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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Game Designer Education - The Facts

By Jennifer Charleston

If you want to become a game designer then you will need to gain the appropriate education. While some game designers have gained stable employment by simply showing their portfolio, this situation is becoming increasingly rare. Nowadays employers want to see where and what you have studied. Of course, they will also want to see your portfolio which means working on games in your spare time or as study projects is the best way to present yourself to an employer. Most good game design schools now incorporate work experience into their courses and as such you will leave school with real world practical experience as well as the knowledge learned at school or college.

Where to Get a Game Design Education

More and more game design schools are popping up around the n so knowing which to choose can be difficult. Some of the better schools and colleges include:

International Academy of Design and Technology

The Art Institute Online

Full Sail University

Westwood College Online

Ex'pression College for Digital Arts


Savannah College of Art and Design

Johns Hopkins University

Pratt Institute

Animation Mentor

AGA Digital Studios, Inc.

University of Texas at Dallas Arts and Technology

ITT Technical Institute

Digital Media Arts College

Collins College

The above colleges, universities and schools focus on game design and development in specific courses dedicated to the subject.

The Collins College has a Visual Arts degree program where students can major in Game Art. It also involves game audio and project management and uses tools like 3D Studio Max and 3D Modeling. They have top class facilities like computer labs, animation labs and video labs. The degree takes about 2.5 years to complete full time and upon completion, will allow you to search for work as a Game Designer.

The Savannah College of Art and Design is located in Savannah, GA and was ranked by 3D World magazine as one of the top 3 animation schools in the USA. They train students using a wide range of tools including After Effects, Anime Studio, Pixar Renderman, Flash and more.

Computer game design is a growing industry and as such more and more skilled people are required to fill positions. Computer and console games are becoming more complex as time goes by so by improving your skills and gaining employment at reputable gaming development companies will ensure that you are in a great position to make a career out of this exciting work.

Want more information on game design careers? Learn about online game design certification and job training for video game designer tips from

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