjoy the experience.

John Hall - Graduate of Old Dominion University '96.
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